Category: Classes

Sacred Geometry Classes: Level 2 Class 4

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Sacred Geometry Classes: Level 2 Class 3

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Sacred Geometry Classes: Levels 1-3

Sacred Geometry Classes: Levels 1-3

This is the most comprehensive, hands-on course available in the methods and philosophy of Sacred Geometry, with applications in a variety of interesting and important topics from metaphysical, scientific, artistic and occult traditions. 9 classes in total with step by step instructions via streaming video, and pdf handouts. We’ve gone the extra mile to make this material as approachable and easily understood as possible.

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Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 9 Bonus Class

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Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 8

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Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 7

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Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 6

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Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 5

Protected: Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 5

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Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 4

Protected: Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 4

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SGI Classes: Teleconference Info

Protected: SGI Classes: Teleconference Info

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Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 3

Protected: Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 3

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Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 2

Protected: Sacred Geometry International: Sacred Geometry Classes Level 1 Class 2

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Free Level 1 Class Preview!

Sacred Geometry Classes: Level 1 Class 1


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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

As described in depth in ‘What’s the Point’ the second article, or lesson, in this series on the meaning of Sacred Geometry, it was explained that the entire process of Sacred Geometry begins with a mere point. From that initial point either a straight line or a circle may be generated. This initial generating point was likened to a seed. […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

“Ante omnia Punctum exstitit…” “Before all things were, there was a Point.” Anonymous, 18th century ‘Le Mystere de la Croix’ Sacred Geometry, to be fully appreciated and experienced, must be undertaken as a contemplative, or meditative exercise.  From the initial act of putting pencil or compass point to paper each act of geometry is charged with meaning.  The process of […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry 
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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Original SGI YouTube Channel deleted by Satanists at YouTube and in the comments) Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly […]

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Sacred Geometry Classes:  References and Sources

Sacred Geometry Classes: References and Sources

Used in compiling material for Randall Carlsons’ Sacred Geometry Courses

The material from which I have drawn for my Sacred Geometry programs over the years is vast and varied. The following list of books represents most of the works consulted or utilized and in itself provides a fairly comprehensive reading list for those wishing to immerse themselves deeply into the subject of Sacred Geometry.

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