November 15, 2016 at 12:10 pm

Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Film


Save 33.3% off with Coupon Code: #GNOSISPODCAST

Blu-Ray Preview

randall carlson, cosmic patterns, bluray, film, movie, dvd, blu-ray, hd, download, full, watch, online, best




*Update,all who purchase Blu-ray or Dvd versions of the presentation will receive a free HD download of the presentation

“A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical
architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages,
the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of
apocalyptic prophecy” – Randall Carlson

“I think you should be aware about the work of Randall Carlson…one of the great unsung geniuses who is revealing to us the truth about our past and its been my privilege to spend the last 10 days traveling across the cataclysm fields of the northwest of America, looking through his eyes at the effects of this terrible cometary disaster. ” -Graham Hancock via the Jimmy Church Radio Show

“No one can be told what the Matrix is. You must see it for yourself”

“Geometry will draw the soul toward truth, and create the spirit of

Join independent scholar Randall Carlson as he presents an authoritative
overview of the “master key” of the ancient mysteries, Sacred Geometry.

You will be shown the significance of the “sacred canon of numerical cosmology”, and how it effects every aspect of life from the, “sub-microscopic to the super galactic.” Extending these patterns into the dimensions of catastrophism and Earth history demonstrates the  overarching significance of these sacred proportions in space, time, and human history.

Nothing less than a new paradigm for humankind is invoked with Carlson’s synthesis of leading edge science and ancient myth.

This 4 hour, 2 disc, Blu-ray presentation leads the seeker of wisdom towards understanding of the sacred canon of numerical cosmology, a veritable codex of Sacred Geometrical knowledge, and how these patterns form an ever present hidden architecture of creation.

Divine templates of harmonic ratio and proportion, governing the unfolding of space and time, mysteriously and ubiquitously encoded throughout the archaic world in a multitude of forms including; ancient myth, sacred architecture, language, symbolism and prophecy reaching back beyond the dawn of modern history are all decrypted before your eyes by independent scholar and 32˚ Freemason Randall Carlson.

Blu-ray Chapters and Topics Covered Include

  • The Sacred Canon of Number
  • Sacred Number Embedded in the Measure of Geometry
  • Sacred Number Embedded in the Dimensions of Space
  • Sacred Number Embedded in the Measure of Time
  • Sacred Number Embedded in Solar System Architecture
  • Sacred Number Embedded in Ancient Metrology
  • Sacred Number Embedded in Language (Hebrew and Greek Gematria, Kabbalah)
  • Sacred Number Embedded in Scripture, Symbol, and Prophecy
  • Sacred Number Embedded in Sacred Architecture
  • Sacred Number in Ancient Calendrica Systems of the Maya, Sumerians, Hindu Vedas and More
  • The Great Pyramid, Stonehenge and The Squaring of the Circle
  • The Dimensions of the Sacred Precinct, The Holy City, The New Jerusalem
  • Evidence for Advanced Geodetic Knowledge in Archaic Times (The Great Pyramid, Parthenon and Stonehenge: See the overwhelming evidence that our distant ancestors understood the size and shape of the Earth and their relative position upon it with precision rivaling modern satellite surveys and GPS coordinate systems)
  • Decoding of Religious Metaphor and Symbolism in The Old and New Testaments
  • The Great Year (Precession of the Equinoxes) Understanding the Horizon system of Astronomy
  • Mysteries of Archaic America and the North American Mound Builders
  • Evidence for Geomancy and Precise Astronomical Knowledge in Pre-Columbian America
  • he First Christian Church and the Revelation of Behemoth the Number of the Beast 666
  • Catastrophes in the Time of Man:  The Tempo of Global Change
  • Evidence for the Great Flood Which Drowned North America ~12,900 Years BP. A Crash Course In Catastrophic Geology
  • And Much, Much more!

All Sales Final.

Serious students of The Mysteries will be appreciate the following article, providing a working overview of the nature and mechanistic function of the Precessional Cycle of The Great Year.

The Great Year of the World – Sacred Geometry, Cosmic Cycles and Catastrophe


[meteor_slideshow slideshow=”cpcc-gallery”]


Via ST Frequency of

randall carlson, cosmic patterns, bluray, film, movie, dvd, blu-ray, hd, download, full, watch, online, best

“History repeats itself.” Typically, we think of this phrase referring to relatively brief spans of time—human lives, distinctive decades, significant eras. We might zoom out a bit to recognize the wider cyclical arcs of world empires rising and falling. But rarely do we perceive those patterns that play out over vaster stretches of time, say tens of thousands of years. This historical shortsightedness seems to be a uniquely modern perspective. Past civilizations often held a particular fascination with epically long views of time,and went to great lengths to record their observations of its grand repetitions.

So, why all the fuss in the ancient world about such abstract and seemingly inconsequential things? If you ask Randall Carlson, an Atlanta-based Freemason, sacred geometrician, and self-described “renegade scholar”, you’d better have some time on your hands. Carlson’s new Blu-ray set Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe is a compelling four-hour presentation that reveals a hidden order of the universe rooted in sacred geometry, encoded in ancient monuments, and mirrored in the cosmos. Advanced civilizations of the past left us vital clues to understand the patterns of Earth changes, he suggests—and a warning of catastrophic events to come.

The central concept in Carlson’s cosmology is the “Great Year,” a 25,920-year-long cycle that tracks the astronomical phenomenon of precession caused by the slight wobble of the Earth’s rotation on its axis. When mapped onto a circle and sliced up like a pie-shaped calendar, the divisions of the Great Year equal time spans that represent sacred numbers: 72, 2160, 6480, 12960, and so on. In dozens of examples, Carlson reveals how these figures appear with remarkable frequency throughout the natural and human-created world: in measurement systems of time, space, and geometry; in religious texts and iconography; in the architecture of ancient monuments like the Great Pyramid and the Parthenon; and incredibly, even in the physical dimensions of our solar system.

What arises from this is a sense of awe at the complex, interwoven layers of knowledge achieved by past civilizations—and more than a touch of foreboding. Like a cosmic clock, the Great Year appears to predict with uncanny precision the timing of earth-rending cataclysms, or as Carlson puts it, “the tempo of global change.” History repeating itself, according to schedule.

While extraordinary in its claims, Cosmic Patterns is refreshingly credible. Unlike many esoteric researchers who dabble in wild speculation, Carlson displays a scientist’s rigor for documentation and evidence, which serves to make the presentation all the more fascinating. Artfully produced with detailed graphics, it’s an engrossing—if somewhat sobering—watch that calls for repeat viewings. And why not? We’ve got all the time in the world.




Save 33% – Coupon code: GNOSIS
Save 50% – Coupon code: GNOSTICA

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  1. Pingback: Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe | Disinformation

  2. I just finished watching this and it was excellent. Great exploration of those mysterious numbers 432 et al and the connection to catastrophic change. I especially enjoyed the thorough treatment of the relationship of the Great Pyramid’s dimensions to those of the Earth.

  3. I was so stoked to watch this presentation and it didn’t disappoint. If you’ve seen Randall Carlson on the Joe Rogan Experience and are looking for more info on sacred geometry and castastophist theory then end your search here. this DVD is full of information that orthodox academia either cannot explains or won’t touch with a ten foot pole. Randall has a way of conveying complex concepts in a way that is as inviting as it is incorrigible.
    Great presentation! Get ready to learn!

  4. I’m just in to Chapter 3 of this DVD and is it any coincidence that the difference between the equatorial diameter and the polar diameter is the same length as a marathon? I think not.

    • Nice catch Joe! Would you mind posting the math in a follow up comment? Best wishes – Astromonk

      • Sorry, don’t know why I put multiple of ten.

        Equatorial Diameter: 7,926 miles (or 12,760 Kilometers)

        Polar Diameter: 7,900 miles (or 12,720 Kilometers)

        Difference of 26 miles or length of a marathon.

        • Not to start a conversation on this DVD page, but what’s your opinion on the official origin of the length of a marathon then? Based on the legend of a soldier running from a battlefield to the city to carry a message, and the length (and name) originating from this?

          • Allegory. I’m just not exactly sure. The story that the runner ran to tell of victory in battle has been shown to be embellished, or not true. So why pick 26 miles? The correlation is too prominent not to notice.

          • Well the story is doubtless just a legend or at least sensationalized, but the distance between the places wasn’t ‘picked’, that’s just the distance between them (approx anyway)

          • Well I asked if it was of any coincidence and I guess it is. After looking in to it further the original myth had the messenger running just 24 miles.

            An extra 2.2 miles were added at the 1908 Olympic Games in London, the marathon
            distance was changed to 26.2 miles to cover the ground from Windsor
            Castle to White City Stadium, with the 2.2 miles added on so
            the race could finish in front of royal family’s viewing box.

            What are the odds that the ancient place of where the marathon was created also happens to be the same place where ancients calculated the difference between the equatorial diameter and the polar diameter?

            Thanks for questioning that, before I went and made myself out to be a jackass, by reciting it as fact. lol. I figured something so obscure correlation had to be related. Amazing.

          • World’s full of outrageous coincidences, and most of them are going to be just coincidences. Some aren’t though! Which ones? That’s the fun.

  5. Joe Rogan Experience + Randall Carlson = much love, please come back and share knowelidge serving our lifes something for all of us …

    • p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

      please tell to
      Joe Rogan that ability to reach him anonymously helps to share ideas
      which other ways would never see the light. No registration = No
      control = No authority = Truly freedom of expression. Ideas
      knowledge belong to humanity no one should die of cancer for idea of

  6. Randall, please post your DVDs, BluRays, literature on Amazon. No offense, but going through your website to find and buy things is a pain in the posterior. So much easier for the millions who have Amazon accounts, with credit cards stored, to buy your products. Maybe discount the product prices on Amazon too. Exposing yourself to Amazon is a massive jump in exposure and sales.

  7. Thank you for this wonderful work. I’m happy to see that the information is available to everyone who dares to believe truth. Keep it coming!

  8. Randall, I just recently caught you and Graham’s podcast with Joe Rogan. I’ve seen every episode both of you have appeared on. I came here to support you by purchasing your DVD, but $50 is too costly for me right now. I have to believe many others feel the same. Any chance I can get a discount?

  9. Is there any way to download this material after purchasing without having to get it mailed?

  10. Probably my favorite guest on the Joe Rogan Experience. The last one with Graham and Randall made me want to explore your sacred geometry lectures more. I’ll let you know how I like them after I listen to them all.

  11. Is there / will there be, a book version please? …(and if so – available on Amazon ?)

  12. Watching this DVD was the first time I felt I was getting a glimpse of the true subject matter of the mystery schools. Thank you sooo much Randall and Cameron and everyone who contributes to this area of study, we should all know how important this is.

  13. Just watch the excerpt of the vid and I was reminded of an odd quality of the number 9 that I read of in a Colin Wilson book. I don’t know if it has any real significance and perhaps a mathematician could explain it but it works as follows:
    Write a number with any number of digits. Then using all of the same numbers in that first number, mix the digits up in any order. Subtract the smaller number from the larger. Reducing the result with addition to a single number will always result in the number 9.

    • Sounds intriguing, could you give a specific example of the methodology you are describing please?

      • Any number, any # of digits, here the serial nos. from two $50.00 bills.
        58435277632788 – which is then mixed up in any order, giving us :
        84858375223767 – then, subtracting the smaller # from the larger gives us :
        26423097590979 which when added together gives us : 72 or 7+2 = 9
        Always 9, no matter what, as in : 321 minus 123 = 198 = 1+9+8 = 18 = 9
        And so on and so on. I recall Colin Wilson didn’t know why this occurred
        and I sure don’t. Maybe it’s only significance is that it’s something to craft a party trick around or perhaps it’s more. I recall a friend showed me a digital online crystal ball seer that somehow got some correct answers. It turned out
        the seer’s power was based entirely on the above quality of the number 9.
        Hope I was understandable.

        • BTW
          I too recently watched Randall, and Graham and Randall on Rogan’s podcast. Wonderful stuff. But I’m curious, does Randall or anyone else here feel that Earth Crust Displacement has any merit. I know Hancock once did before this new evidence came to light. I know I sure did as it was the only thing that came close to providing a possibly satisfying hypotheses to the enigma of flash frozen mammoths with their bellies full of buttercups,….. That is until Randall revealed on Joe Rogan that the situation required a drop in temperature, in less than ten hours, from buttercup friendly to (yikes) 150 degrees below zero. I’ve heard of nothing on this planet where that would be possible. Am I missing something?

  14. Enjoyable introduction video. In the catastrophic event overlay upon the cosmic cycle graph there seem to be two event clusters. Is there any further information regarding these two groupings? One grouping was located near Aquarius, the other near Leo. The constellation graph seems to be inverted in comparison to all other constellation charts I can find, why is this? The graph with the green nodes shows the events at the ‘cusp’ of these signs. Are these events near the beginning or the end of these time cycles? Also, have you been able to correlate any event climate shift similarities? I will search your class section. Thank you for the information.

    • You might want to look into the effects of solar cycles on climate change (increased cosmic rays = increased cloud nucleation, more interaction with silica rich magma = more volcanic eruptions, etc, etc..) and indeed cyclical calamities. Ben Davidson from the Youtube channel Suspicious 0bservers has a pretty solid series on the topic. Check em’ out.. It’s Not You, It’s Not Co2, It’s The Sun.

  15. I ordered your DVD tonight and the link I got for the HD download. It was broken. I got a 404 error. Now I’m going to get a DVD I cannot watch because I don’t have a DVD player.

  16. Hello Randall, take my hat off to you Sir, truly inspirational work. You are a selfless teacher, and that’s what is needed, your work needs to get out to the schools, colleges and universities to open the minds of the young and next generation.

    Too many have been distracted by mainstream sideshows designed to keep our attention off the issues. Religion the distraction away from authoritarian rule, mainstream education the distraction from creativity, social media the distraction from real relationships, celebrity worship the distraction from taking control of your own life, and now climate change – the distraction from corporatocracies misappropriation of resources and how they discard the waste.
    Something is happening however, the internet has allowed creativity and free thought to emerge and this is breaking apart the illusion.
    Keep up the great work Randall.

    I look at google map, and see over the Asian landmass, in China, to the north of Yunan province, up to where it meets Arunchal Pradesh and the Himalayas, the county of northern Yunan looks like a giant spill way leading all the way down to Hanoi, Vietnam….Hanoi is surely a giant river delta. And further north still, up into Tibet, there are many residule glacial lakes.
    Does the impact dates that the comet research group have placed the 12,800 and 11,900 year ago events, has there been any research on China and anything hitting this Tibetan area during the same period?

  17. wow i think that if Donald Trump was aware of this info and the impact it is having on people from all walks young and old on how powerful and true the mesage is we might see Randall on some type of committee helping to educate the masses on the real truth of our past what a great time to be alive Thank You Randall Hancock Rogan

  18. I just bought the Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe HD Download for 33$ but i must be retarded or something. After payment i get the thank you for Your order and With a Picture of Randall Carlson and Co, but where is the download? Not on my email… Im left 33$ poorer and sent to total retardation. Please help.

  19. jigshoop jig-shoop


  20. Motocross Boss

    It’s better if you watch it high

  21. Randall, you are incredible my friend. Thank you for all your work and please never stop!