December 24, 2023 at 6:08 pm

Freemasonry A Religion? #1117 – Bill Cooper


Editors note: Please excuse the rough transcription here; yes there are undoubtedly multiple grammatical errors present, for the masonic pedants and other ne’er-do-wells, try not to fixate on that fact so much as the many powerful revelations and de-occulting of Mystery school and masonic symbolism throughout the presentation; and decide for yourself if anything stated bears further research to either confirm or discredit Mr. Cooper’s rhetoric. Comments should be working now below. If you find fault with his reporting, by all means explain your position and let’s get a public dialog about this issues on the record in the open air for all to see.

“I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organizations upon this earth. The Masons are major players in the struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever.” – Bill Cooper ,Behold A Pale Horse , p. 78.


You’re listening to the hour of the time. Boy I sure messed that up didn’t I had uh commercials playing when the uh the intro was supposed to be going and all kinds of strange things here which just means that uh I’m not all with it today so please excuse my goose ladies and gentlemen, I’ve had a headache since early this morning and I’ve been battling that all day and I really started to do a rerun, and then I thought no even though my head is splitting it’s just not fair to the listening audience to give them another rerun, on top of the ones that they’ve been listening to so much lately; and uh I told you Friday that we would continue with our expose of the Hidden enemy in our midst, and so that’s exactly what we’re going to do ladies and gentlemen.

Well I know an awful lot of you saw the movie the Wizard of Oz, and I know that very few of you if any understood any of what it was that you were watching, and uh you didn’t make the connections with the metaphors that were presented in that motion picture, who was The Wizard? who was Dorothy? What did the Tin Man represent, the Scarecrow, and of course the Cowardly Lion? What was that movie really all about well I’m not going to give you the answer to those things but if you want to you can order the tape of the broadcast that we did where I did explain all of those things to the listening audience and I may do it again sometime in the near future but the connection that I want to make here is the wizard The Wizard of OZ most of you throughout your life have watched things change in America and you couldn’t figure out why the changes were taking place for Americans certainly wouldn’t want it to happen you watched values destroyed, traditions disappear you have noticed that all of this destruction is coming from within and so you look in vain for an enemy.

Well just as The Wizard of Oz presented such a terrible face to the public, in the personification of Dorothy Toto, the straw man the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion, so too does this enemy present this terrible face to the public of the world in the personification of the power of the Hidden order and just as in the movie The Wizard of Oz, when Toto ran over and barked at the curtain and Dorothy told him to get away from there well he had the courage that none of the others had he pulled the curtain aside and just as in the movie The Wizard of Oz the this terrible omnipotent magician well that’s really what he was.

Magic is the art of illusion ladies and gentlemen the art of deception, if you will just as in The Wiz of Oz this omnipotent terrible magician turned out to be a blustering harmless old man hiding behind a curtain twisting knobs and pushing buttons and uh causing great jets of gas to erupt in flame on the throne in the audience room so too when you peer behind the veil that hides those known as the Illuminati they turn out to be the same type of characters and if you were able to identify them ladies and gentlemen round them all up overnight you could end all this madness instantly for they truly are for the most part doddering old men and women; and uh not so old men and women who in their everyday normal lives you would perceive to be as harmless as a caterpillar in your garden.

That metaphor applies also for that harmless little caterpillar while you’re busy sleeping is eating way your garden at night however he couldn’t hurt you if he wanted to could he that’s the perception the perception is wrong because the whole bunch of those harmless little caterpillars can destroy your garden and deprive you of the food that you need in fact if they were to be able to proliferate freely across the agricultural farmland.

They could indeed destroy an entire nation so don’t dismiss these broadcasts and these revelations lightly for just as those harmless little caterpillars that you can hold on your finger couldn’t hurt even a fly can destroy your entire garden in one night’s work or maybe even a couple of nights work. So too can your grandmother grandfather uncles and aunts fathers mothers brothers and sisters cousins and neighbors destroy this nation behind your back while you’re looking around in vain for something to identify as an enemy they are busy at work in your own backyard in your own kitchens your own homes living rooms clubs places of work recreational facilities; and yes they have an agenda and yes just like that caterpillar if you’re not careful they will destroy your garden.

Dr Albert G Mackey ladies and gentlemen literally wrote the book on Freemasonry and remember just in case you forgotten when I say Freemasonry I am talking about the entire gamut of secret societies and fraternal orders; where at the lowest level they may perceive themselves to be under different names and different occupations and not intertwined at all, but at the highest level they are of the same mind and the the same organization, going about the same work. They are in fact marxists socialists and they are bent upon social engineering not just of their community but of the entire world.

Tim1965 – Own work
Grave marker of Albert Mackey at Glenwood Cemetery in Washington, D.C., in the United States. Mackey was an American physician from South Carolina who was a primary founder of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States.

Photo source

Dr Albert G Mackey, wrote the book he is the author of the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry published in 1879. Mackey was Past General High Priest and Secretary General of the Supreme Council 33rd degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States which takes in 35 of the 50 states he spent more than 10 years writing this encyclopedia it has been considered one of the top two authoritative works on masonry the other of course as I’ve already informed you is Albert Pike’s morals and Dogma. In his encyclopedia Mackey clearly identifies Freemasonry as a religion how could it fail to be when he himself was past general high priest high priest, that’s right high priest how can you have a high priest if you’re not a religion and that’s just one of the things but there there’s much more solid proof than just pointing to someone who’s called high priest I can guarantee it. You see Mackey clearly identify Freemasonry as a religion and he categorically states that it is not Christianity, all their protestations to the contrary notwithstanding. He says, quote, “Freemasonry is a religious institution and hence its regulations inculcate the use of prayer as a proper tribute of gratitude to the beneficent author of life.”

“Freemasonry is a religious institution and hence its regulations inculcate the use of prayer as a proper tribute of gratitude to the beneficent author of life.” – Albert Mackey 33rd˚ Scottish Rite Freemason

He also says, quote: “the religion of masonry is non sectarian it admits men of every creed within its hospitable bosom it is not Judaism though there is nothing to offend the Jew, it is not Christianity but there is nothing in it repugnant to the faith of a Christian.” – Mackey Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry. Chicago New York London the Masonic history company 1924 Volume 2 page 641. And he says this,quote:”Freemasonry is not Christianity nor a substitute for it it does not meddle with sectarian creeds or doctrines but teaches fundamental religious truth.” Mackey encyclopedia Freemasonry Volume 2 Chicago New York London,The masonic history company 1924 page 162.

Is Freemasonry a religion ladies and gentlemen? Albert Mackey says yes. Is it Christian? Albert Mackey says no, therefore if Masonry is a religion and it is not the religion of Christianity, Masonry is not a Christian religion, cannot be and of course we learned that from the writings of Pike where he says that their religion is the Luciferian philosophy. So every Christian Freemason who claims that is Christianity, is just flat lying to you or is completely deceived, and that’s the only two choices you get. Indeed according to Billy Graham and two former presidents of the Southern Baptist convention up to 90% of our church members are not born again Charles G. Finney, known as the greatest preacher Theologian and evangelist of the 19th century who was was a Freemason for a short time stated this quote: “Surely if a Mason really understood what Masonry is as delineated in these books no Christian Mason would think himself at Liberty to remain another day in that fraternity it is as plain as possible that a man knowing what it is and embracing it in his heart cannot be a Christian man to say he can be is to belie the very nature of Christianity”. – Charles G Finny the Antichrist or the Masonic Society Ontario Canada Crown Publications 1984 page 60

albert pike, baphomet, freemasonry, randall carlson, fat masons, liars, cheats, thieves, baphomet, devil, satan, lucifer, mason

So let’s pause for a moment to get a better understanding of the fact that there have been and are only two basic religions these two are first Paganism which incorporates the Mystery religions Eastern religions Freemasonry the New Age movement Etc.
Second Judaism which is the mother of both Christian Christianity and Islam in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Albert Mackey gives us a better understanding of this concept he writes Under The Heading Paganism quote” A general appellation for the religious worship of the whole human race, except for that portion which has embraced Christianity Judaism or Mohammedanism. Its interest to the Masonic student arises from the fact that its principal development was the ancient mythology in whose traditions are to be found many interesting analogies with the Masonic system” end quote. And he’s right on the money when he says that the understanding ladies and gentlemen that all religions other than Christianity Judaism and Islam have their common source in Lucifers Pagan mystery religions should help us Place Freemasonry in its proper category and that category is definitely not in the Judeo-Christian camp at all.

You see these Pagan religions in the New Age movement share the same Luciferic philosophic source as well as the same goal establishment of a New Age world religion on the ashes of all other religions existing in the world Freemasonry according to its most distinguished Authority was Mother to all these Pagan religions and I quote, “Much of the Masonic secret manifests itself particularly to those who advance to the highest degrees of the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite that rite raises a corner of the veil even in the degree of apprentice for it there declares that masonry is a worship it is the Universal Eternal Immutable Religion such as God planted in the heart of universal Humanity no Creed has ever been long lived that was not built on this Foundation the Ministers of this religion are all Freemasons who comprehend it and are devoted to it” end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma Pages 218 and 219.

albert pike, lucifer, morals and dogma, heresy, gnosis, apocalypse, 19th, oto, freemasonry, scottish rite, devil,

albert pike, lucifer, palladin rites, freemasonry, baphomet, occult, masonry, masonic, truth,
Learn more here as Mason’s cleverly construct blinds and veils to these truths that are designed to provide a ready disclaimer.

Most Freemasons are not only unaware of the true nature of their fraternity but they have no idea they are being deliberately deceived by the craft as admitted by Albert Pike quote,
As you read Pike’s comments and you will it’s easy to get your hands on a copy of Morals of Dogma it might require a little search but you can find one and as you read Pike’s comments keep in mind that they were prepared for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and published by its Authority in other words it is the official doctrine of Freemasonry; not what some local Lodge officials might claim or what the current 33rd degree Council might try to lie about. Yes boy these people can lie remember they’re sworn never to tell you the truth about their organization upon the pain of death not just sworn once but sworn for every single degree that they obtain. Both of freemasonry’s highest authorities during the past 100 years clearly state that masonry is a religion complete with a religious creed of worship but just what kind of religion is Freemasonry?

Yes boy these people can lie remember they’re sworn never to tell you the truth about their organization upon the pain of death. Not just sworn once but sworn for every single degree that they obtain. Both of freemasonry’s highest authorities during the past 100 years clearly state that masonry is a religion complete with a religious creed of worship but just what kind of religion is Freemasonry?

Like Mackey, Pike says the religion of masonry is not Christianity but is a universal religion which makes a Mason the brother of every other Mason on Earth bound together with these brothers from other religions under an imperative obligation of a contract. And I quote again “Masonry propagates no Creed except its own most simple and Sublime one that Universal religion taught by nature and by reason its lodges are neither Jewish Muslim nor Christian temples it reiterates the precepts and morality of all religions.” end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma Pages 718 and 719. And I quote again, “The moral code of masonry is still more extensive than that developed by philosophy to the requisitions of the law of nature and the god in the law of God it adds the imperative obligation of a contract, upon entering the order the initiate binds to himself every other Mason in the world once enrolled among the children of light every Mason on Earth becomes his brother.” end quote Albert Pike Morals and Dogma page 726.

Well then how can a Christian or a member of any other religion belong to such an organization after all God’s word clearly commands us not to be yoked together with unbelievers but a Christian Mason binds himself to every other Mason in the world every Mason on Earth becomes his brother as Finney said any Christian who truly understands what Freemasonry really is could not stay another day in such a pagan cult.

But most Freemason perhaps 99% of them have no conception of the true nature of their fraternity they have never ladies and gentlemen bothered to study the works of masonry’s highest authorities such as Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, and Manly P. Hall; and many others these reveal that the organization is made up of an outer fraternity whose members are deliberately misled about masonry symbols and dogmas and by an occult inner Brotherhood of adepts versed in Magic Witchcraft and the Mystery religions of the ancient world. It is an admission and I’m going to give it to you I’m going to quote them so that you will know that I am not deceiving you on the contrary these people deceive you every day.

aleister crowley, albert pike, scottish rite, freemasonry, gnosis, gnosis podcast, porch masons, portico, mislead, deliberately mislead, quote

“The blue degrees are but the outer court or Portico of the Temple part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations it is not intended that he shall understand them it is not intended that he shall understand them they’re true explication is reserved for the adepts the princes of masonry it is well enough for the mass of those called Masons to imagine that all is contained in the blue degrees and who so attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain there must always be commonplace interpretations for the mass of initiates of the symbols that are eloquent to the adepts.” Albert Pike morals and Dogma Pages 818 and 819.

But you see Pike is not the only Masonic authority to disclose this slight of hand remember I told you these are magicians they practice magic. Magic is the art of Illusion, the art if you will of deception, and who is The Great Deceiver well it’s it’s the god of their religion Lucifer. Illustrious Manly Hall who was eulogized by the Scottish right Journal as the fraternity’s greatest philosopher, stated in his book lectures on Ancient philosophy, quote: “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity and outer organization concealing an inner Brotherhood of the elect two separate yet interdependent orders the one visible and the other invisible the invisible Society is a secret and most August fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum that truly secret inner society which is to the body freemasonic what the heart is to the human body”- Manley P hall lectures on Ancient philosophy page 397.

What is this mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum which illustrious Manly Palmer Hall has described as being the subject of the invisible society’s dedicated service. What is the true work of the secret inner organization Pike who wrote the Scottish Rite and illustrious manly Hall its greatest philosopher say that masonry’s true work is Magic and Witchcraft.

But most Freemason perhaps 99% of them have no conception of the true nature of their fraternity they have never ladies and gentlemen bothered to study the works of Masonry’s highest authorities such as Albert Pike Albert Mackey and Manly P. Hall and many others these reveal that the organization is made up of an outer fraternity whose members are deliberately misled about Masonry symbols and dogmas and by an occult inner Brotherhood of adepts versed in Magic Witchcraft and the Mystery religions of the ancient world. It is an admission and I’m going to give it to you I’m going to quote them so that you will know that I am not deceiving, you on the contrary these people deceive you every day.

Most Freemasons are not only unaware of the true nature of their fraternity but they have no idea they are being deliberately deceived by the craft as admitted by Albert Pike, quote “The blue degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations, it is not intended that he shall understand them, they’re true explication is reserved for the adepts the princes of masonry it is well enough for the mass of those called Masons to imagine that all is contained in the blue degrees, and who so attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, there must always be commonplace interpretations for the mass of initiates of the symbols that are eloquent to the adepts.” – Albert Pike morals and Dogma Pages 818 and 819

As admitted by Albert Pike, quote “the blue degrees are but the outer court or Portico of the Temple part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations it is not intended that he shall understand them it is not intended that he shall understand them they’re true explication is reserved for the adepts the princes of masonry it is well enough for the mass of those called Masons to imagine that all is contained in the blue degrees and who so attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain there must always be commonplace interpretations for the mass of initiates of the symbols that are eloquent to the adepts. end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma Pages 818 and 819

What is this mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum which illustrious Manly Palmer Hall has described as being the subject of the invisible society’s dedicated service what is the true work of the secret inner organization Pike who wrote the Scottish Rite and illustrious manly Hall its greatest philosopher say that masonry’s true work is Magic and Witchcraft

What is this mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum which illustrious Manly Palmer Hall has described as being the subject of the invisible society’s dedicated service what is the true work of the secret inner organization Pike who wrote the Scottish Rite and illustrious Manly Hall its greatest philosopher say that Masonry’s true work is Magic and Witchcraft

According to Pike, “The Hermetic science embodied in certain symbols of the higher degrees of Masonry may be accurately defined as the Cabala in active realization or the magic of The Works.” Paul after lamenting the fact that not all nations are happy with this foul heritage states: “that he can’t see how anyone after reading Pike’s great work can deny that Freemasonry is identical to the Mystery religions boy what kind of a revelation is that do you think quote: “Even the casual observer must realize that the true wealth of Freemasonry lies in its Mysticism it is quite incredible moreover that any initiated brother when presented with a copy of Morals and Dogma upon confirmation of his 14th degree, can read that volume and yet maintain that his order is not identical to the Mystery Schools of the First Ages.” – Manly P Hall, Again lectures on Ancient philosophy page 413.

freemasonry, scottish rite, york rite

As a as a student of the Mysteries as a researcher into the secret society’s fraternal organizations and Ancient Mystery School of Babylon I recognize much of Pike’s writings as coming from the same occult Revelation given to Helena Petrona Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled in The Secret Doctrine. Illustrious Manly P. Hall also recognizes Pike’s works as being similar to those of other occultists, quote: “Much of the writings of Albert Pike are extracted from the books of the French magician Eliphas Levi one of the greatest transcendentalists of modern times. Levi was an occultist a metaphysician a platonic philosopher who by the rituals of magic invoked even the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana and yet Pike has inserted in his Morals and Dogma whole pages and even chapters practically verbatim.” – Manly P. Hall lectures on Ancient philosophy Pages 413 and 414.

According to Pike, “the Hermetic science embodied in certain symbols of the higher degrees of Masonry may be accurately defined as the Cabala in active realization or the magic of The Works.”

So let me again point out that we’re talking about a work Morals and Dogma that was prepared for and published by the greatest Masonic jurisdiction in America in addition to Pike and Hall Alice Bailey’s husband Foster a 33rd degree Mason also writes about the New Age Masonic connection as it relates to Magic in his book the Spirit of Masonry quote, “It is the creative nature of the Masonic work, to work say and think the same thing simultaneously. The concentrated attention and thought power of the assembled Masons is in reality a group meditation leading to group work. Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work. The effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression.” – Foster Bailey the spirit of masonry Pages 96- 98. And he also says in the same book on page 99 quote, M end quote.

“It is the creative nature of the Masonic work, to work say and think the same thing simultaneously. The concentrated attention and thought power of the assembled Masons, is in reality a group meditation leading to group work. Masonry in its true and highest sense is magical work the effectiveness of this possible work will be paralleled by the increasing sensitivity of the race to telepathic impression.”

But it gets worse folks Pike for instance said that Christianity should not have hated magic I believe that everybody should hate magic unless it’s being presented as a form of entertainment and is not meant to delude or deceive or harm anyone. Pike has said Masonry at its core was based on the magic of the Cabala but Pikes says,”that it was necessary for this knowledge to be concealed from quote the profane” end quote. That’s you and I folks but it’s not really I, because I have penetrated their Veil and I understand their symbolic esoteric language I know what they’re about I know what their plan is I know who they are, I have discovered it. But if profane is not obtaining the degrees to legitimately obtain the knowledge then of course, I like you am profane, he states: “He seems to have been the nurse or godmother of all religions the secret lever of all the intellectual forces and this is what he says quote “This is what magic had been from Zoroaster to Manus, from Orpheus to Apollonius Thyanus, when positive Christianity triumphing Over The Splendid dreams and gigantic aspirations of the school of Alexandria publicly crushed this philosophy with its Anathemas and compelled it to become more occult and more mysterious than ever. At the bottom of magic nevertheless was science. Christianity should not have hated magic but human ignorance always fears the unknown.” end quote.

This is what magic had been from Zoroaster to Manus, from Orpheus to Apollonius Thyanus, when positive Christianity triumphing Over The Splendid dreams and gigantic aspirations of the school of Alexandria publicly crushed this philosophy with its Anathemas and compelled it to become more occult and more mysterious than ever. At the bottom of magic nevertheless was science. Christianity should not have hated magic but human ignorance always fears the unknown.”

You see he’s trying to say that Christianity and the destruction of the Mystery Religions destroyed science. Magic ladies and gentlemen is not science this is another one of their deceptions science is not magic. Magic is not science never has been never can be never will be but since Christianity did abhor Magic The Magicians resorted to inventing Masonic degrees to hide the secrets of their craft and the methods of their magic quote; ” Resorting to masonry the Alchemists there invented degrees and partly unveiled their doctrine to the initiates by oral instruction afterward for their rituals to one who has not the key are but incomprehensible and absurd jargon”, end quote and that’s true I have the key when they talk about The Alchemist they want you to believe that they’re talking about scientists, but the Alchemists were not engaged in science and that was had nothing to do with turning lead into gold the practice of alchemy ladies and gentlemen, it was the method of concealment of the practice of the Ancient Mystery Religion of Babylon the search was not for the Philosopher Stone which would turn lead into gold, but for the Philosopher Stone ladies and gentlemen, the formulation of changing The Human condition, into that of a God and all of their formulas were allegories and metaphors for the process of initiation and the Perfection of the Soul for the Apotheosis of mankind isn’t it amazing.

Next Pike lets the magic hating Christians have at broadside calling them dunces who sought to exterminate Magic. Quote, “The dunces who led primitive Christianity astray who for so many ages waged war against magism. A war of extermination have succeeded in shrouding in darkness the ancient discoveries of the human mind so that we now grope in the dark to find again the key of the phenomena of nature”, end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma page 732. And the previous quote which I forget to reference was Albert P Morals and Dogma Pages 730 to 731. Now this is so blatant a description of Lucifer’s battle with God who declared, “to suffer not a witch to live”, end quote. That it clearly draws the divining line for us on one side we have the Satanic Mystery religions embedded now in the highest rites and symbols of Freemasonry; and on the other side the Dunces of Christianity.

Can any Christian member of the masonic order maintain that this is a Christian organization after reading this blasphemy among other things Pike has just described masonry as searching for the key of the phenomena of nature this is a classic definition of Witchcraft, but you need not take my word for it because Pike continues on the following pages to clearly say so ladies and gentlemen. See it’s not hidden at all but it requires some work to dig it out the reason most most people don’t ever find it is because most people do not like work fact most people spend most of their life trying to get out of work and in so doing usually end up working more than they would have if they had just done the work, so I have no aversion to work ladies and gentlemen I’ll do it for you you just listen then if you’re smart you will go check my references because hey I might be lying to you I’m not but unless you check these references and the citations and the sources that I give you you’re never going to know it.

Are you here’s his confession quote: “There is in nature one most potent Force by means whereof a single man who could possess himself of it and should know how to direct it could revolutionize and change the face of the world this force was known to the Ancients it is is a universal agent if science can but learn to control it it will be possible to change the order of the seasons to produce in night the phenomena of day to send a thought in an instant around the world to heal or slay at a distance to give our worlds our words I should say Universal success and make them reverberate everywhere this agent partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciple of Mesmer, is precisely what the adepts of the Middle Ages called the elementary matter of the great work it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet are the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma page 734.

Are you here’s his confession quote: “There is in nature one most potent Force by means whereof a single man who could possess himself of it and should know how to direct it could revolutionize and change the face of the world this force was known to the Ancients it is is a universal agent if science can but learn to control it it will be possible to change the order of the seasons to produce in night the phenomena of day to send a thought in an instant around the world to heal or slay at a distance to give our worlds our words I should say Universal success and make them reverberate everywhere this agent partially revealed by the blind guesses of the disciple of Mesmer, is precisely what the adepts of the Middle Ages called the elementary matter of the great work it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet are the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma page 734.

The truth is Pike has been deceived by his own lies there is no such thing ladies and gentlemen as magic other than the practice of deception you see now through science some of these things have been accomplished but not through the mysterious magical control of nature but by the use of definite scientific principles based upon laws of nature that can be repeatedly proven in a laboratory it’s all based on Theory and from time to time even though the theories work there proven wrong over the years and a new theory takes their place watch for the fall of a lot of Einstein’s declarations if you still have doubts the Look up the meaning and origin of Baphomet and the Goat of Mendes for they are forms of Satan himself and a Sabbat is an assembly or celebration of witches or other occultists usually held on astrologically significant days and hours end quote you also need to understand that the terms which magician Sorcerer And Wizard all mean the same thing a Magician engages in Magic(k) or Witchcraft the art of Illusion or the practice of deception the terms are synonymous and who is their God who is the master of deception described in the Bible still not convinced well read some more of what Pike has to say about the great work the universal term for magic quote.

Who whoever shall learn to comprehend and execute this great work will know great things say the sages of the work but whenever you depart from the center of the square and the compass you will no longer be able to work with success another jewel is necessary for you and in certain undertakings cannot be dispensed with it is what is termed the Cabalistic pentacle this carries with it the power of commanding the spirits of the elements.” end quote Albert Pike morals and Dogma 786 to page 787.

But many Freemasons folks will tell you that all this talk about commanding spirits and the like is just symbolic, however Pike cautions against reading Masonic works too quickly or believing what you may have been told that what you read is only symbolic for he says that’s when you are most deceived he says and I quote, “if you would understand the true secrets of Alchemy you must study the works of the masters with patience and assiduity every word is often an enigma and to him who reads in haste the whole may seem absurd and indeed it does if you don’t have the key to their esoteric language even when they seem to teach that the great work is purification of the soul and so to deal only with morals they must conceal their meaning and deceive all but the initiates.” end quote Albert Pike morals Dogma page 792.

But many Freemasons folks will tell you that all this talk about commanding spirits and the like is just symbolic, however Pike cautions against reading Masonic works too quickly or believing what you may have been told that what you read is only symbolic for he says that’s when you are most deceived he says and I quote, “if you would understand the true secrets of Alchemy you must study the works of the masters with patience and assiduity every word is often an enigma and to him who reads in haste the whole may seem absurd and indeed it does if you don’t have the key to their esoteric language even when they seem to teach that the great work is purification of the soul and so to deal only with morals they must conceal their meaning and deceive all but the initiates.” end quote Albert Pike morals Dogma page 792.

And that is correct for it is not just the Perfection of the Soul ladies and gentlemen that they seek it is the elevation the perfection of the human race and the elevation of humanity to the status of God they believe that through the use of the intellect they can conquer nature and the universe and thus become God but not through any Hocus Pocus and waving of wands but through science. Masons also contend that masonry is just an organization which makes good men better that it’s all aimed at symbolically building a temple for the inward dwelling of God but if this is your belief read again the previous statement by Pike and discern finally that you are a victim of deliberate deceit, for that’s not what they’re about at all they do not believe in God of any kind ladies and gentlemen today the 33rd degree Council has even denied that Masonry is related in any way with the occult Mysteries such a denial is absolutely preposterous on its face it’s most of the ritual and ceremony engaged in the lodge are the exact same ritual and ceremony practice in The Lodges the temples of Mithra in Heliopolis in Egypt and the rights of Yus and many others all back through the ages through the history of the world.

Oh yes it is wonderful I love to do those things think about what you just heard you know I once met a man who had been a worker on an assembly line at one of the largest automobile corporations in the United States of America during the heyday of the Auto industry in the this country I this man wasn’t so old he was in his late 30s and he got laid off during the reorganization and mechanization and robotizing of the assembly lines in the factories and shipping factories overseas and having Parts made in foreign countries he was the victim of this he thought.

I thought he was only the victim of his shortsightedness, his own shortsightedness for he told me he had the unmitigated gall to tell me to my face that he was a specialist in his field. He stood on the assembly line and when this part came by or this car came by he put in two bolts and tightened them down with with an air gun and uh did a couple of other things and then it moved on that’s all he ever did in his whole life. He started as a young man who worked on that assembly line and he claimed that he was a specialist highly trained automobile worker and I thought how silly this man has the same brain as the President of the United States are the CEOs of the largest and richest corporation in the world the same brain that occupies the cranium of the Queen of England the same brain that is in the head of the greatest artists in the world and the greatest writers and yet he really believed that all he was good for was standing on this assembly line putting in two bolts tightening them down with an air wrench and doing a couple of other little things that any monkey could be trained to do, and he had been paid $16 an hour to do this ladies and gentlemen now he found himself out of work and he told me this is what he said he said I’m too old to train for another line of work.

My thought which I did not say to him was Dear Sir you have never trained for a line of work in your life someone has taught you and you have bought the lie that you are worthless and that your brain doesn’t work and that you are incapable of original thought or learning our progression or bettering yourself or taking advantage of opportunities are becoming the greatest of whatever it is that you would like to be the greatest of in the world because you can do it if you just believe that you can and so many of you fall into that category you haven’t got the slightest notion that you are capable of as much or more than any other human being on the face of this Earth, no matter their status no matter the family that they were born into, no matter the degree of their wealth, no matter their position in society or industry or in government, it is the truth you see you have been the victim of magic.

Here’s up P characterized masonry’s soul heritage on page 639 of morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted Scottish right of free masonry quote, “The occult science of the ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the ancient Mysteries and it is found enveloped in the enigmas that seem impenetrable in the rites of the highest masonry” end quote. If the occult science of the ancient Magi or magicians was incorporated into the Ancient Mysteries and if this soul science is now found enveloped in the rights of the highest Masonry then this statement by the author of the current version of those rights should be adequate to document the claim that Freemasonry is the repository of the occult Heritage of the Mysteries that are to be reinstated for the New Age world religion.

This New Age world religion we are told “is to be inaugurated by the return to Earth of quote the Christ” end quote. But it will not be the Christ of the New Testament of the King James version or any other version of the recognized Bible of the Christian Church no when they say the Christ they mean something entirely different ladies and gentlemen what they mean is the perfection of the human race they call it a paradigm shift in the consciousness of humanity or mankind and anyone who is incapable of making this paradigm shift will not be allowed to progress into the New World Order they will be simply exterminated.

You see for they believe that every man can be Christ and that includes every Woman in the New Age movement you will hear talk of becoming Christed, or that person has been christed are this and thus and that ascended Master is occupying the office of the Christ. What they are referencing is their particular a version of what they believe to be the Perfection of the human soul through the attainment of the formula that produces the philosopher stone and thus elevating the human race into the next root race which will be the sixth root race the one that is passing by the wayside, is the fifth root race and these root races always are led in these secret orders by the Nordic man, what some of you would know as the Aryan race and they believe that all other races are inferior and are for the most part useless eaters and that their job is to help these inferior races in the progress of their evolution and the ones that cannot make progress should be exterminated.

And it is just amazing to me that so many blacks Hispanics orientals Native Americans and others outside of this Anglo Aryan Adept Brotherhood have fallen for their deception and really believe that they are going to be the beneficiaries of this New World Order. That they will be brought out of slavery and out of segregation and out of inferior third world Nations to a state of equality with the rest of the world, and nothing ladies and gentlemen could be farther from the truth unless they listen to this broadcast get their head out of their you know what and stop falling for these deceptions.

Everything that is happening in the world today is based upon two motivating factors race and religion and the motivating factors of race and religion are events that have happened sometimes hundreds and thousands of years ago in the past and that uh just about does it for this episode of The Hour of the time so ladies and gentlemen until tomorrow it’s going I hope I’ll be feeling a little bit better good night and God bless each and every single one of you you’re listening to the hour of the time.

End Transcription.

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