Sacred Geometry International and Liminal Analytics: Applied Research Collaborative present a once in a lifetime transmedia experience with Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe
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The Quest for the Cosmic Grail: Recovering the Lost History of the World.
Two Sessions: Sunday January 4th and 11th, 2015
2pm – 4pm New York • 11am – 1pm San Francisco
For over 40 years visionary scholar Randall Carlson has been uncovering a secret story writ large and ‘hidden in plain sight’ within the work of natural cataclysms that have carved the landscapes where we build our lives and dreams. In his work he reveals vital keys for opening a new vision of a future anchored in the wisdom of past ages.
Be part of history in the making with this two part transmedia adventure as Carlson documents his recent journey across the United States with international best selling author Graham Hancock to uncover evidence and explore the cultural importance of prominent geological remains from the catastrophic global floods which drowned North America, 13,000 years ago.
Sign up now to secure your front row seat and participate in this historic odyssey which forms a centerpiece to Magicians of the Gods, the game changing sequel to Hancock’s most renowned work, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth’s Lost Civilization. Carlson’s research provides a capstone for Hancock’s upcoming revelations which will rewrite the very histories that are so central to our current civilization.
Randall Carlson is a captivating speaker and teacher. He’ll share some incredible material in this January webinar:
— Graham Hancock (@Graham__Hancock) December 23, 2014
“I think you should be aware about the work of Randall Carlson…one of the great unsung geniuses who is revealing to us the truth about our past and its been my privilege to spend the last 10 days traveling across the cataclysm fields of the northwest of America, looking through his eyes at the effects of this terrible cometary disaster.”
– Graham Hancock
Our future depends on our understanding of the patterns of the past and in this special two session interactive webinar series you will have the opportunity to join scholars Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe in a discussion around questions such as:
- What did Carlson and Hancock discover in their recent expedition across the United States?
- What caused the sudden disappearance of the clovis culture?
- Are there any clues as to what lead to the mass extinction of ice age mega-fauna?
- Does evidence of massive planet wide flooding in the ancient world confirm the reality of global cataclysm?
- How does Carlson’s pioneering impact hypothesis account for the ultimate trigger responsible for the destruction of pre-existent, antediluvian cultures and even the development of the human species as we know it today?
- What do these revelations mean for our current planetary culture and what are their implications for our future?
This live adventure takes place on Sundays January 4th and 11th, 2015. You will be part of the discussion, able to ask your questions on camera, just like a Skype call. These sessions will be filled with provocative information, clear instruction, and practical advice.
Session One: Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail.
Sunday January 4th, 2015
2pm – 4pm New York • 11am – 1pm San Francisco
“I suggest the time has come to unveil a new level of meaning to one of the most powerful, potent and evocative symbols in the whole corpus of the Western Mystery Tradition, one that demonstrates that ancient adepts had a highly sophisticated concept of Exobiology and the Grail as a symbol was a repository of this knowledge. The Grail has a cosmic dimension of meaning is indicated unequivocally by the texts themselves. Up to now this layer of meaning has remained hidden, primarily because the majority of Grail scholars lacked both the requisite scientific background and the basic understanding of occult and metaphysical systems necessary to bring order out of the confusion of symbols, images, characters and events that make up the Holy Grail narrative.”
– Randall Carlson
Join Randall Carlson and David Metcalfe for a vibrant 1.5 hour presentation of Carlson’s most recent research looking at the history, mystery and lasting mystique of the ‘Cosmic Grail’. The presentation will be followed by a short intermission and a live Q&A with attendees. In this session we will:
- Learn the origins of the mysterious Holy Grail mythos.
- Consider the cosmological implications encoded in the deep symbol set associated with the Holy Grail legend.
- Discuss the Philae mission, the European Space Agency’s incredible 10 year mission to successfully land a probe on a speeding comet.
- Discuss the accruing body of evidence supporting the panspermia hypothesis, solar system architecture and the purpose and potential meaning of the kuiper belt, the oort cloud and the fabled rejected stone of biblical lore and how they relate to the cosmic Grail quest.
Session Two: Revelation of the Catyclysm Fields.
Sunday January 11th, 2015
2pm – 4pm New York • 11am – 1pm San Francisco
“North America was ground zero in the last great global catastrophe and global mass extinction. The evidence for this cosmic event is preserved here better than anywhere else on the planet.
You’ve just got to know what to look for and where to look for it…We are in fact living in and upon the wreckage of former worlds.”
– Randall Carlson from Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe.
Join Carlson as he details his pioneering impact hypothesis and learn how it relates to the destruction of pre-existent, antediluvian cultures and the development of the human species as we know it today. Follow the evidence to find what these revelations mean for our current planetary culture and what are the implications for our future.
In this session we will….
- Focus on Randall Carlson’s recent trip with Graham Hancock and discover the catastrophic evidence for a great meltdown event occurring 12,900 years ago.
- Discover potential answers to what caused the the sudden disappearance of the Clovis culture.
- Investigate clues as to what lead to the mass extinction of ice age mega-fauna
- Explore the implications drawn from the evidence of planet wide flooding in the ancient world and the reality of global cataclysm.
By participating in these webinars, you will receive:
- 1 hour and 30 minute live presentation per session via Visionary Scholar Randall Carlson
- A minimum of 30 minutes of face to face interactive Q&A between Randall and attendees per session
- Unlimited online access to archived video recordings of the seminar.
See our FAQ page for system requirements.
About the presenters
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and independent scholar. He has over 4 decades of study, research and exploration Into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science, has been an active Freemason for 35 years and is Past Master of one of the oldest and largest Masonic lodges in Georgia. He has been recognized by The National Science Teachers Association for his commitment to Science education for young people.
David B. Metcalfe is a researcher, writer and multimedia experimentalist focusing on the interstices of art, culture, and consciousness. He is a contributing editor for Reality Sandwich, The Revealer (the online journal of NYU’s Center for Religion and Media), and The Daily Grail. His writing has been featured in a number of publications including – The Immanence of Myth (Weaponized, 2011), Chromatic: The Crossroads of Color & Music (Alarm Press, 2011), Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness (Evolver Editions/North Atlantic Books, 2012), The Quest for Gnosis (GDR Publications, 2014), and Ghosts, Spirits, and Psychics The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies (ABC-CLIO, 2015).
Early ‘Language of the Birds’ Special.
Sign up before December 25th and receive a complimentary HD or Dvd download of Randall Carlson’s epic presentation: Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe (a $45.00 value)
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