Category: Catastrophism In The News

Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects

Via Ancient Architects The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree. A new research paper has been published in Scientific Reports regarding an ancient civilisation in what is modern-day Syria that was wiped out by the cataclysm, as academics finally come round […]

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A world map that shows where similary platinum spikes have been discovered in the world. The latest discovery is at the Wonderkrater site in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Credit: Francis Thackeray/Wits University

New research supports hypothesis that asteroid contributed to mass extinction

Via Wits University A team of scientists from South Africa has discovered evidence partially supporting a hypothesis that Earth was struck by a meteorite or asteroid 12 800 years ago, leading to global consequences including climate change, and contributing to the extinction of many species of large animals at the time of an episode called the Younger Dryas. The […]

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“God Of Chaos” Asteroid Will Get Closer Than Orbiting Satellites In 2029, Researchers Warn Impact Would Be “Devastating For All Life”

“God Of Chaos” Asteroid Will Get Closer Than Orbiting Satellites In 2029, Researchers Warn Impact Would Be “Devastating For All Life”

Via By Tyler Durden 8/19/2019 It may be 10 years away, but NASA is already preparing for the arrival of what is being called the “God of Chaos” asteroid, which is slated to skim past the earth in 10 years, according to Express. The asteroid has been named 99942 Apophis. The asteroid is gargantuan, measuring 340 meters across, and […]

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Can we deflect a killer asteroid?

Can we deflect a killer asteroid?

RT America Published on Jul 8, 2019 NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies has detected 1,120 Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) so far this year. RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports for the News with Rick Sanchez on the likelihood of Earth being struck by one of these objects. She also discusses known asteroids that are particularly worrisome to astronomers and how […]

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An artist’s conception of an asteroid hurtling toward Earth. PHOTO: ALAMY

The Asteroid Peril Isn’t Science Fiction

Via the Wall Street Journal: Even if we managed to spot a small but dangerous asteroid heading for Earth, we currently have no means to stop it. By Gordon L. Dillow July 5, 2019 11:09 am ET In May, a group of international scientists assembled near Washington, D.C., to tackle an alarming problem: what to do about an asteroid hurtling […]

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NASA Issues A Warning: Meteorites Are “A Threat To The Earth!”

NASA Issues A Warning: Meteorites Are “A Threat To The Earth!”

Via “We know for a fact that the dinosaurs did not have a space program,” he added. “But we do, and we need to use it.” Authored by Mac Slavo via, On Monday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine warned that meteors that could destroy an entire state in the United States and that they are a real threat to […]

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A NASA glaciologist has discovered a possible second impact crater buried under more than a mile of ice in northwest Greenland. Credit: NASA Goddard

NASA finds possible second impact crater under Greenland ice –

February 11, 2019 by Maria-José Viñas, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Via A NASA glaciologist has discovered a possible second impact crater buried under more than a mile of ice in northwest Greenland. This follows the finding, announced in November 2018, of a 19-mile-wide crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier—the first meteorite impact crater ever discovered under Earth’s ice sheets. Though […]

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Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

Massive Crater Discovered Under Greenland Ice

NASA Goddard Published on Nov 14, 2018 In a remote area of northwest Greenland, an international team of scientists has made a stunning discovery, buried beneath a kilometer of ice. It’s a meteor impact crater, 300 meters deep and bigger than Paris or the Beltway around Washington, DC. It is one of the 25 largest known impact craters on Earth, […]

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Big batch of asteroids buzz Earth in a single week

Big batch of asteroids buzz Earth in a single week

An unusual number of space rocks passed by for a visit ahead of the holidays. Via Cnet BY ERIC MACK NOVEMBER 20, 2018 11:01 AM PST As the Leonid meteor shower was lighting up skies with bright fireballs over the past week, some bigger space rocks were also zipping over us. No fewer than six asteroids have flown closer to […]

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Werner Herzog Explores the Meaning of Meteorites in ‘Fireball’ (EXCLUSIVE) – Variety

Werner Herzog Explores the Meaning of Meteorites in ‘Fireball’ (EXCLUSIVE) – Variety

Via Stewart Clarke October 12, 2018 1:00AM PDT Werner Herzog is making “Fireball,” a feature documentary about meteorites and comets and their influence on mythology and religion. Production is underway, and international buyers will get a first look at the Mipcom market in Cannes next week. “Fireball” reunites the legendary filmmaker with Prof. Clive Oppenheimer. Herzog and geoscientist Oppenheimer […]

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Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA’s ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million – Zerohedge

Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA’s ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million – Zerohedge

Via Zerohedge by Tyler Durden Wed, 10/17/2018 – 20:45 It didn’t make many national headlines, but the proposed budget for NASA’s “Planetary Defense Coordination Office” was just increased by 90 million dollars. At a time when our national budget is already stretched to the max, this seems like an odd thing to be spending so much money on. As you […]

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NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

NASA: Previously Unknown Asteroid had a Near Miss with Earth today

Via WattsUpWithThat Anthony Watts / 3 hours ago April 15, 2018 We dodged a bullet today. It came within one half of the distance to the moon. I got this notice in email from NASA about a surprise asteroid that gave us only one day of warning passing halfway between the Earth and the moon. It was the largest known […]

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An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

Via Paleolithic Extinctions and the Taurid Complex (2010) Centaurs as a Hazard to Civilization (2015) Excerpted from Wolbach et. al (2018) Astronomical Hypothesis for the YDB Impact Event Regarding the probability of a swarm of cometary fragments hitting the Earth, Boslough et al. (2013) claimed that the YDB event is “statistically and physically impossible,” whereas Napier et al. (2013) […]

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12,800 years ago, Earth was struck by a disintegrating comet, setting off global firestorms

12,800 years ago, Earth was struck by a disintegrating comet, setting off global firestorms

Via March 17, 2018 According to modern theories of geological evolution, the last major ice age (known as the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation) began about 2.58 million years ago during the late Pliocene Epoch. Since then, the world has experienced several glacial and interglacial periods, and has been in an inter-glacial period (where the ice sheets have been retreating) ever since […]

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Burn Paper via The Cosmic Tusk

Burn Paper via The Cosmic Tusk

Via Papers #1 and #2 and Supplementary Materials Quick take at skeptic site NeuroLogica Tallboy – Widespread Panic (1997) The Tusk inaugurates our new look here by posting the most important paper in the peer-reviewed canon of the Comet Research Group since the original PNAS publication in 2007. It is truly a new day at the Tusk. The Two […]

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100 full moons: Blazing fireball lights up Arctic sky – Yahoo

100 full moons: Blazing fireball lights up Arctic sky – Yahoo

Via Yahoo COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A blazing fireball lit up the dark skies of Arctic Finland for five seconds, giving off what scientists said was “the glow of 100 full moons” and igniting hurried attempts to find the reported meteorite. Same “fireball” from 670km away (416 miles) Finnish experts were scrambling to calculate its trajectory and find where it […]

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Divert, intercept, destroy: 4 ways NASA plans to save us from Earth-bound asteroids (PHOTOS)

Divert, intercept, destroy: 4 ways NASA plans to save us from Earth-bound asteroids (PHOTOS)

Via Hollywood movies have long dramatised the threat of Earth being wiped out in by an asteroid discovered at the 11th hour, only for disaster to be averted by all-American heroes such as Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck or a gristly Robert Duvall. As NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office uses the asteroid “2012 TC4” to test its ability to respond […]

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Here’s How an Asteroid Threatens Earth in CBS’ ‘Salvation’ (Trailer)

Here’s How an Asteroid Threatens Earth in CBS’ ‘Salvation’ (Trailer)

Premise The show centers on the ramifications of the discovery of an asteroid that will impact the Earth just six months later and attempts to prevent the impact. Viagra at such low doses isn’t known to produce side effects in humans denmark, or concomitant strong CYP3A4 inhibitors: consider initial dose of 25mg. Il farmaco cialis Turkey ripristina la reazione normale […]

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Happy Asteroid Day! A conversation about peaceful, global scientific collaboration

Happy Asteroid Day! A conversation about peaceful, global scientific collaboration

Via: The Guardian Today is the 3rd annual Asteroid Day, and the first to be presented under the auspices of the United Nations, with live global broadcasts raising awareness about asteroids Asteroid Day will be streaming for 24 hours. Today, more than 1,000 local events in around 200 countries are being organised to celebrate Asteroid Day. Sanctioned by the United […]

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Are asteroids humanity’s ‘greatest challenge’?

Are asteroids humanity’s ‘greatest challenge’?

Are asteroids humanity’s ‘greatest challenge’? June 28, 2017 by Mariëtte Le Roux via Throughout its 4.5-billion-year history, Earth has been repeatedly pummelled by space rocks that have caused anything from an innocuous splash in the ocean to species annihilation. When the next big impact will be, nobody knows. But the pressure is on to predict—and intercept—its arrival. “Sooner or […]

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