March 27, 2014 at 1:34 am

Independent Scholar Randall Carlson and The Quest for Gnosis



The following is Randall Carlson’s submission for former born again missionary turned gnostic apostate Gabriel D. Roberts new book, The Quest for Gnosis. 

The book features various luminaries from a wide array of interdisciplinary studies such as, Graham Hancock, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Rick Strassman, Daniele Bolleli, Hamilton Morris, Abby Martin, Odd Edges, Peter J. Carrol, Matt Staggs, Maja D’Aoust, Jeremy Johnson, Dr. Aaron Cheak, Nick Margerrison, Thad Mckraken, Krystal Cole, Dr. Lew Graham, David B. Metcalfe, Camron Wiltshire, and Randall Carlson.

GDR: What is the study of Sacred Geometry and how does it affect the way we see our past, present and future?

RC: Sacred Geometry is the study of patterns in Nature, Art and Life, utilizing practical methods of construction, geometric proofs and reasoning in the classical sense, combined with a philosophical, intuitive and symbolical dimension of understanding. Our perception of the past is significantly enhanced with the realization of the importance of geometric knowledge to previous cultures. Modern science is, in a sense, playing catch-up in this realm of knowing. The utilization of Sacred Geometry by past cultures implies that there was a highly developed science of harmony, a deliberately arranged relationship between the human world and the world of nature. An awareness and employment of a system of harmony could be enormously valuable to a world with 7 billion inhabitants trying to learn to coexist.

An awareness and employment of a system of harmony could be enormously valuable to a world with 7 billion inhabitants trying to learn to coexist.

GDR: Does the concept of sacred geometry lead one to believing that the universe is an ordered construct, lending evidence to the existence of a creator, or is there more than one way to view it?

It certainly suggests as much. To the extent that we can discern the structure of the cosmos it would appear that geometry does indeed pervade all of creation. It has been recognized in the dimensions and ratios pervading our Solar System as well as appearing in the forms of spiral galaxies. It has been recognized in the ordered arrangement of atoms and molecules. As to the larger scale structure of the universe, metagalactic and beyond, our perception at this stage is too limited to declare with absolute certainty that such is the case, although it is likely that whatever scale of phenomenon we are ultimately able to perceive, the forms and patterns of Sacred Geometry will likely be pervasive.

GDR: Are instances of Sacred Geometry included in scripture proof of the ‘truth’ of the scripture in which it is contained?

RC: Sacred Geometry embedded in scripture reveals that there are additional dimensions of meaning beyond the purely literal. This has been recognized by Kabbalists, Gnostics, Occultists and others for centuries. However, it does not necessarily follow that scripture is then infallible, only that there were levels of knowledge amongst the authors and compilers heretofore unrecognized by modern scriptural exegetes. It most definitely opens the door to an evolved understanding of the origins of various ancient writings that have, over time, come to be viewed as sacred and this includes other works and traditions without being limited to only those of the Judeo-Christian heritage. The near universal presence of Sacred Geometry in a diverse array of historical, cultural and spiritual traditions implies a former unity of knowledge that has become fragmented through time.

The near universal presence of Sacred Geometry in a diverse array of historical, cultural and spiritual traditions implies a former unity of knowledge that has become fragmented through time.

GDR: Sacred Geometry has gained popularity over time and seems to be on the forefront of many people’s minds, capturing the imagination. Many use it to bolster their own views on god, aliens, and ancient advanced cultures. How does one keep the integrity of the study intact while so many people wish to use it for their own well meaning, but perhaps, misguided purposes?

RC: Sacred Geometry has been perpetuated through the centuries as an integral part of various arcane traditions, meaning that it was deliberately withheld from the masses and reserved exclusively for Initiates and those who were deemed worthy and well qualified. With the openness and availability of knowledge in the 21st century much of this knowledge has become accessible on a popular level. Many unsubstantiated claims have been put forward by proponents of various agendas, some valid, others highly suspect or disingenuous, apparently to create an aura of metaphysical expertise. It is extremely important not to minimize or neglect the rational dimension of Geometry that involves the rigorous training of the intellect and the development of critical thinking skills. Plato, the presumed greatest metaphysician of the western world, required any student of his who aspired to attainment of the metaphysical heights to be well grounded in the methods of Geometry and in the exercise of the powers of Reason.

GDR: What do you personally find the most thrilling about this study?

RC: I find an immense satisfaction in the mental processes accompanying the study of Sacred Geometry and in the world of possibilities opened up through the use of Sacred Geometry as a creative tool. It also immeasurably enhances ones understanding of the mindset of ancient peoples who employed the methods, principles and philosophy of Sacred Geometry in varied ways both artistically and scientifically.

GDR: How does Sacred Geometry relate to Astrotheology? What does this tell us about the concept of the precession of the equinoxes? Should we all be studying our astrological charts more closely, or simply take all this as mystical units of measurement?

RC: Most, if not all, ancient cultures, held an obsessive interest in the celestial realm. There were several reasons for this. To a mystically inspired mind the heavens were a source of extraordinary wonder and could quite easily be viewed as evidence of a divine purpose. In addition the motions of the heavens served as both clock and calendar of the annual seasons that was essential to the successful functioning of all agriculturally based societies. Finally, on an experiential level the heavens were a source of consternation and terror. Over the past several decades evidence has been accumulating that human history, like biological history, has been punctuated by a series of cosmically induced catastrophes. It seems increasingly likely that for periods of time the heavens came alive with activity and ancestral humanity directly experienced the consequences of this activity in the form of great meteor showers and comet and asteroid impacts on Earth. There is also the possibility that other cosmic events such as giant solar flares and nearby supernovas dramatically affected the human condition throughout history.

As the rhythms and tempos of celestial motion governed the agricultural cycles of the seasons, so they governed the tempo of the cosmic seasons. The precession of the equinoxes represents a great celestial clock by which the tempo of the cosmic seasons of the Great Year could be measured and established. This cycle of changing astronomical geometries appears to provide the gauge by which the tempo of world altering catastrophes can be ascertained. That this was understood by early peoples is demonstrated through their art, architecture, social rituals and religious beliefs. This insight emerges from a study of the astral symbolism of ancient cultures and is copiously confirmed by modern scientific discoveries in a broad array of disciplines. Precession of the Equinoxes provides us with a model of temporal change. The numerical values generated from the ratios of astronomical time cycles are the same numerical ratios manifesting through the forms and patterns of Sacred Geometry. In other words as there is a Sacred Geometry of Space, so is there a Sacred Geometry of time.

GDR: People are looking for truth and in so many instances get sidelined by their own foibles or the star-power of the latest inspirational speaker du jure. What methods have you employed to try to stay on point?

RC: Again, I will reiterate the importance of developing critical thinking skills and the associated powers of discernment, both of which are the natural outcome of a study of Geometry. There are broad, general truths which are part of the collective heritage of mankind. These provide the raw material for most of the varied teachings of a moral nature that are propagated through traditional venues and are accessible to the majority of people. Beyond this, however, there are very specific teachings, passed down from antiquity, which deal with issues of a verifiable and testable spiritual technology. It is this corpus of information that constitutes the true esoteric tradition. The late Carl Sagan once said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. This is a good thing to keep in mind when dealing with a lot of the impressive sounding but very indefinite assertions emanating from various New Age self-promoters. An authentic teacher welcomes challenges and doesn’t pretend to have the final answer to all questions. Any seeker of knowledge should always check the source of various claims, insisting upon actual, verifiable evidence, and always be willing to wield the ‘sword of reason’ when aspiring to explore the metaphysical jungle.

The new Gnosis asks people to think for themselves, to constantly question ‘authority’ and to cultivate their own inherent intelligence. Through this means the liberation and higher evolution of Mankind shall be realized.

GDR: What does the term Gnosis mean to you and what value does it hold in your life? Does it have relevance to us today, if so in what way?

RC: We are living in a time of Gnostic revival. The early Christian Gnostics believed that the route to God was unique for every individual, and that by following the dictates of both heart and mind, of intuition and reason, the aspirant could attain to the heights of wisdom and spiritual understanding. Sacred Geometry was one important methodology employed in this quest. To the Gnostics, faith was part of the process, but faith alone, especially in unverifiable dogmas, was contrary to the goal of enlightenment. We have replaced our faith in religious dogmas with faith in political dogmas and our allegiance to the all-powerful institution of the Church with that of the authoritarian state. The new Gnosis asks people to think for themselves, to constantly question ‘authority’ and to cultivate their own inherent intelligence. Through this means the liberation and higher evolution of Mankind shall be realized.




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