Category: Gnosis Podcast

Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects - Leaving the O.T.O

Gnosis 13: NY Patriot of the Occult Rejects – Leaving the O.T.O

Joining us for the latest installment of The Gnosis Podcast is Nick, aka NY Patriot who is the co-founder of the Occult Rejects Podcast.

Nick discusses his personal experience joining the O.T.O and why he left the order. How he started The Occult Rejects and more.

“The O.T.O stands for Ordo Templi Orientis—the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East. The in sympathy with the traditional ideals of Freemasonry, and was the first of the Old Æon orders to accept The Book of the Law.”

For those following my previous posts exposing all of these appendant Freemasonic bodies such as the Golden Dawn or O.T.O, as left hand path/satanic orders, you will recognize the connection to Aleister Crowley and his infamous “Book of the Law” which has become the bible for the modern satanic church and its many offshoots.

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Gnosis 04: Robert Forte - MKULTRA,  Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

Gnosis 04: Robert Forte – MKULTRA, Michael Pollan and The Modern Marketing of Soma.

The history of religion contains the entire spectrum of human experience, including the most beneficent concepts and experience of enlightenment, God, universal intelligence, and so on. It also includes the most malefic realms of humanity: occult mind control, subjugation of populations, exploitation of our good nature, rationales for genocide, war, human sacrifice, and other perversions. The history of psychedelics is no different.”

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Gnosis 03: Tino Sanchez - NPC Sheep, Celebrity Cunts & Telling Jokes in the Woke Matrix

Gnosis 03: Tino Sanchez – NPC Sheep, Celebrity Cunts & Telling Jokes in the Woke Matrix

Today’s honored guest is Tino Sanchez. Tino is a stand up comedian, brazilian jiu jitsu blackbelt, professional dj and founder of the non-profit rescue for pit bulls,

Tino reminds me of some of my favorite comics growing up, legends like Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Patrice O’neal and others who, while championing freedom of speech, were able to empower their audiences to question authority, think for themselves
& point out the hypocrisy of those devils who cannot stand to be mocked.

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