October 5, 2013 at 5:24 am

Sangreal, The Holy Grail: The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6


Sangreal_6_Shaitan_updateSangreal, The Holy Grail:

The Mystery of the Red Rain – Part 6

Last month I introduced the reader to a very strange meteorological phenomenon that occurred with surprising frequency throughout history. This was the phenomenon of rainfall that had the appearance of blood. A very interesting example of this genre appears in The Roman History: The Reign of Augustus, by the second century Roman historian Cassius Dio. In Book 51, xvii, he writes regarding events in Egypt:

“…not only did rain fall in places where no drop had ever been seen before, but blood besides, and the flash of weapons appeared from the clouds, as the showers of blood mingled with water poured down. In other places the clash of drums and cymbals and the notes of flutes and trumpets were heard, and a serpent of enormous size suddenly appeared and uttered a hiss of incredible volume. Meanwhile comets were observed in the heavens…”

This is a truly extraordinary account in the light of everything I have been writing about in these pages over the past months. All the elements are here for a bona fide cosmic event, one that has been preserved throughout history in symbolism that has only recently begun to be recognized and interpreted by scholars. In this account we have an overt reference to a comet in association with a serpent of enormous size that emits a terrifyingly loud hiss. Also the reference to weapons must be noted, and the acoustic effects, which are described in terms of sounds that would have been familiar to the witnesses of the time. In the article “Here there be Dragons” which appeared in the May, 2013 issue of the Oracle, I listed a number of the images invoked by our ancestors to represent comets, meteors and fireballs, with serpents and dragons being the most prominent. However, among the other symbols frequently employed were swords, spears, arrows, lances, and the implements of war in general, as the cosmic events witnessed by humans throughout history have often been interpreted as ‘war in heaven.’

Print made by Hieronymus Wierix Date 1619 (c.) Description
St Michael triumphing over the dragon; St Michael, holding a spear and a shield, seen standing on a dragon, piercing his mouth with the spear; behind, to right, the war in heaven between angels and demons.

So in that light consider the 7th and 8th verses of the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent.” The Book of Revelation contains numerous evocative passages that are eminently suited for describing the nature of cosmic encounters, and, I would argue, has amongst its several layers of meaning a descriptive account in visionary prose of actual events of the cosmic kind.

Consider the following references extracted from the historical literature and you should begin to get a sense of the symbolical cloaking in which memories of these tremendous events were preserved for posterity.

“Amongst other warnings, a comet, one of the kind called Xiphias, because their tails appear to represent the blade of a sword, was seen above the city for the space of a whole year.”

From Josephus, writing about events in the year 69 A.D foretelling the imminent fall of Jerusalem: “Amongst other warnings, a comet, one of the kind called Xiphias, because their tails appear to represent the blade of a sword, was seen above the city for the space of a whole year.” Or this brief account taken from a 1729 history of Japan, referring to events in the reign of Synin which began in 29 BC: “In the thirty sixth year of his reign, it rain’d Stars from Heaven in Japan…In the 40th year of his reign, on a clear and serene day, there arose all of a sudden in China, a violent storm of thunder and lightning: Comets, Fiery-Dragons and uncommon Meteors appeared in the Airs, and it rain’d fire from Heaven.” Or this account from a European chronicle set down in writing about the year 1000 AD: “The heavens having opened, a kind of burning torch fell upon the earth, leaving behind it a long train of light similar to a flash of lightning. Such was its light that it frightened not only those who were in the open country, but those who were within doors. As this opening in the heavens slowly closed men saw with horror the figure of a dragon, whose feet were blue, and whose head seemed continually to increase.” Still another account was recorded in the 4th century AD about an event that occurred in 106 BC in the regions of Persia and Rome when “an uproar in the sky was heard and javelins seen to fall from heaven; there was a rain of blood; at Rome in daylight a torch was seen flying high.” (Obsequens, Book of Prodigies)

Such examples could be multiplied many times over, but I think you are beginning to get the point. In these quotes the context makes it overtly obvious what the association between cosmic object, be it comet or meteor, and fiery dragons, swords or burning torches actually means. It is describing an entirely natural event or phenomenon, but one that manifests on such a scale of power that it indelibly imprints itself on the religious consciousness of those who experience it directly. We need only turn to the eyewitness accounts of the Great Tunguska cosmic event of 1908 to see the striking parallels. A detailed examination of this profoundly important episode shall be the focus of an upcoming article.

I think you are beginning to get the point. In these quotes the context makes it overtly obvious what the association between cosmic object, be it comet or meteor, and fiery dragons, swords or burning torches actually means. It is describing an entirely natural event or phenomenon, but one that manifests on such a scale of power that it indelibly imprints itself on the religious consciousness of those who experience it directly.

In many instances the direct meaning of the symbolism is less overt, but none the less obvious once the initial connections are recognized, as is the case with the vast corpus of Grail literature. In previous articles I have emphasized the importance of blood throughout the various tales and have suggested that perhaps the ‘blood royal’ was somehow unique in that it imparted some special quality to the individual in whose veins it flowed, and, that the presence of this unique quality was what set apart the royal dynasties in ages past. It also appears that this blood royal could become diluted over the course of generations and would require revitalization from time to time if its bearer was to continue to be worthy of the prerogatives of the divine ruler, which was considered to be nothing less than serving as the intermediary between mortal humans and the gods.

Last month’s article contained a sample of accounts of ‘blood’ raining from the sky.  We have seen how in at least several cases this blood was perceived to be directly associated with comets and meteors. I ended that article with this question: What are we to make of these accounts? Surely it does not rain actual blood from the sky. Or does it?

One of the first attempts to analyze the chemistry or red rain occurred in the late 19th century when it fell over Calabria, Italy. Laboratory analysis led investigators to conclude that it was, in fact, blood. This led one professor to propose that it must have been the result of a flock of birds becoming caught up somehow in a violent wind. However, there was no wind to speak of at the time and no feathers or other bird parts were ever found.

Enter modern science. In recent times two events have provided startling evidence that the ancient accounts may not be untenable at all.

On November 14/15 of 2012 a red rain was seen to fall over several provinces of Sri Lanka. Initial analysis of this rain seemed to indicate that the red color was caused by unicellular micro-organisms, presumed to be terrestrial in nature. Subsequent analysis, however, disclosed the presence of high concentrations of uranium in the outer layers of these cells. In an interview with cosmologist Chandra Wickramsinghe he states: “The concentration of uranium is not typical of earthly life forms and is another pointer to the alien origin of the red rain cells.” In addition the cells lacked phosphorous in the nuclear region which led the scientists studying them to call them extremely unusual organisms. But could there be an extraterrestrial connection?  Well, the answer is yes. About 10 days before the actual rainfall there were numerous meteor and fireball sightings in the area. It was concluded by Wickramasinghe that it was entirely possible that the microbial cells could have stayed aloft until changes in atmospheric pressure and moisture were conducive their raining out.

Sri Lanka Red rain falling.   Rain water sample (left) and after the particles settled (right). Dried sediment (center).  Photomicrograph of particles from red rain sample

In an April, 2013 article in the Journal of Cosmology entitled “Discovery of Uranium in Outer Coat of Sri Lankan Red Rain Cells, the authors state: “The microbial content of the red rain that fell over central Sri Lanka in November/December 2012 shows generic similarities to that of the Kerala red rain.” The Kerala red rain the authors refer to was a similar event that took place in Kerala, India in May of 2001. It is estimated in that occurrence over 50 thousand tons of red blood-like rain fell over an area of a few thousand square kilometers. However, in this case there was something more. The rainfall was preceded almost immediately by massive sonic booms, the kind that would be generated by a bolide or large meteor exploding in the atmosphere.

“The concentration of uranium is not typical of earthly life forms and is another pointer to the alien origin of the red rain cells.”

The red cells that were conveyed to Earth in the red rain of Kerala were truly extraordinary. Among their unexpected properties were not only survivability but the ability to reproduce at temperatures up to and exceeding 600 degrees Fahrenheit! Modern cooking ovens usually have a maximum temperature of 500° F. In addition the cells have a double wall structure which serves to protect the nucleus from damage, including from ultraviolet radiation. In other words these cells are ideally suited to survive a journey through space and a fiery passage through Earth’s atmosphere. But from whence come these strange, red bloodlike cells? Patrick McCafferty , a chemical engineer and archeologist, has made an in-depth study of the red rain phenomenon throughout history. He authored an article on red rain for the International Journal of Astrobiology in 2008 in which he writes:  “It was concluded that the red particles probably had an extraterrestrial origin, the result of a meteor airburst event on 25 July 2001, just hours before the red rain first started to fall. This conclusion raises the possibility that, in space, there are objects that contain red, blood-like cells. In other words, comets possibly harbour life. Such an image of a comet, containing a liquid interior teeming with red cells, is difficult to imagine and even harder to accept.”


“Now recall the events in the great hall of the Fisher King. Percival is first presented with a sword, next the Grail procession enters the hall, led by maidens carrying candelabra, followed by a lance dripping blood, followed by the Grail itself, too brilliant to look at directly, followed finally by a maiden bearing a platter, or dish. All the elements are now in place to make sense of this strange scenario.”

Perhaps so, but not so hard to accept for the purveyors of the Grail Mythos, which after all, is what this series of articles is about. Let us reconsider the miraculous Grail procession witnessed by Percival in the Castle of the Fisher King. But first let’s consider what McCafferty has to say next: “If this astronomical interpretation is correct, then in many myths there are direct links between bloody rain and violent meteoric activity. For example, in the Táin Bó Cuailnge, it appears that Ireland was subjected to extraordinarily violent events on the night before the spectacular daytime appearance of a comet, too bright to look at. Just days afterwards, the goddess Medb has her gust of blood shortly before the superhero Cúchulainn strikes the bald-topped hills with his rainbow-sized sword, and a victorious enormous bull arrives over the eastern horizon and scatters a vanquished bull’s blood and flesh over the landscape. In other words, red rain was seen on the same day as a meteor.” And, let us ponder the words of Mary Proctor, an early 20th century popularizer of astronomy, in a now classic work The Romance of Comets: “Comets have sometimes been pictured as dragons, and according to Pliny the shape of a comet indicated its character as a portent. Thus, some were shown as arrow heads, sea monsters, swords, lances, and flames.”

“Comets have sometimes been pictured as dragons, and according to Pliny the shape of a comet indicated its character as a portent. Thus, some were shown as arrow heads, sea monsters, swords, lances, and flames.”

Now recall the events in the great hall of the Fisher King. Percival is first presented with a sword, next the Grail procession enters the hall, led by maidens carrying candelabra, followed by a lance dripping blood, followed by the Grail itself, too brilliant to look at directly, followed finally by a maiden bearing a platter, or dish. All the elements are now in place to make sense of this strange scenario. If we understand the meaning of the Grail castle itself then all the pieces of this 800 year old mystery fall into place. Calling upon McCafferty one more time, along with co-author Mike Baillie in their book The Celtic Gods: “…in Arthurian romance, the Grail Castle was round, had a dome covered with blue sapphires, and was strewn with carbuncles that shone like the sun” and “the Grail Castle where the Grail, sometimes too bright to look at, floats through the air, clothed in white samite . . . We are already familiar with such castles being metaphors for the sky. The alternatives, in various stories, are that the Grail can be borne through the hall of the Grail castle by a beautiful damsel or, alternatively, it can float through the air in Arthur’s castle, clothed in white samite. Either way, we have a bright, veiled object which moves through the air in a castle that is, in fact, the sky. What veiled (fuzzy) bright object can move through the sky?”

Comet Ison is set to make it's closest transit on November 28th, 2013 ISON reaches perihelion November 28th at ~18:00 PM EST/ 23:00 UT.
Comet Ison is set to make it’s closest transit on November 28th, 2013
ISON reaches perihelion November 28th at ~18:00 PM EST/ 23:00 UT.

As this article goes to press, Comet Ison is set to grace our skies. We can only hope that it will be spectacular enough to, temporarily at least, move some humans to lift their attention towards the heavens and realize that we have a much greater destiny ahead of us, for as the Grail Mystery is teaching us, life came from the heavens to Earth and to the heavens it will return, when Mankind finally understands the ancient purpose of our presence on this planet.

Continue on to Sangreal, The Cosmic Grail: Piercing the Veil – Part 7


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