Author: Randall Carlson

Ask Randall: Response to remarks posted by David Camacho to “Redemption of the Beast”

Ask Randall: Response to remarks posted by David Camacho to “Redemption of the Beast”

Response to remarks posted by David Camacho to “Redemption of the Beast” Comment posted by Mr. David Comacho David Comacho: Randall here and Don Easterbrook both claim CO2 increases are insignificant and urge us to consider its low concentration in the atmosphere. CO2 is a trace gas but it is very powerful in its influence and has nearly doubled in […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – part 6

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – part 6

Read part 5 here. Is Climate Change Becoming More Severe? Most climatologists are in agreement that the global climate has warmed somewhere around a degree Fahrenheit since the middle of the 19th century and the easing of the Little Ice Age. Actually the IPCC placed the warming at about .85 degrees Celsius. However, and this is a fact: one degree […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and The Demonization of CO2 – part 5

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST: The Carbon Cycle and The Demonization of CO2 – part 5

Read part 4 here Figure 1. Global net primary productivity increase as of 2010. The phenomenon of planetary greening has continued unabated since then. Source: CSIRO Australia. “Deserts ‘greening’ from rising carbon dioxide: Green foliage boosted across the world’s arid regions.” Science Daily, July 8, 2013. Greening the Earth When confronted with this reality of global greening, the typical response […]

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REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 part 4

Read part 3 here. Tropical Response to CO2 A study appeared in Trends in Ecology & Evolution in the year 2000 that looked at the response of tropical forests to the increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The authors, Yadvinder Malhi and John Grace, were with the Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Their report, appearing […]

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Irrigated Cotton, China

Photograph by Keren Su, Getty Images

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 3

Read parts 1 & 2 here: One More Benefit: Carbon Dioxide and Ozone There is another benefit to carbon dioxide enrichment that needs to be discussed. It relates to the effects of ozone pollution on plants. Ozone (O3) is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms that normally makes up only about 0.6 parts per million of the atmosphere. The […]

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Figure 5 Sherwood Idso showing a succession of pine trees of the same age and grown under identical conditions except for the addition of greater concentrations of carbon dioxide. The tree on the left is grown under ambient concentrations and the trees to the right with enrichment above ambient as shown. Source: Moore, Patrick (2016

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 2

Read part 1 here: After 21 more years of study, one of these authors, the late Sylvan Wittwer, (who passed away in 2012 at the age of 95) reiterated the fact that there were benefits to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. But then he went on to say something else very interesting. He, along with co-author Emeritus Professor of […]

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Image via Business Insider

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST – The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 – Part 1

REDEMPTION OF THE BEAST The Carbon Cycle and the Demonization of CO2 This essay and review of research into the carbon cycle and its effect upon the biosphere, more specifically upon the realm of plants and vegetation, is intended to provide a synopsis of evidence and information that is generally being neglected in mainstream discussions of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) […]

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Diluvial Catastrophes and the Ancient World

Diluvial Catastrophes and the Ancient World

In a recent two part article I introduced the reader to one of the great natural events in Earth history – the mighty Bonneville Flood. However, as I made clear, this enormous fluvial event was only a regional manifestation of a much larger event, one of such scale and magnitude that it almost defies comprehension. In this article I will […]

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Figure 10. Two massive flood transported boulders testify to the almost inconceivable power of the Great Bonneville Flood currents. Photo by Randall.

The Great Bonneville Flood – Part 2

For all those who are paying attention, whose eyes and minds are open: the veil is parting and the deep history, the real history of humankind on planet Earth is emerging from the mists and shadows of antiquity.

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Image: Lynn Topinka 2005

The Great Bonneville Flood – Part 1

In a recent article I told the story of the Teton Dam disaster that occurred on June 5 of the year 1976 in the headwaters of the Snake River, Idaho. In conclusion to that installment I wrote that this modern catastrophic flood “overlapped the region of a gigantic prehistoric flood in the vicinity of American Falls as another juxtaposition of […]

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Figure 37. Men, choose your weapons. Volunteers getting ready to go to work

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 3

Read Parts 1 & 2 here. [meteor_slideshow slideshow=”teton-dam-collapse”] Click on left arrow to advance photos in chronological order from right to left. AFTERMATH In the effort to understand the causes and origins of this monumental failure there were a number of conclusions arrived at by the various investigating committees. No final agreement was ever reached as to any single cause […]

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The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 2

Read part 1 here. PRELUDE Like the Mosul Dam, the Teton Dam was an earthen embankment structure and, like the current dangerous predicament of the Mosul Dam, the failure of the Teton Dam was the result of the cumulative effect of human error. The multiple purposes for which the dam was being built included agricultural irrigation, flood control, power generation […]

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The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 1

The Teton Dam Collapse: An Essay on Modern Catastrophe – Part 1

“As every dam engineer knows, water also has one job, and that is to get past anything in its way” David Macauley, Building Big, 2000. I have written in another article about a potential disaster that could occur in Iraq if the Mosul Dam fails. I described the conditions of the dam built during the regime of Saddam Hussein on […]

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Cosmic Lessons : Burckle Crater, Noah’s Flood and Mosul Dam – Part 2

Cosmic Lessons : Burckle Crater, Noah’s Flood and Mosul Dam – Part 2

“Is it possible that behind this myth of world destruction by mega-flood, there is a basis in scientific fact?.” – Randall Carlson

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Photo Credit: Jenny Mackness - Krishna's Butterball.

Cosmic Lessons: Burckle Crater and Megatsunamis – Part 1

I concluded last month’s entry with a discussion of very large chevron-shaped deposits found on the southern coast of the island of Madagascar by Dallas Abbott and her colleagues. At a recent December, 2015 meeting of the American Geophysical Union this team presented further evidence supporting their controversial 2006 supposition that these landforms had been produced by gigantic tsunami waves. […]

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Extreme Climate and Weather Related Events Prior to the Advent of Significant Amounts of Anthropogenic CO2 to the Global Atmosphere

For years now we have been told that due to mankind’s addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and presumed resultant warming of the atmosphere, the Earth would be subject to increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. This was certainly demonstrated in An Inconvenient Truth as Al Gore stands in front of a NASA image of Hurricane Katrina, […]

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Ötzi the Iceman while still frozen in the glacier, photographed by Helmut Simon upon the discovery of the body in September 1991

Cosmic Lessons – Madagascar Chevrons and Megatsunamis – Part 4

Picking up the story where I left off in the last installment: I presented information on the discovery of an inscribed, disk-shaped stone found by Sir Austen Henry Layard while excavating the ruins of the royal palace at Ninevah back in the 1850s. This stone, often referred to as the Planisphere, had cuneiform pictographic markings on it that two research […]

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Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead – Part 3

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead – Part 3

In the two previous articles I have been writing about the connection between the ancient Festival of the Dead, our modern Halloween and certain cosmic events associated with the Pleiades star cluster. Prior to that I contributed a series of articles delving into the extraordinary Tunguska cosmic event of June 30, 1908. In the October, 2015 contribution to this series […]

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Halloween's Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year.  Photo: Ian Rutherford

Cosmic Lessons: The Day of the Dead

  A Read Part 1 here: Cosmic Lessons: The Great Meteor Procession of 1913 The end of October and early November have always been dense with symbolical significance in quite a surprising number of traditions inherited from former times. We in the modern western world have seen a revival in the observance and celebration of Halloween, originating from a Celtic […]

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The red dots mark locations where the Great Meteor Procession of 1913. View larger. Map via Sky & Telescope and Texas State University.

Cosmic Lessons – The Great Meteor Procession of 1913

Four preceding articles in this series have dealt with the great Siberian meteorite impact of June 30, 1908. I believe that this event is far more important than the degree of attention it has received in recent years outside the astronomical community. Perhaps the most important question that is raised by the Tunguska Event has to do with the frequency […]

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