September 7, 2019 at 12:49 pm

The Vulture Stone of Gobekli Tepe: Pillar 43 Decoded | Ancient Architects


Via Ancient Architects

Anybody who has taken an interest in Ancient Civilisations will know about the site of Gobekli Tepe, arguably the most important ancient site in the world. It was constructed around 10,000 BC, before being abandoned some time around 8,000 BC.

It is huge and megalithic and is know for its roughly circular enclosures with large T-shaped pillars that display exquisite relief carvings, mainly of animals, but also human arms and hands, geometric patterns, clothing, such as a fox pelt loin cloth, and also some images that are yet to be interpreted.

The most famous T-shaped pillar is known as pillar 43, also known as the Vulture Stone and thanks to the work of Andrew Collins, Graham Hancock and now Martin Sweatman, this stone pillar is getting the attention it deserves.

This pillar is the new Rosetta Stone of ancient history and Martin Sweatman calls it the most important ancient artefact in the whole world, and it allows us to decode the site of Gobekli Tepe.

Martin’s new book, Prehistory Decoded is out now and it is not just a fascinating read, but an important read, for those wanting to understand the origins of civilisation.

In this video I explain Martin’s interpretation of the famous Vulture Stone, or Pillar 43, in my opinion the best explanation available that may show clear links between Gobekli Tepe and the Younger Dryas Event at the end of the last Ice Age.

Buy Martin Sweatman’s new book, Prehistory Decoded, now at:

Subscribe to Martin’s YouTube channel at:…

All images are taken from Google Images and from one of the videos from Martin Sweatman’s channel, linked above, for educational purposes only.

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