
Gnosis 07: Alex Rivera - The Sun Lady Unveiled, Baphomet and Gnostic Revelation

Gnosis 07: Alex Rivera – The Sun Lady Unveiled, Baphomet and Gnostic Revelation

#GnosisPodcast Alexander Rivera is the author of several books including: The Sun Lady Unveiled and co-author of Baphomet – The Temple Mystery Unveiled w/ the late great Tracy Twyman. In this episode we discuss all things Gnosis, questions raised include: Who were the Ophite Gnostics? Who were the Orphite Gnostics? Is YHVH good or evil and what of the Demiurge? […]

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Gnosis 05:  William Ramsey - Exposing the Global Death Cult

Gnosis 05: William Ramsey – Exposing the Global Death Cult

Do the numbers and dates of the events of September 11th, 2001 terror attacks have a secret meaning? Why are the numbers 11, 77, 93 and 175 extremely significant in understanding the most important event in the New Millenium? Who was Aleister Crowley and why is he important in understanding the ritualized event of 9/11?Find the answers to these questions in the riveting book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order. Author and researcher William Ramsey reveals the occult connections to the September 11th event, explaining in detail how the writings and ideas of Aleister Crowley influenced the earth shattering 9/11 terror attacks. This book is for the reader interested in the occult influence upon September 11th, 2001, or who wants a deeper understanding of the Western occult tradition. This book traces the life and work of Aleister Crowley and clearly indentifies the relationship of the self-styled “Prophet of the New Age” to the terror event of 9/11.

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Ancient Egypt, Scotland, Media, Pyramids........And Your Slavery - Jason Christoff

Ancient Egypt, Scotland, Media, Pyramids……..And Your Slavery – Jason Christoff

Ancient Egypt, Scotland, Media, Pyramids……..And Your Slavery
The main video is of a pyramid in Scotland. It’s a newer pyramid on something called The Balmoral Estate……but there’s more to this story. Scotland was named after a woman named Scota and that she was the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh.

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Gnosis 04: Robert Forte - MKULTRA,  Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

Gnosis 04: Robert Forte – MKULTRA, Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

The history of religion contains the entire spectrum of human experience, including the most beneficent concepts and experience of enlightenment, God, universal intelligence, and so on. It also includes the most malefic realms of humanity: occult mind control, subjugation of populations, exploitation of our good nature, rationales for genocide, war, human sacrifice, and other perversions. The history of psychedelics is no different.”

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Gnosis 03: Tino Sanchez - NPC Sheep, Celebrity Cunts & Telling Jokes in the Woke Matrix

Gnosis 03: Tino Sanchez – NPC Sheep, Celebrity Cunts & Telling Jokes in the Woke Matrix

Today’s honored guest is Tino Sanchez. Tino is a stand up comedian, brazilian jiu jitsu blackbelt, professional dj and founder of the non-profit rescue for pit bulls,

Tino reminds me of some of my favorite comics growing up, legends like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Patrice O’neal and others who, while championing freedom of speech, were able to empower their audiences to question authority, think for themselves
& point out the hypocrisy of those devils who cannot stand to be mocked.

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Forgotten Dreams of Atlantis

Forgotten Dreams of Atlantis

According to the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a sea-faring empire situated on an island with colonies on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. About 9,000 years before the time of Plato, Atlantis allegedly attempted to conquer the whole of the Mediterranean world but was defeated by the Athenians and their allies before falling victim to cataclysms that ended the […]

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CryptoBeast #25 - The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley

CryptoBeast #25 – The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley

In today’s post-truth world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fiction, alternate truth, fake news, and grossly-oversimplified, wildly-exaggerated conspiracy theories in which cryptocratic power structures and shadowy elites rule our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world? […]

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Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill - The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah joins Gnosis to discuss the creation of Theosophy via British Freemasonry; the funding of the proto-Zionist movement via Brown Brothers Harriman the fashioning and training of Adolph Hitler by his handler Dietrich Eckhart and the ‘spiritual’ inspiration he received from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”. Learn how Theodor Herzl the “spiritual father of zionism” was nothing more than a cut-out or lifetime actor , dancing to the tune of the first Jewish British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How Madame Blavatsky performed a similar role for Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, recruited by him to play the inspired mystic whose ‘miraculous’ adventures into occult knowledge and initiation became the foundation for the crypto-masonic brotherhood offshoot Theosophy. See how the “elite” parasites of the new world order designed and implemented their sickening agenda of global genocide by manufacturing World War Two, a war which at a minimum caused over 80 million deaths (with estimates as high as 250 million), culminating in the fiery holocaust of humanity caught up in their satanic blood letting. If you want to understand the world we live in, you must cut away the mystification and propaganda of the “ascended masters” and see true the catastrophic effects on humanity of the hidden hand of history.

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Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge - Tracy R Twyman

Money Grows on the Tree of Knowledge – Tracy R Twyman

Part 1 deals with the connection between the dollar sign, alchemy, the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and the arms of the House of Habsburg.

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David Livingstone - Kabbalah, Mystery Religions, World Conspiracy

David Livingstone – Kabbalah, Mystery Religions, World Conspiracy

Definition of gnosis : esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation. “Gnostics are first and foremost heretics, always rebelling against an ossified status quo. Gnostics are also mystics, individualists, philosophers, artists, shamans, mythologists and visionaries.” – Adrian Charles Smith Via In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior, I interview author and […]

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Modern Archons (Best Kept Secret)

Modern Archons (Best Kept Secret)

Always a good time to take that combo of Black and White Pills when it comes to Archon manifestations in our modern times. It’s an electric doubleheader.

First, we were joined by filmmaker and artist Sean Stone to discuss his penetrating documentary series, Best Kept Secret. From that Wickedness in High Places to technocrat machinations, Sean exposed dark suppressive forces while offering liberating solutions to our spirits.

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70% Off Sale!  Gnosis Fundraiser! Help Us Preserve Freedom of Speech!

70% Off Sale! Gnosis Fundraiser! Help Us Preserve Freedom of Speech!

Help this independent media outlet continue to present the ideas that the mainstream would prefer be memory-holed. Please consider subscribing, following us on social media, sharing or making a purchase in our online store. Gnosis – Not for the faint of heart, nor weak of stomach. We put the AK back in your chAKrah points. Preview of next Gnosis episode: […]

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Gnosis 02: Preview w/ Joseph Atwill - Revealing the Freemasonic Roots of WW2

Gnosis 02: Preview w/ Joseph Atwill – Revealing the Freemasonic Roots of WW2

Definition of gnosis : esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation. “Gnostics are first and foremost heretics, always rebelling against an ossified status quo. Gnostics are also mystics, individualists, philosophers, artists, shamans, mythologists and visionaries.” – Adrian Charles Smith Related Media How the Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry The People […]

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Secrets of Esoteric Christianity - ROBERT SEPEHR

Secrets of Esoteric Christianity – ROBERT SEPEHR

Esoteric Christianity is an approach to Christianity which features “secret traditions” that require an initiation to learn or understand. The term esoteric derives from a Greek word meaning “inner”, closely related to Gnosticism, and survives in a few modern churches and occult organizations.

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Uncompromised Talk with Joe Atwill and Ron Renaud

Uncompromised Talk with Joe Atwill and Ron Renaud

Do you want to know where the Christian Gospel comes from? For 2000 years this has been one of the world’s great mysteries. Joe Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah, posits an absolutely stunning answer. Enjoy this fascinating conversation that’s jammed with shocking revelations (no pun intended). The name of the game —politically, for tyrant or oligarchy, that wants to subdue and control a population, is creating and maintaining a sense of legitimacy. Wait until you see how Rome, 2000 years ago did it.

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Demon Talk – Tracy Twyman: Tracy R. Twyman writes about esoteric history.

Demon Talk – Tracy Twyman: Tracy R. Twyman writes about esoteric history.

Tracy R. Twyman writes about esoteric history. On this show, she reveals that she communicates with demons to gain insight into the world’s problems. I wanted to know how this began and what it is like to talk with these entities from Hell and find out…

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EXTENDED! Gnosis Podcast Fundraiser Sale - Save up to 75%  Sale Ends 4/4/22!

EXTENDED! Gnosis Podcast Fundraiser Sale – Save up to 75% Sale Ends 4/4/22!

Sale Ends 4/4/22 Everyone who orders over $100 can have a bonus copy of Cosmic Patterns as a Blu-Ray, Download or Dvd and if you order classes over $99.90 I will provide an extra compass or Cosmic Patterns film at no extra charge! Let me know which you prefer. Just email me via [email protected] with your order number and preference. […]

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VANGUARD VISIONARIES Episode #2 - Martin Geddes, A Q-urious Great Awakening, March 2022

VANGUARD VISIONARIES Episode #2 – Martin Geddes, A Q-urious Great Awakening, March 2022

Welcome to Episode #2 of #Vanguard #Visionaries. I am A. RaSOL, and these video presentations of modern-day Visionaries, those fellow Awakened HUmans who have been making significant energetic ripples in the Collective Consciousness – some very publicly, others more privately – is focused on the behind-the-scenes personal tales of struggle and splendor as they initiated and expanded their Service Work for Humanity.

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Kabbalah and Esoteric Religion - ROBERT SEPEHR

Kabbalah and Esoteric Religion – ROBERT SEPEHR

Sometimes translated as “occult knowledge”, Kabbalah is the ancient tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible and other ancient texts, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers), reaching the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in certain religious sect and occult orders and societies.

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Gnosis 01: Adrian Charles Smith - A Prison For The Mind

Gnosis 01: Adrian Charles Smith – A Prison For The Mind

Adrian Charles Smith joins Gnosis for our inaugural episode to discuss the nature of law, of reality and of the archons throughout human history. The sovereignty of our species hangs in the balance as the forces of the great reset are being exposed by those of the great awakening.

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