Category: Sacred Geometry Articles

Scott Olsen – The Golden Section and the Roots of Theosophy

Scott Olsen – The Golden Section and the Roots of Theosophy

Scott Olsen – The Golden Section and the Roots of Theosophy (subtitles PL) from Leszko2012 on Vimeo. Scott Olsen’s lecture – more on Golden Section, less on the Roots of Theosophy Date: March 2011, Place: The Theosophical Society in America. About Scott Olsen: Professor of Philosophy & Comparative Religion at the College of Central Florida, Scott first received international acclaim […]

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Scott Olsen – The Golden Section: Nature’s Greatest Secret

Scott Olsen – The Golden Section: Nature’s Greatest Secret

Via: Theosophical Classics Presented on June 26, 2010. Dr. Olsen presents many of the discoveries that led to the writing of his award winning book, The Golden Section: Nature’s Greatest Secret. The Golden Section is one of the most beautiful and elegant ratios in the Universe. A fundamental principle of aesthetics that has been carefully applied in music, architecture, and […]

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Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners

Golden Ratio Theory | Basics for Beginners

Great tutorial explaining how the Golden Section is produced and applied to graphic design. Every designer, painter or really any creative should be aware of this divine proportion and how it has been applied to masterpieces of art and architecture since time immemorial. Phi or the Golden Section is vital for creating beautiful design work and in this video you […]

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The Spirit of Light Cubit: The Measure of Humanity and Spirit –

The Spirit of Light Cubit: The Measure of Humanity and Spirit –

Via August 2020 Author of the Month. (AOM): We warmly welcome Donald B. Caroll, author of The Spirit of Light Cubit and Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism, back as our featured author for August. In this excerpt from The Spirit of Light Cubit, Donald provides us with an insight into a sacred unit of measurement he has uncovered. A […]

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Burning Man – Scott Onstott

Burning Man – Scott Onstott

Via Scott Onstott at Burning Man I was invited to go to Burning Man when it was at Baker Beach in San Francisco in 1989. At the time I remember wondering what would inspire people to ritually burn an effigy of a man on the beach, and thinking it particularly chthonic (which didn’t appeal to my Apollonian nature) I […]

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Carl Sagan explains the geometry of our universe

Carl Sagan explains the geometry of our universe

Carl Sagan discusses the curves and warps of space-time. He discusses the possible shapes of space-time. This clip is from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos episode 10, “The Edge of Forever.” SGI 2020 Spring Equinox Sale Save 50% on all SGI Classes, Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe (all formats) and our All The Randall You Can Handle Podcast Bundle. Use Coupon […]

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Randall Carlson and Some Navy SEALs Talk Sacred Geometry

Randall Carlson and Some Navy SEALs Talk Sacred Geometry

Via: Two SEALs and a Walrus In his last video of 2019, Randall Carlson joins Two SEALs and a Walrus to answer viewer comments, and discuss the evidence that early humans may have had more knowledge about the solar system than we do. This is Part 1 of a multipart series with Randall. To get a FREE copy of Mind […]

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How Tool Used Math to Create “Lateralus”

How Tool Used Math to Create “Lateralus”

POLYPHONIC MERCHANDISE:… Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I had to take down my original tool video, so here it is re-uploaded in all of its glory. I apologize deeply for any inconvenience this caused anyone. Music by Pracs: Support me on Patreon: Twitter: Facebook: I want to learn even more issues about it! U.S. […]

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Dodecahedron naturally formed from soap bubbles

Dodecahedron naturally formed from soap bubbles

See the platonic solids brought to life with soap bubble constructions. Via In episode two of The Code, bubbleologist Tom Noddy shows Marcus du Sautoy how bubbles form the most efficient shapes and how these change the more bubbles are joined together. St. Valentine’s Day Sale Save 50% on SGI Classes and Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe! Use […]

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Image: Rick Leche/Flickr

Scientists Discover a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics – WIRED

Via Physicists reported this week the discovery of a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been […]

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(Image courtesy of IBM Research - Zurich)

Single Molecule Images: IBM Scientists Capture Closest Photographs Showing Chemical Bonds – Evidence of Microscale Sacred Geometry

Via IBM Research – Zurich A team of IBM scientists–known for capturing the first close-up image of a single molecule in 2009–now have revealed incredibly detailed microscopic images that show the individual chemical bonds between atoms. How did they get such remarkable close-ups? Using an atomic force microscope, the scientists were able to capture two images, using two different […]

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Ask Randall: Why Should Anyone Study Sacred Geometry? Randall Carlson on Sacred Geometry and the Right Angle.

Ask Randall: Why Should Anyone Study Sacred Geometry? Randall Carlson on Sacred Geometry and the Right Angle.

Randall Carlson on Geometry and the Right Angle (from Decatur, GA class 7/14/06) (some classroom conversational speaking style is maintained in this transcription) (from class) “What is the purpose of studying these geometric relations?” If you’re an artist, a designer, a builder…If you think…If you have a brain in your head and you use it to think – there is […]

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Camron Wiltshire on The Quest for Gnosis, Defining Sacred Geometry and 666 the Beast of Revelation

Camron Wiltshire on The Quest for Gnosis, Defining Sacred Geometry and 666 the Beast of Revelation

The following is Camron Wiltshire’s submission for former born again missionary turned gnostic apostate Gabriel D. Roberts new book, The Quest for Gnosis. The book features various luminaries from a wide array of interdisciplinary fields such as, Graham Hancock, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Rick Strassman, Daniele Bolleli, Hamilton Morris, Abby Martin, Odd Edges, Peter J. Carrol, Matt Staggs, Maja D’Aoust, […]

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Independent Scholar Randall Carlson and The Quest for Gnosis

Independent Scholar Randall Carlson and The Quest for Gnosis

The following is Randall Carlson’s submission for former born again missionary turned gnostic apostate Gabriel D. Roberts new book, The Quest for Gnosis.  The book features various luminaries from a wide array of interdisciplinary studies such as, Graham Hancock, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Rick Strassman, Daniele Bolleli, Hamilton Morris, Abby Martin, Odd Edges, Peter J. Carrol, Matt Staggs, Maja D’Aoust, […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 3. The Womb of Sacred Geometry

As described in depth in ‘What’s the Point’ the second article, or lesson, in this series on the meaning of Sacred Geometry, it was explained that the entire process of Sacred Geometry begins with a mere point. From that initial point either a straight line or a circle may be generated. This initial generating point was likened to a seed. […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry part 2. What’s the Point?

“Ante omnia Punctum exstitit…” “Before all things were, there was a Point.” Anonymous, 18th century ‘Le Mystere de la Croix’ Sacred Geometry, to be fully appreciated and experienced, must be undertaken as a contemplative, or meditative exercise.  From the initial act of putting pencil or compass point to paper each act of geometry is charged with meaning.  The process of […]

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The Meaning of Sacred Geometry 
Image via

The Meaning of Sacred Geometry

Original SGI YouTube Channel deleted by Satanists at YouTube and in the comments) Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly […]

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Sacred Geometry Classes:  References and Sources

Sacred Geometry Classes: References and Sources

Used in compiling material for Randall Carlsons’ Sacred Geometry Courses

The material from which I have drawn for my Sacred Geometry programs over the years is vast and varied. The following list of books represents most of the works consulted or utilized and in itself provides a fairly comprehensive reading list for those wishing to immerse themselves deeply into the subject of Sacred Geometry.

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