Category: Earth Changes – Unsealing The Apocalypse

Responses to comments made about Joe Rogan Podcast – An open letter to a critic on the matter of chevrons, megatsunamis and bolide impacts.

Responses to comments made about Joe Rogan Podcast – An open letter to a critic on the matter of chevrons, megatsunamis and bolide impacts.

Responses to comments made about Joe Rogan Podcast An open letter to a critic on the matter of chevrons, megatsunamis and bolide impacts. Recently I did a podcast with Joe Rogan. In our wide ranging discussion we covered a lot of material. As pleased as I was by the positive response of many in the listeners, I also appreciate and […]

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‘The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck’ – NASA Scientists

‘The only thing preventing a catastrophe from a city-killer size asteroid is blind luck’ – NASA Scientists

Editors note:  Those following Randall’s work will especially appreciate this acknowledgement from NASA. Thank you Randall for all of your good work to help  humankind awaken to our greatest threat, and paradoxically our greatest hope for evolution and atonement (at one ment).  For a previous article describing this type of event, presciently only one month before it occurred, please read […]

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Earth Changes – Unsealing The Apocaplypse

Earth Changes – Unsealing The Apocaplypse

Earth Changes – Unsealing The Apocaplypse Mythology, Science and Prophecy come together in the most comprehensive and credible presentation of authentic Earth Change Knowledge available anywhere, bar none.  Due to the broad and inclusive nature of the material, this program is a multi-part presentation intended for serious students of planetary change.  It contains much original material available nowhere else.  This […]

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