June 29, 2022 at 12:49 am

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2


Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah joins Gnosis to discuss the creation of Theosophy via British Freemasonry; the funding of the proto-Zionist movement via Brown Brothers Harriman,the fashioning and training of Adolph Hitler by his handler Dietrich Eckhart, and the ‘spiritual’ inspiration he received from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine”.

Learn how Theodor Herzl the “spiritual father of zionism” was nothing more than a cut-out or lifetime actor , dancing to the tune of the first Jewish British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. How Madame Blavatsky performed a similar role for Freemason Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, recruited by him to play the inspired mystic whose ‘miraculous’ adventures into occult knowledge and initiation became the foundation for the crypto-masonic brotherhood offshoot Theosophy.

See how the ‘elite’ parasites of the new world order designed and implemented their sickening agenda of global genocide by manufacturing World War Two, a war which at a minimum caused over 80 million deaths (with estimates as high as 250 million), culminating in the fiery holocaust of humanity caught up in their satanic blood letting. If you want to understand the world we live in, you must cut away the mystification and propaganda of the “ascended masters” and see true the catastrophic effects on humanity of the hidden hand of history.

Had video removed by Vimeo and YouTube guys, if you want the truth, don’t expect the herd to be there. Here is to the real truth seekers.
Related links:

Post Flaviana
Caesar’s Messiah Book (Amazon)
Shakespeare’s Secret Messiah Book (Amazon)
9/11 Truth, Gnosis and Cycles of Catastrophe
The Freemason In the Rye – Joe Atwill 

Meta-historical Manifesto – Jerry Russell 
A Pedophile Fantasy in the Rye – Joe Atwill with Jerry Russell

Siege of Jerusalem – Brittanica.com

The PhD that Drowned at Gadara – Joseph Atwill 
The Great White BrotherHood- Wikipedia
Madame Blavatsky and the Secret of the Masters
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised
Birminingham, Nazis and Comets

Related media:

Sacred Mountain by Shahead Mostafafar
Powers and Principalities Podcast Episode 34 w/ Joseph Atwill – Quatuor Coronati

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