Category: Articles

Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Via I was about ten when my mom bought a Science News subscription for the Tusk. Week after week the thin, frequent, small format publication filled my desk, and ultimately the floor of my room. The rush of science coverage came so quickly I sometimes felt guilty as a little guy for not reading every article. So, to an […]

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Archaeologist Al Goodyear measures the depth of a dig at the Topper site near Allendale where evidence of human occupation has been found that Goodyear said dates back 50,000 years.

Were ancient humans here 50,000 years ago? S.C. discovery reveals people were in region before previously thought

Via The Post and Courier People were burning fires at a quarry near the Savannah River as far back as 50,000 years ago. That would have been before the worst of the last Ice Age and millennia before South Carolina is thought to have been inhabited. The stunning finding from the Topper site near Allendale could rock the staid research […]

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The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition –

The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition –

Via Join the Author of the Month at   October 2017 AOM: The Worldwide Flood: Unifying Science with the Human Narrative Tradition   Michael Jaye It is with pleasure that we welcome our AoM for October, Michael Jaye PhD., whose book, The Worldwide Flood, reveals evidence of the flood catastrophe in deep antiquity. Central to Jaye’s effort is […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

Read part 3 here. Tropical Response to CO2 A study appeared in Trends in Ecology & Evolution in the year 2000 that looked at the response of tropical forests to the increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The authors, Yadvinder Malhi and John Grace, were with the Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Their report, appearing […]

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Figure 5 Sherwood Idso showing a succession of pine trees of the same age and grown under identical conditions except for the addition of greater concentrations of carbon dioxide. The tree on the left is grown under ambient concentrations and the trees to the right with enrichment above ambient as shown. Source: Moore, Patrick (2016

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 2

Read part 1 here: After 21 more years of study, one of these authors, the late Sylvan Wittwer, (who passed away in 2012 at the age of 95) reiterated the fact that there were benefits to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. But then he went on to say something else very interesting. He, along with co-author Emeritus Professor of […]

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Figure 37. Men, choose your weapons. Volunteers getting ready to go to work

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 3

Read Parts 1 & 2 here. [meteor_slideshow slideshow=”teton-dam-collapse”] Click on left arrow to advance photos in chronological order from right to left. AFTERMATH In the effort to understand the causes and origins of this monumental failure there were a number of conclusions arrived at by the various investigating committees. No final agreement was ever reached as to any single cause […]

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The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

Read part 1 here. PRELUDE Like the Mosul Dam, the Teton Dam was an earthen embankment structure and, like the current dangerous predicament of the Mosul Dam, the failure of the Teton Dam was the result of the cumulative effect of human error. The multiple purposes for which the dam was being built included agricultural irrigation, flood control, power generation […]

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The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 1

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 1

“As every dam engineer knows, water also has one job, and that is to get past anything in its way” David Macauley, Building Big, 2000. I have written in another article about a potential disaster that could occur in Iraq if the Mosul Dam fails. I described the conditions of the dam built during the regime of Saddam Hussein on […]

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Is The House Of History Built upon Foundations of Sand? – Graham Hancock

Is The House Of History Built upon Foundations of Sand? – Graham Hancock

Via Here’s my TEDX talk on the lost civilization: …I dispensed with presentational style, and read the talk, because my concern, with this one, was above all in getting the content right, for the record. TED tried to ban my last talk (The War on Consciousness)– see here for details. In case TED ban me again I request […]

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Cosmic Lessons: The Day of The Dead – Part 2

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of The Dead – Part 2

In the first part of this article last month I introduced Robert Grant Haliburton and his researches into the ancient Festival of the Dead that coincides with our modern day celebration of Halloween. Upon discovering the universality of a similar festival held at the same time each year in cultures around the world, far removed from each other in time […]

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Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Via With heightened concern over potential ‘Armageddon’-like asteroids causing a ‘Deep Impact’ on Earth, NASA has created a new office tasked with coordinating detection of potential crashes and “planning for planetary defense.” Part of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will supervise all NASA efforts that track near-Earth objects (NEOs), such as asteroids and comets. […]

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Halloween's Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year.  Photo: Ian Rutherford

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead

  A Read Part 1 here: Cosmic Lessons: The Great Meteor Procession of 1913 The end of October and early November have always been dense with symbolical significance in quite a surprising number of traditions inherited from former times. We in the modern western world have seen a revival in the observance and celebration of Halloween, originating from a Celtic […]

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Rosetta detects molecular oxygen on Comet 67P for first time

Rosetta detects molecular oxygen on Comet 67P for first time

Via ABC Science: The Rosetta spacecraft has detected significant levels of molecular oxygen coming from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in a discovery that has taken astronomers by surprise. [pullquote]”This is the first comet that we’ve found which has molecular oxygen.”  -Dr André Bieler[/pullquote] The discovery, reported in the journal Nature, may provide new clues about the conditions and environment where the Earth, […]

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Cycles of Global Change – Part 5 – Civilization of the Goddess

Cycles of Global Change – Part 5 – Civilization of the Goddess

Over the course of the last several articles I have been describing the emergence of a goddess worshiping civilization in the aftermath of a powerful series of catastrophes that terminated the great ice age between 11 and 13 thousand years ago. I have presented evidence that human populations may have suffered a significant decline in numbers across the transition, as […]

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Artifacts of Goddess Worship

Cycles of Global Change – Part 4 – The Rise of the Goddess Civilization

This article is the fourth installment in a series describing events that occurred in the four millennia leading up the beginning of recorded history when cuneiform writing first appeared in Sumer about 5000 years ago. As our knowledge of prehistory evolves we are realizing that there is far more to the story than has been recognized by previous generations of […]

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A Cataclysmic Event of a Certain Age – Evidence for a Catastrophic Episode 13,000 Years Ago

A Cataclysmic Event of a Certain Age – Evidence for a Catastrophic Episode 13,000 Years Ago

Via July 27, 2015 At the end of the Pleistocene period,approximately 12,800 years ago—give or take a few centuries—a cosmic impact triggered an abrupt cooling episode that earth scientists refer to as the Younger Dryas. New research by UC Santa Barbara geologist James Kennett and an international group of investigators has narrowed the date to a 100-year range, sometime […]

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Illustration by Patrick Kyle

The Sluggish Race to Guard the Earth Against Meteors –

Via May 22, 2015 By Rory Tolan The sky god slept like a rock. In a yawning crater cut into the side of Manhattan’s Central Park, a stone as old as the Earth had amassed a crowd. I found it in a huddle of selfie sticks, flapping brochures, and children slapping it with sweaty palms. But Tomanowos, a divine […]

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(Image courtesy of IBM Research - Zurich)

Single Molecule Images: IBM Scientists Capture Closest Photographs Showing Chemical Bonds – Evidence of Microscale Sacred Geometry

Via IBM Research – Zurich A team of IBM scientists–known for capturing the first close-up image of a single molecule in 2009–now have revealed incredibly detailed microscopic images that show the individual chemical bonds between atoms. How did they get such remarkable close-ups? Using an atomic force microscope, the scientists were able to capture two images, using two different […]

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Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Via The Guardian: The comet landed on by the spacecraft Philae could well be home to an abundance of alien microbial life, according to leading astronomers. Features of the comet, named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, such as its organic-rich black crust, are most likely explained by the presence of living organisms beneath an icy surface, the scientists have said. Rosetta, the European spacecraft […]

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Cycles of Global Change – Part 3 – Era of the Great Goddesss

Cycles of Global Change – Part 3 – Era of the Great Goddesss

 In several previous articles I have been describing some of the great planetary upheavals that have occurred in the recent geological past that had a profound effect on humankind. I related how in the aftermath of thousands of years of the Great Winter, its catastrophic termination and the traumatic birth of the present world age, Earth’s environment shifted into a […]

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