September 1, 2024 at 11:41 am

The Black Magician – Hyperborean Wisdom


“Nothing can stop what is coming. The forces at play are beyond the masonic filth’s comprehension.” – Riccardo Bosi

Via Hyperborean_Wisdom on Bitchute

Greetings all, sorry I’ve been away from the site for a while handling business. Regarding the above video entitled “The Black Magician”, the transcription that follows is not verbatim to the audio.

This information is reposted in the spirit of absolute freedom of thought, freedom of speech and the freedom of open minded philosophical inquiry regarding the nature of power, religion, and secret society in our world.

We’ve only recently seen a move to declassify and deal directly with the menace of dual citizen Israeli zionists who dominate US governmental policy and have through black mail and extortion have come to control the dominant share of our politicians, in other words, we’ve been infiltrated and destabilized from within and this is why understanding what the Q operation actually is and represents is so vital to making sense of the ever increasing madness and devolution we find our Republic currently subjected to; as opposed to the mockingbird zionist controlled media’s “Q-Anon” straw man they’ve erected to attempt to discredit and misrepresent the authentic military intelligence operation. Clearly Q is an existential threat or else they wouldn’t be forced to give so much attention to it.

Stumbling as I am now upon the “Hyperborean Wisdom” above, the term Hyperborean brings to mind the Theosophic reification of the same divisive racial lore, symbolized best with the Swastika which is not only a masonic symbol but one which holds that God is found in the north for various esoteric, astrotheological and other end time cults. Of course these types of legends previously culminated in the creation of the Nazi party and World War Two. So buyer beware, I’ve noticed that much disinformation is intentionally a paltered dilution designed to pass unnoticed while attention is diverted to the larger portion of truthful material.

That war of course which was engineered by British Freemasonry, who ran and controlled every corner of the global chessboard, culminating in the death of perhaps 280 million human beings and out of which was birthed the mythical state of Israel, a long sought after goal for the Khazarian Satanic Rothschilds and their freemasonic minions.

If you want a relatively quick overview of this hidden history, please see my previous interview with Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah who has written extensively on this grand chessboard level conspiracy to enslave humanity to the NWO occult elite who have engineered these veritable holocausts of the mass of gentile (non jewish) people.

I do not condone nor advise any use of left-hand path magic(k) in seeking restitution for the multitude of crimes laid at our feet by said black magicians. I do not post this as a promotion of the concepts relayed, I simply find many of them in part to be true and worthy of consideration. That being said, I see where the divide and conquer agenda wants to stratify humanity into racial camps to be controlled, when in truth, our greatest strength will be respect for one another’s rights to nationalism and independent un coerced and sovereign pursuit of their own interests without injuring or subjecting any other person or race in order to do so. There is a legal, ethical and moral way to handle these culprits and if you peruse the related media you will see multiple examples of this taking place right now though it is being ignored totally by the mockingbird NWO media. If you want to stay abreast of real news, I advise at a minimum signing up for X, Truth Social, Rumble, Tik Tok and other outlets which are allowing people to post ideas that the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and media tyrants believe you’ve no right to know of let alone speak on with your fellow truth seekers.

Thus as you listen to this discussion, remember that while there is much fascinating information and perspective embedded within the article, the overall direction hints at recruiting people into the mindset of warring with the Jews or those Mystery school religious adherents under any other name, which believe themselves superior and thus entitled to experiment with the fate of all other races and creeds in this world. I believe you can rebuke these dogmatic racial fundamentalists and not become like them. You can understand who they are, how they think and how they are attacking us while not playing into their web or adhering to their misguided notions about the ultimate nature of reality.

Fighting fire with racist fire makes no sense to me. I’m of the opinion that the creator of this world has a reason for all of us to be here and this type of ethnocentric agitprop can easily be defused by focusing on implementing the golden rule, following the rule of law if it be just and walking your own talk as best you can, whatever that means to you insofar as it does not negate or predate upon myself, my family, my community or my country.

The second American revolution continues to percolate into mass consciousness despite the best efforts of the rulers and other archons to limit our perception, confound our thinking and dominate us with their failed covid-19 scamdemic. Though we have all suffered great casualties, in the end we now see Mark Zuckerberg openly admitting to censoring information that holds him and facebook liable as having willfully participated in mass treason and genocide.

Shout outs to Ivan Raiklin, the deep state marauder who promises to castrate the deep state (echoes of mithraic mysteries not withstanding) and reveal the deep state target list and the Mother Of All Twitter Files shortly, the information within demonstrating beyond the shadow of a doubt the main architects and actors involved in this sadistic attempted coup de tat of the American republic and by extension, the entire planet.

Without further ado, here is the transcription of the above video. Make of it what you will or as one of my favorite philosophers described in his own unique an individualized path to Gnosis,

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless,
add what is uniquely your own.” – Bruce Lee

The black magician leading the charge of the horsemen of the Apocalypse is the Jew and behind him are his minions, the Freemasons. Following their leader the witless minions and corrupt masses who carry on with their drudgery, serving the War Machine of Zion as it races across the globe, harvesting souls along its bloody trek.

The witless masses at lower-level masses have no understanding of what exists above them, and thus they blindly follow the path of their masters, the organic line, following their masters on the path to perdition. Within this hierarchy of evil, those at higher levels are more cognizant of their surroundings, circumstances, and the actual meaning and purpose of the projects of their leadership and thus, they partake to increasing degrees of the false light of the luminescence of the dark side of the force, thereby accumulating increasing burdens of karma.

The higher one ascends in this hierarchy, the more false, hypocritical, devious, self-serving, and psychopathic one becomes. Only those who demonstrate such behavior are enabled to elevate themselves within the hierarchy of the dark forces. Indeed these are the defining traits of the black magician, which qualifies him as such who, by definition, using occult forces for personal profit, and this at the expense of others and visiting harm upon others as a means of enriching himself.

albert pike, baphomet, freemasonry, randall carlson, fat masons, liars, cheats, thieves, baphomet, devil, satan, lucifer, mason

aleister crowley, albert pike, scottish rite, freemasonry, gnosis, gnosis podcast, porch masons, portico, mislead, deliberately mislead, quote

The constellation of traits defining the black magician are as follows: mendacity—a propensity for habitual lying and misrepresentation of fact. This cunning and guileful mentality is oriented around mercurial intellectualism, finagling at a tactical level the realization of his base ends. Selfishness, which, on the flip side, many conceived of as a complete lack of other regard, is a devotion to the self in its phenomenal aspect and all related matters. Correlated with this is a propensity for greed, a devotion to the accumulation of the things of this world, be it fame or material fortune or both.

Sadism is another defining trait, which is a form of their power madness which derives from their egotistical personality. One might say megalomaniacal personality, all of that which gratifies ones ego and it’s power mad obsession being this define trait of the sadist who derives sexual hedonic gratification from the abuse of others and which underscores their general lack of regard for others. As will be examined in the following, the traits of black magicians transcend their own individual will and they are impelled by the entities with whom they traffic. Becoming ever more under their influence through their quid pro quo relationship. Those being born into the cabal being subject to generational curses by these same entities.

Indeed, it must be acknowledged that most of these black magicians are a product of generational curses, and are antenatally (before birth) impelled and influenced in their thoughts and actions by these same entities. The very conception of the black magician antenatally is accompanied by entities who assist in the formation of the being. The incarnating soul is conditioned by these entities to form a relationship with them, should they not have had any prior relationship wherewith during the cycles of reincarnation and past lives.

Thus, the behavior of the black magician is not entirely their own, but rather is an amalgam of the entity and self, with the former having a preponderant influence over the latter and the latter becomes a patient in relation to an agent who is the master in the relationship, carrying out the master’s whims in order to receive temporal rewards. Rewards within the astral, or specialized knowledge and instructions on this earth to enrich himself.

Thus the behavior of the black magician is the behavior of the possessed, thou exceptions to the rule might apply with the influence of the entities not being sufficiently strong enough to hold the personality of the black magician in total bondage or even exert an influence strong enough to render the latter a passive figure in the relationship.

The relationship of master and slave presumedly works both ways with the black magician being more or less dominant depending on the power he has accumulated in this or in past lives. The power source for the black magicians of this contemporary world wide actually derives from the Kabbalah of Jewry, which the tribe of egomaniacal despots has assimilated in his wanderings and perversely synchronized elements from the cultures of their hosts into their own practices, has been assimilated through their wanderings across the earth. This using these techniques to serve their personal and tribal ambitions directed toward world domination and enslavement according to their Dominion mandates.

This mandate is simply a later codification of their conscious mind and theology, and they have sought to occupy and enslave the earth for millennia since their creation by the dark forces who they serve to this day, from whom they derive much of their underhanded and devious tactics. Some claim that the Kabbalah only reached mature formulation by Isaac Luria during the Middle Ages as a syncretic byproduct of the theft of earlier Germanic, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean spiritual practices.

The earlier Egyptian Kabbalah was undoubtedly plagiarized and assimilated into the later Hebrew and Babylonian Kabbalah, and before that, its geographic antecedents in Sumer. These spiritual practices became synchronized along the Silk Road by the merchant caste, forming elective affinities between diverse groups, which served as an earlier template for modern masonry in one of its esoteric sects within the religion of Christianity, spiritual Israel.

Through the rootless cosmopolitan traders of the Near and Far East, a combination of diverse races and cultures melded into the Jewish type of Mammon worshiper. However, this Jewish type preexisted this formation and expanded into an extension of this formless mass of globalism, spreading its black magic by penetrating the host body of nations and assimilating them into itself.

The origins of masonry are shrouded in the mists of time, but a certain form of Semitic black magic has plagued the earth since the time of Egypt and Babylon. It now appears in modern masonry as Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma and Manly P. Hall’s The Secret Teachings of All Ages, bearing witness to the modern syncretism of black magic—though not the original masonry—one might conjecture, but rather the subsequent distortions of the polar tradition of Atlantis and its Aryan founders, who were later subject to Jewish infiltration. This has been the usual modus operandi of the parasite, which supplants its host from power.

Nevertheless, masonry in its current form constitutes the blueprint of the black magicians, not only in their political praxis but in their magical practices.

Nevertheless, masonry in its current form constitutes the blueprint of the black magicians, not only in their political praxis but in their magical practices. The two are flip sides of the same shackle of Jewish power madness, and by extension, the power and madness of the Gentile Masons. The political motivation of masonry has historically been the formation of Solomon’s Temple, the construction of a Jewish-controlled super-government with Jewry, and Gentile masonry ruling the world as initiatory priest-kings over the profane masses.

The political motivation of masonry has historically been the formation of Solomon’s Temple, the construction of a Jewish-controlled super-government with Jewry, and Gentile masonry ruling the world as initiatory priest-kings over the profane masses.

This political agenda is best described by Lady Queensborough in her work Occult Theocracy, detailing the theocracy of the dark forces over the organic life of Jewry, based on the primordial lie of the Demiurge, whom they refer to as the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) at lower levels. This god, referred to in the Judeo-Christian satirists as Jehovah, is the same being, and thus any pretense of opposition between the Masonic elite and Christian laity and clergy is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

In the dialectic of good versus evil, each side plays its role as antithesis, awaiting reconciliation through higher levels of orchestrated destruction and chaos, giving themselves an excuse to impose their world order. The Masonic despotism, as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion describe, speaks of the tactics the black magicians employ to wrest culture and identity from the legitimate possessors so that the dark forces may melt down all distinct organic beings in the furnace of their political alchemy.

These tactics include the revelation of the method, double-blind, inversion, simulacra, trauma-based mind control, and scapegoating or karmic copout. These are the staples of their repertoire of black magic tricks. In the first case, the black magician, to deceive their marks and dupes, attempts to cheat God by giving their mark an opportunity to avoid the harm the black magician seeks to inflict. Should the mark agree, the blame for the black magician’s acts transfers to his victim, thereby blaming the victim for his sins.

The choice of harm avoidance typically comes in the form of subtle, often unnoticed hints at the consequences the black magician will bring into being to suit his selfish ends. Cunning manipulation tactics are employed to deceive the mark, leading the dupe to not oppose the black magician, enabling the latter to succeed in his plans, usually entailing visiting harm or loss upon the victim and enriching himself in the process.

A further tactic of the black magician is inversion. Reality, as perceived by those they wish to influence, is deliberately distorted or modified in a way that leads them down a path of destruction, most profitable to the black magicians. The mark is confused and deceived by false appearances, contrived by the black magician, inverting reality and portraying truth as false or unreal, and falsehood as true or real, thereby influencing the mark to act according to this misinformation and misrepresentation.

The false appearances the black magician hides behind are simulacra—identical copies for which no original ever existed. A counterfeit or fake image of reality is overlaid or superimposed upon reality, thus obscuring it. A tactic that applies to all of the above in the occult war waged against the forces of light by the Judeo-occult forces of Judaism and Freemasonry is trauma-based mind control. This general tactic anesthetizes the nation of the mind, subjecting its victims to a state of fear and destabilizing the conscious mind, leaving the mark in a state of confusion and uncertainty.

The trauma created is, in the political alchemy of these mages of the dark side of the force, ascribed to different causes, scapegoats upon whom their own sins are conferred, and served up to their dupes as a sacrifice, thereby employing a simulacrum of the guilty party. The cases of Leo Frank blaming a Negro for his rape of a white girl or Arabs being blamed for 9/11 by the Jews are illustrative of this procedure, not only of the trauma created but of the consequences of the trauma. This tactic is instrumental in their designs, expanding and intensifying the structure of their control system.

Thus, the dialectic of Ordo ab Chao is a perpetual motion machine controlled and manipulated by the Wizards of Zion, hiding behind the curtain of appearances, simulacra, and simulations they have woven as their myopic veils to hide in plain sight. This mechanism of destabilization is employed as a means of wresting control from their hosts, blaming what they do upon others, and gradually ingratiating themselves by providing false gifts to the rulers.

Taking over the Gentile nation from within as a symbiont, merging with its host. Eventually, the parasitical symbiont completely supplants its host in the positions of power, relegating the host to the slave caste, as was done in Egypt under the hex or in the Soviet Union.

Should they fail to ingratiate themselves with their host, they will then use proxies to do away with the host, blaming the host for what they do and keeping their hands clean. Turning the lower class or foreign imports against the ruling class after rendering the upper caste corrupted and decadent, separated from the population. The masses of the Gentiles who have been hooked into the Judaism lodges of Masonry have become twice the child of hell of the Jew and are bound through ties of black magic witchcraft to the entities Jewry traffics within, who Jewry is presumably interbred with and servile to.

This may be called the infernalization process which the Masons undergo. Those who are generational Masons have no need of any process of possession, as they are bred in the bone with these entities in a symbiotic relationship such that, to a greater or lesser degree, they are these entities’ vehicle or instrument on the earth plane. The end product of the zombie fixation process at whatever point in the cycle of incarnations is the ZOMB, i.e., the aspirant on the path to perdition, the black magician becomes rather than Superman, and in for a human playing host to demons, and in his magical practice, he becomes evermore a slave and a Zio and a mere husk of his former self merged into the hive mind of the Prince of Darkness, who exerts his influence on the lower level.

Nodes of his mind will become assimilated into spiritual Israel, into the demiurge hive mind, no longer having any autonomy of consciousness. The rites and rituals of modern masonry are formulae designed to bind the entered apprentices of the great work to this coterie of entities and to their go-to you. They employ Hebrew language and symbolism throughout, and thus are serviceable to Jewry and their masters, tying the Gentile Masons into the thought forms and ultimately into the entities who constitute the dark forces who prey upon the population of this world.

Though the Gentile Masons understand themselves to be predatory or Lucifer’s who have a divine right to rule over others owing to their enlightened state of being illuminated with the false light of the dark forces, they are nonetheless mere severed heads of these forces. Thus they operate of these forces and predate only upon those who are inferior to them in temporal power within the realm of the Demiurge. Thus they seek to reign in hell, not to live in heaven above the lower realms of the Prince of Darkness.

At lower levels, the laity of esoteric religion are also the servants of their dark master, only even more disempowered with the temporal powers of black magic, and thus even more susceptible to the atrophy of their souls and their assimilation into the Demiurge both in-vivo and postmortem. Given that all mainstream religions serve the want, especially Judeo-Christianity, it follows from the premises that they are little more than magic squares in which the worshiper becomes trapped and has his soul absorbed into that which they worship, not only through soul atrophy, through supplication of their master, binding themselves to the Prince of Darkness through energetic ties.

But beyond this failing to strengthen their soul for purposes of both defense and attack against that which threatens what they should in their right mind value and support the existence of, namely themselves as an individual, and all of that which the dark forces threaten. Black magic is defined as the utilization of occult forces to harm others and to profit oneself. In and of itself, this may not be a bad thing. It is only considered bad within the Judeo-Christian paradigm of values, the values of magic and morality of good versus evil, wherein the good is portrayed as a pacifistic turning of the cheek and the pathologically altruistic doing unto others as they would have them do unto oneself.

In other words, a refusal to defend oneself and an obligation to serve others without limit or qualification, save that they subscribe to and uphold the Magi and ideology of do unto others. Evil within this paradigm of Magi and morality is defined as active and aggressive behavior that harms others, and doing that does not help others. Hence, according to this morality of good versus evil, the black magician is evil. However, outside of the prohibition against the usage of magic in Judeo-Christianity, the ethics nonetheless accommodate the waging of Jew bellum, at least within the theology of Thomas Aquinas, which became canonical for the Judaism Roman Church.

On this basis, the usage of magic may be considered a tactic of the just war, though not being consistent with the prohibition of magical practice by Judeo-Christianity, according to a properly understood theory of justice to employ occult forces to attack others in self-defense is just. This, according to cosmic law, within the framework of cosmic law, that which destabilizes the harmony of existence is bad, or to employ a Judeo-Christian term, evil, and that which rectifies such a destabilization of the balance of justice is good.

The Egyptian conception of weighing one’s heart against the feather to assess whether one’s soul will continue in the afterlife applies and presents the idea in an image. The agent who draws first blood or violates the other is he who is blameworthy and thus deserves to be subject to an appropriate punishment in order to subjugate the harm that the black magician has visited upon the other. The karmic processes or cycles introduced by the black magician manifest…

In their ripple effects and radiate back upon the black magician through the myriad agents affected by the ripples. Hence all become attuned to God in time, and those who seek to transcend the bounds of time are nonetheless affected in some way during this process, simply by virtue of living in time as a physical being. And they are subject to the laws of space, of temporality, of karma. Regardless of this fact that everything affects everything to a degree, the laws of the cosmos dictate that should one seek the perpetuation of their being as an individual, one must adhere to these laws, which are in no way a static state of affairs, but a dynamic process on the ocean of being. One’s existence in this ocean necessitates skillful horsemanship and navigation, as well as the strength and willpower to guide oneself along his course.

This means, in concrete terms, self-defense. Should one be attacked, given that the individual is part of a collective and has a duty toward his collective, he must of necessity oppose that which threatens his collective in the appropriate way. The attacker must hence be opposed. And this, within the context of the Cold War, necessitates the utilization of magical means of self-defense and other attacks as an effective strategy of self-preservation and indeed self-empowerment. One has no obligation to unduly limit himself, and as Giovanni Gentile said in his doctrine of fascism, man must and will make his own law, and such a law may or may not be coherent with the harmony of existence.

They who live a true life in accordance with the sum total of being, and on that basis, their lives are conducive to a greater overall harmony. Those, on the other hand, whose lives are discordant and cause greater overall harm to that harmony are bad in the sense of the biblical conception of the tear or children of the wicked one. Hence the sweet or harmonious good within the conception of cosmic law, and those who are the tests are bad. However, both play their role and have their reason for being and thus develop through their actions. The Divine Plan accordingly, and paradoxical as it may sound, the orchestration of chaos by the good against the children of the wicked one is itself good as it conduces to greater overall harmony. That harm being a negation of the negation and establishing a condition of potentiality to be something beyond a mere static inertia, a basis upon which to build one’s own world.

And this is in accordance with the divine will manifesting itself through the will of the harmonious collective within the context of this world of the Prince of Darkness. The collective is the white race in the mainland in potentia, and all the non-whites were capable of resonating with the divine will and acting harmoniously and justly, i.e., in accordance with truth for the white race. Specifically, the 23 words are essential in their proper manifestation of their particular well-being. Attuned to deity, they are both particular and universal. What is good for the white race is of the highest virtue. What is bad for the white race is the ultimate sin. Given that whites are they who by nature and in essence resonate with the sum total of being, it follows from the premises that what is good for the white race is the highest virtue. And what is bad for the white race is the ultimate sin, ultimate insofar as this world is concerned.

And any condition of harmony is to be sustained or established therein, hence can be seen in the compatibility of the ethics of Christianity and the 23 words of the creativity movement when understood in the light of truth. Both creeds adhere to a conception of the just war, and both creeds permit aggressive force only in the case of Judeo-Christianity, which serves Jewry in their fanatical obsession with their dominion mandate and the destruction of the white race, and in the mandate for the preservation of white people inherent in the 23 words positing the good of whites as the highest virtue and the antithesis. Accordingly, a just war must be waged for the preservation of the white race, and given that only the willfully ignorant and weak adhere to a suicide creed, one must use any and all means to ensure their survival. This necessitates the prudent application of force, and given that the wise are not duty-bound to Christianity, he will employ magical means if overall beneficial to ensure his race’s survival and by extension his own survival as a member thereof, for to fail to ensure the survival of his race, he ensures his own destruction.

Tactically, one must develop himself into an able magician of his own in order to oppose the enemy, which seeks his subjugation and ultimately his genocide as a collective racial group. Clearly, Jewry and all of their allies seek the death of whites, and thus rational self-defense necessitates an appropriate form. And this is both physical and metaphysical. The former both in informational and physical warfare, the latter are magical. Given the scope and power of the globalized police state of Zion, one would be foolish if he did not have at least as great power to attempt to physically oppose the enemy. And when the enemy makes informational warfare illegal, magical means are the most effective recourse as a form of defensive attack against the belligerent enemy. For those not initiates and not versed in the practice of magic, it is indeed a difficult matter to understand the appropriate path of magic one must follow and to understand how to follow it.

Hence, he must simply either come upon those who are the adept who might guide him along the path or stumble haphazardly in the dark and experiment with that which he has a lack of understanding of, hoping by trial and error to puzzle out solutions to the problems. Of course, there exist grimoires and books available containing basic principles of magical practice, and these must be consulted as an imperative should one wish to guide himself prudently along life’s course and be effective in the occult war, avoiding the potential harms of the entities of the enemy assailant, protecting himself against the enemy and actively striking out at the enemy through effective magical means.

Such sources as Joy of Satan Ministries and Darwinism are some of the few known sources of non-Judeo magi in occultism available to the writer. The Masonic and Jewish Kabbalistic literature he would evaluate as serviceable to Jewry and the entities with whom they are bound, and thus an ineffective path, veritably entangling oneself in their spider’s webs and allowing himself to become subjugated by the enemy, by attempting to use the enemy’s weapons upon them, which are designed to service the enemy and not the enemy of his enemies, namely himself and his folk.

Joy of Satan Ministries may very well be a contrivance of the Cabal. Its magic is a constructed synthesis of various, to all appearances, non-Judeo-Christian magic, from the ruins to yoga and other methods of psychic attack, energy work, and ritualistic cursing of the enemy. Though this virtual organization may have its value, the writer unfortunately regrets he is not able to claim its legitimacy and certainly doubts its authenticity as regards original Arian practice.

Nine earnest shirtless work Magic History theory practice is a basic guidebook for presumably authentic spiritual practice of the left-hand path variety. Though it is inadequately detailed to serve as a comprehensive work, apparently, Adolf Hitler annotated portions of the work and was mentored by Shetler, according to some claims. The ominous with whom the National Socialists were affiliated may very well have been authentically Aryan cultists. However, what little remains of their publicly available works is not a sufficiently detailed corpus to provide one with an adequate guide to practice and to develop oneself into a powerful occultist in the war against the rabbinate and their affiliated black magicians.

Such works as Holy Rune might Siegfried. Adolf Kuma The Zenith of Humanity. Rudolph John Gorst 11. The Secrets of the Runes, Guido von List, and Others also serve as basic primers to develop some level of capacity, but do not go beyond the basic level of runic, yoga, and similar rudimentary practices. Adolf Hitler critiqued these venerable graybeards in Mein Kampf, presumably referring to Von List, but his association with the SS Black Order and thoroughly Gesellschaft is not known in any depth to the public as far as the writer is concerned.

The Magical series Introduction to Magic by the group, which was under the egis of Julius Vala, also provide a fair amount of general and properly called introductory material, but don’t go into any depth in terms of practices that can either defend oneself or others or attack one’s enemies. Hence, they are more theoretical than practical. The conceptions in Vala’s works, The Metaphysics of Sex, appear valid and are represented in the works of Miguel Serrano, the path being that of left-hand path tantric They may feel that if transcendence, the yoga of power, which was yet another of Avon’s works, such practices build spiritual power, but don’t give any details as to how to direct this power against others. They may be used accordingly to strengthen the self, but not employed as particular tactics of occult warfare. This applies also to his work, “The Doctrine of Awakening,” on Buddhist varieties of asceticism, which prescribe a path of active nihilism, which Evola also wrote of in his article, “The Active Nihilism of Friedrich Nietzsche.”

Hence, the works of Evola are valuable in developing power, cultivating a transcendent personality, and through this means, enhancing one’s defensive capabilities. However, they are in no way a repository of arcane lore that provides one with the weapons necessary in the occult war against the enemy. Yet another offering of arcane wisdom and guidance along the path of initiation is that of Miguel Serrano, who, being an initiate at a high level of ominous lore, presented various techniques and means of developing oneself according to the polar gnosis of ancient Atlantis.

However, he was not too forthcoming with any sufficiently detailed works that enable one to engage in the war against the black magicians of Zion. His shamanism is presented in the main and is oriented toward the magnum opus of self-development, of attaining immortality, immortalizing the perishable aspects of the soul through a similar integralist path. Serrano does not prescribe any tactical advice either, and this is probably a deliberate policy of adherence to his code of ethics, of not casting pearls before swine. Not allowing the profane access to the mysteries that would enable them to pervert the arcane lore of the tradition.

This mistake of allowing unworthy elements into the mysteries had been made in the past, and the Jewish black magicians have been the result of admitting into the mysteries those who were unworthy of the higher knowledge properly so called. Hence, attempting to follow in the footsteps of all the foregoing magical paths can only go so far and can only furnish one with a distorted understanding of truth. Perhaps this is why Guénon had recourse to confining himself with the pseudo-tradition of Abrahamic syncretism called Islam, as he had no other existent tradition to follow.

Should one attempt to involve himself in the occult war as a black magician against black magicians, he must go it alone and through prudent skill and one-pointed concentration of attention. The active engagement in this war must be waged in a nontraditional setting. One must sort out what works and what does not, employing a higher intuition to understand what coheres with the cosmic laws that influence all action within the phenomenal plane, and to act prudently and effectively.

He who observes the presented ideas and templates in the various works on magic must be selective and consistent in his selection, being guided by the wisdom of reason. Asking the following questions: What adheres to and is consistent with cosmic law in terms of the prescribed practices? Does it resonate with oneself and one’s understanding of being? Has one, as a precondition of asking such a question, placed himself in a certain state of mind and body such that his higher intuition enables him to answer this question? To make a proper selection of materials that strengthen one as a blueprint for the building of the armor of the living God that He is in potentia and for equipping oneself with the battle axe and weapons of war necessary to fight the occult war against the enemy.

The various works outlined above serve as a starting point along the path of developing occult power and influence. The occult war continues to this day, reflecting the cosmic war of extraterrestrial origins that has culminated in our present time and epoch. We, being agents of karma, incarnate souls who have made a voluntary choice to enter into the octagon of this Ultimate Fighting Championship, must wage war to the best of our abilities against our foe.

We, being agents of karma, incarnate souls who have made a voluntary choice to enter into the octagon of this Ultimate Fighting Championship, must wage war to the best of our abilities against our foe.

This means fighting at all levels and dimensions of our being and against our enemy in the most effective way. Taking up peashooter firearms and attempting to charge machine guns and tanks is the height of folly—a suicidal venture into a no man’s land of certain death. Perhaps some would find such a course desirable, but their personal subjective desires must be laid aside and condemned, as this type of action is what the enemy wants.

This is why the enemy orchestrates their false flag operations to frame and slander the Aryan race and attempt to associate them with irrational violence, mental illness, and all manner of other negative and defamatory traits. The Aryan race must thus recognize that they are in a war, who their enemy is, and what they do in terms of tactics and strategies to fight against us. Their tactics and strategies are in no way confined to the realm of the world, but they operate first and foremost in higher dimensions and thus manifest in the physical, visually observable plane, and in non-visible, more subtle planes.

To know the enemy is to defeat them. To remain in an agnostic state is to fail to oppose them and to, in effect, give up the fight and lay down before the enemy, who will then exploit and enslave to an even greater degree the denizens of this world and genocide the Aryan population through mixture with non-Aryans and more overt slaughter. Most importantly, the Aryan must recognize who he is and why he is here, that he is a warrior who has incarnated to liberate the earth from the enemy, the Jews and their reptilian masters, and the lower-level minions.

They must recognize how to give battle, and this in the most precise and specific form. The physical battle is not available to all, and only certain people within the proper positions are able to play this role. Others may play other roles. The ancient Aryan caste system of Brahmans, warriors, traders, artisans, and serfs applies. Though the current system has introduced a regression of castes from higher to lower and has inverted the caste system into its current form, where truly the last has become first and the first has become last.

Nonetheless, certain types embody the castes within themselves and must do their best to ride the tiger of the post-modern world of social chaos. Therefore, the available socioeconomic functions or roles the enemy society has to offer are unsuited to the person, and thus one must simply play his own role according to his nature. Though he may have been demoted to a level beneath his proper nature, he may still attempt to develop his proper nature in light of the occult war, building power and strength within the proper domain.

In past lives, having been a priest, a warrior, or a craftsman, all Aryans must know themselves and play their proper role in the cosmic war in order to gain a final victory over the black magicians of Zion and liberate Gaia from the system of violence and slavery. They must not only become who they are according to their inner being or essence but become who they are—Hyperborean—and this through the magnum opus, the great work of becoming a living God.

Editor’s note: I do not endorse nor condone any magickal orders or other groups which pronounce that the goal of their “great work” is to turn man into God. This is the solipsistic and sociopathic maxim of luciferian supremacists, that is why I see this material as inherently flawed by on one hand communicating well the nature of the adversary and his minions, but to then promote the very same agenda in conclusion leaves one bewildered other than understanding that this type of dis and misinformation has permeated every branch of the occultist path to gnosis or direct knowledge of the divine or God. Therefore, buyer be very ware that those who sell such dreams of god like power often are themselves merely on the hook as servitors, having leveraged their own souls in black magickal mortgages. Eternal bondage to a demon seems a fate unbefitting a God, perhaps a demi-god or demon is a more apt title in this regard.

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Just a bit on the term Hyperborean.

Hyperborean Has Roots in Greek Mythology

In ancient Greek mythology, the Hyperboreoi were a people who lived in a northern paradise of perpetual sunshine beyond the reaches of the god of the north wind. Their name located them within the Greek world; it combined the prefix hyper-, meaning “above,” and Boreas, the Greek name for the north wind. When hyperborean first appeared in our language in the 15th century, it named those legendary folk. By the late 1500s, though, the word was being used more generally for anything relating to the far north or the people who lived there.

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John F. Kennedy’s Gravesite.

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DeFacto Satanism and The Great Work – Greg Reese

“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” – Thomas Paine

With sincere gratitude. – The Astromonk

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