“Every truth has two sides; it is well to look at both, before committing ourselves to either.” – Aesop
Ben Davdison ADMITS he Lies for Randall Carlson! on AUDIO! Hear for yourself the latest details in this continuing disclosure.
The ongoing harassment and smear campaign against Sacred Geometry International and myself by Randall Carlson and his associated co-conspirators, was publicly revealed during the Summer Solstice period of the year 2020. Exactly 4 years ago today I received the second salvo of this attack just two days after Brad Young’s previous cowardly attack on June 19th, 2020 as I covered here in The Randall Carlson Smear Campaign – Part 1
The first public disclosure of The Randall Carlson Smear Campaign was via Ben Davidson the host and owner of the Youtube channel Suspicious Observer. A channel with at that time over 350k youtube subscribers. Ben contacted me out of the blue with a series of threatening emails on behalf of Randall Carlson.
In the following emails you can see his aggressive and condescending manner and that he is harassing me immediately:
Ben <[email protected]>
Sun, Jun 21, 2020, 3:33 PM
to meTo:
[email protected]Subject:
I spoke to RandallMessage:
If this website is still up at midnight I am going to tear you apart in the morning show. -Suspicious0bservers
You can follow the rest of the email dialog in the attached images below:
I received the above emails from 6/21/2020 until 6/23/2020 – the targeted harassment and smear campaign was timed for the Summer Solstice…oh and initiated at 3:33 PM! (I’m sure it’s just a “coincidence”) How scary!! Ben thinks he is in the Illuminati apparently. Judging by the cover image of the subsequent video he posted with Randall he certainly is straining to give this impression…
The last two emails are showing that I do not in fact impersonate Randall Carlson and NEVER HAVE, and also that I was archiving Ben’s first podcast with Randall, one he recorded in a time when he was supposed to be making the Gnosis podcast with me actually. Unbeknownst to me, Randall had no intention of keeping his word and could care less if I spent over a year rebranding and designing a state of the art website which featured a functioning membership site where finally we could both profit from years of collaborative work. I never impersonated Randall and to date, none of the smear merchants involved have ever, nor will never produce any evidence to the contrary.
**Update as of 8/31/2024 I discovered that Ben did in fact remove the video after he received my recent cease and desist letter, so I’m uploading a copy of the defamatory statements for the purposes of documenting and archiving evidence of this targeted smear campaign against myself and SGI.
Adding just a few comments so you can see how I was ignored and treated as Ben continued to dodge me like the coward he is and smear me to his fans or whatever sock puppet accounts played along in this manufactured narrative.
In the above video that Ben created and shared with his at then over 350,000 followers on YouTube (He has upwards of 750k today a few years later) to help craft the false narrative that Randall was being impersonated online by me (not true at all) and that he was being stolen from by me. This video was seen by 29k people…. that’s a rather big lie to tell. Tell me if you see any evidence, I sure didn’t. Notice he doesn’t use my name in a half-hearted attempt to avoid defamation law while still tortiously interfering with my business, slandering me and doing the bidding of Randall Carlson for clicks, and this sad beta male and lying pseudoscience grifter accuses me of being a “clout-chaser”, and I quote:
Ok folks listen up, anyone know this site? It is not Randall’s, the person in charge of it has taken Randall’s work, posts as Randall, emails as Randall, and has cut the real Randall out of commenting, posting and all monies from the sale of his classes and other materials. His commentary is vile enough for twitter and he’s been hosing Randall for years, no more, delete that page from your list and get ready because Dr. Robitaille isn’t the only one with an upcoming release this week. A brand new site for Randal is coming, controlled by Randall, approved by Randall, it is going to be a big week here from the Titans of our community, so saith their vizier, we greatly appreciate your support…. – Ben Davidson
Notice that after Ben Slanders me on behalf of Randall, that Randall is almost immediately featured on Ben’s YouTube channel and lo and behold he is promoting his new website. A website that would not be finished for another year.
Ben has removed the above video as well in an attempt to limit his own liability and in a response to my cease and desist letter. Proof positive he knows he is exposed. This video had over 80k views when it was on his YouTube channel.
You can see that Ben refers to Randall gushingly as a “living legend” (a myth is more like it) and proceeds to attempt to align himself with Randall in order to benefit from the association and celebrity I was pivotal in engineering. I will be organizing all of the proof of this in time and publishing it here so stay tuned. And if you want to help me seek justice, please make purchases of my legally owned and produced materials and know that you are helping me right a tremendous injustice and expose Clown Shoes Carlson for his crimes.
Now back to One-Eyed Ben Davidson and Randall’s smear campaign against me. Ben flat out admits he is just repeating Randall’s hearsay and that he didn’t have any “personal knowledge of it” when questioned directly by Dave Jones about his attacks on SGI.
Here is audio of Ben confessing that he doesn’t actually “cite and back up every word I speak” when questioned about his “slagging” of SGI, he acknowledges he was merely helping Randall with spreading a vicious rumor, undoubtedly so that he can say he’s had a “big” guest like Randall on his show. The irony is that his pathetic clout chaser projects onto me, what he is clearly guilty of, when I point out to him that he is guilty of defamation. Keep in mind Ben Davidson has a JD degree as mentioned above and should know better.
Recorded 12/6/2022
“That actually wasn’t my opinion, Randall had basically given me a call and was complaining about this guy impersonating…doing stuff like that…I, I didn’t have any personal knowledge of it or anything like that ….Randall called my cell phone, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have done anything like that if Randall hadn’t asked. That’s not the kind of thing I like to get involved with if I can avoid it.” – Ben Davidson
Ben may be a secret society member as well but I’ve not been able to confirm this. He could just be pushing the meme that he is willing to play Baal so to speak with whomever wants to contract dirty deeds with him.
Rationalwiki.com (for what it’s worth) reports the following about him: “Suspicious Observers (Suspicious0bservers) is a pseudoscience YouTube channel run by ex-lawyer Ben Davidson who has a degree in economics from Denison University and a Juris Doctorate from Capital University Law School, but no actual science training.
I’m not sure if he was disbarred or ever became a lawyer with his JD, but I would love to know if that is the case or not and what lead to him either never pursuing becoming a lawyer or if he was forced to resign for the types of activities being described here and elsewhere online.
You can see how Ben conducts himself when I call him out for deliberately defaming me with his channel. Keep in mind he tried to gaslight me originally claiming that he had seen the screenshots from Randall supposedly proving Randall’s smears. My comments are in Blue and Ben’s are in Grey here:
Ben of course blocked me immediately after this. This is what all these keyboard warriors that Randall uses do when I call them out as you will soon see because I’ve documented all of them.
“So saeth their Vizier”.
Note the implied grandiosity of this term which is defined as: “In ancient monarchies, a vizier was a very high-ranking official. During the Ottoman Empire, the Grand Vizier was the sultan’s representative in the government.”
Randall apparently sees himself as a Sultan or a Pharaoh. You can’t make this shit up. Randall, why don’t you be a man instead of a infantile jerk throwing an endless tantrum and produce some of your supposed evidence. Remember you said you have over 50 pages of screenshots proving the “100% truth of what you are saying”. Yeah I’m calling bullshit on that buddy.
Randall, why don’t you be a man instead of a infantile jerk throwing an endless tantrum and produce some of your supposed evidence. Remember you said you have over 50 pages of screenshots proving the “100% truth of what you are saying”. Yeah I’m calling bullshit on that buddy.
Ben would go on to harass Professor Dave next and summarily get his ass kicked royally in this epic beatdown from Professor Dave:
“It’s no surprise that Ben slanders me regularly on his channel, but if he were a little smarter, he would have kept his mouth shut, like some other frauds I’ve debunked whom I haven’t heard a peep from, because I now have to demonstrate in far greater detail how Ben is nothing more than a grifter. A petty thug slinging lies for cash. So let’s get started. Ben has a decade-long history of fraudulence, so this will have to be done in several steps, and here’s a little itinerary of what’s to come.” – Professor Dave
See for yourself in Professor Dave’s video exposing Ben below, this is the type of person Randall Carlson chose to push his smear campaign. What an idiot.
Here is Ben threatening Professor Dave where he states,
“…it took less than 4 minutes to find where you live. How long before some psycho online does something stupid…You realize that shit happens right? I can’t stop it, and the fire you are spewing must be met by me, after that, it’s out of my hands.” – Beta Ben Keyboard Warrior Davidson
**Update on 7/2/2024**
I just realized that Randall made an appearance on Ben Davidson’s channel one month prior to using him to launch the smear campaign.
As you can see here Earth Catastrophe Cycle | IMPACTS w/ Randall Carlson posted on May 29th, 2019. Tit for Tat with Ole One Eyed Ben eh…
A little background now about the timing of The Randall Carlson Smear Campaign. At the time of launch, I was busy working on our new website, making the final trailer for Gnosis, building the Gnosis podcast studio and I was still working as Randall’s manager and agent booking him for seminars and getting him paid very well for it. He also never paid me my requested 10-15% fee and yes I have the receipts. Shout outs to Robert Dakota. I was also waiting for him to finish the online Sacred Geometry classes we had originally made together in 2014 and for the purpose of finishing I relocated to Stone Mountain Georgia for 6 years just to be closer to Randall’s home to make it easier to accomplish. In spite of years of false promises, Randall never managed to film one extra class and the reason is he wanted to exploit all my work marketing and promoting him over the previous 6 years completely for himself. If he had to betray someone he referred to as “one of his best friends” to do that, well he was willing to clearly. That should tell you about the true duplicitous nature of this two faced manipulator and con artist.
More to come in Part 3. Here is a sneak-preview:
Here is a question @randallwcarlson will never answer truthfully. Why did you lie & promise u were going to make the Gnosis podcast? Why have you subsequently smeared me to millions?https://t.co/O1XgW7DEY6
1st/last Gnosis Podcast 7/2/2017
1st Kosmographia Podcast 8/10/19— AstroMonk (@SacredGeoInt) May 10, 2024
Stay tuned and stay true truth seekers.
PS> All sales go to remunerating me for the damage, stress and destruction of my reputation and business by freemason Randall Carlson and his 20+ co-conspirators.
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