May 30, 2024 at 7:46 am

Redemption Through Sin, Part 2 – Occult Mysteries 03 – Blacklisted Research


Original research and presentation via Blacklisted Research, transcription by Astromonk.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall.” – Q

In today’s video, I want to continue my presentation on the movement of the Sabbatean Frankists, its impact on world history, and its role in occultism. It’s a story of mysticism, revolution, secrecy, and blood sacrifice that eventually led to the Armenian Genocide, the spread of Wahhabism, and the establishment of Israel. As this is a two-part video, I recommend everyone go back and watch part one if they haven’t already. In part one, I spoke about the roots of Sabbatai Zevi, Lurianic Kabbalah, and the Messianic movement of 1666. With that being said, here is part two of “Redemption Through Sin.”

Almost a century removed from the Messianic mania of 1666, Sabbateanism still thrived in Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and the port cities along the coast of North Africa. Although they had different sects by this time, the Sabbateans were often viewed with suspicion and scrutiny due to their secrecy, tribalism, and apostasy. Many prominent Sabbatean figures were connected to positions of power within politics, trade, and industry.

There were a number of believers who went underground after the apostasy but continued their Messianic belief. Until Jacob Frank, a hundred years later, this community maintained a kind of subterranean belief in the Messiah. It was semi-tolerated, occasionally persecuted, but mostly ran as an undercurrent in European Jewry, especially in Ashkenazic Europe in Northern Europe. One of the most influential proponents of Sabbateanism among the Donmeh Jews was Jacob Frank, an 18th-century religious leader and self-proclaimed reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi, who also claimed to be the Messiah.

Jacob came from a family of practicing Sabbateans who engaged in the trade of precious stones, linens, and fabrics, traveling between Eastern Europe and the Ottoman-controlled territories, which were the centers of Sabbateanism at that time. During the 1750s, Jacob Frank forged close alliances with leaders of the Sabbatean movement. A noteworthy incident, commonly referred to as the “Lanskroni Affair,” unfolded in Poland, revealing a disturbing episode in which Jacob Frank, high-ranking rabbis, and fellow Sabbateans participated in a Gnostic ritual. This event involved the consumption of non-kosher wine, dark rituals, and open orgiastic sex. The practitioners even engaged in sex magic that sacrilegiously desecrated the Torah. At the center of the party was the wife of the local rabbi, naked except for a bridal Torah headpiece, being defiled by all the partygoers.

Although sparing the more explicit details of the debauchery, word spread throughout the town, exposing the participants and resulting in the arrest of some rabbis on charges of indecency. Notably, Jacob Frank, being a citizen of the Ottoman Empire, managed to avoid arrest and left unscathed. According to Robert Sepehr in his book “1666,” Jacob Frank asserted that God the Creator was different from the God who had revealed himself to the Israelites. He believed the biblical God was evil—a belief widely held in Gnostic circles. Where Frank separated himself was by rejecting every moral law and commandment, declaring that the only way to a new society was through the total destruction of the present civilization. He insisted that child sacrifice, rape, incest, and the drinking of blood were perfectly acceptable and necessary religious rituals.

jacob frank, freemasonry, donmeh jews, eyes wide shut, epstein island, blood drinking, orgies, satanism, gnosis, gnostic, incest, rape, demiurge,

When examining the Gnosticism of his teachings, Frank posited that the world was not created by a good God. He suggested the existence of three deities who maintained the world, similar to the concept of the demiurge, though he did not use this term. According to him, these figures did not have humanity’s best interests at heart and wielded temporal power, being responsible for many terrible things in the world. At the foundation of his worldview was the belief that a good God could not have created a world filled with disease, death, and strife.

Editors note:
The following is a related excerpt from my previous article where I transcribed the late great William Cooper’s expository video demonstrating that Aleister Crowley had indeed brought his worship of Satanism into Freemasonic practice.

William Cooper on Aleister Crowley, The O.T.O and Freemasonry
It would drive an orthodox Jew right up the wall. The secret word of the Royal Arch that Crowley is referring to is JABULON. The yah represents Jehovah BUL represents the Pagan God Baal and ON represents the Egyptian god of the Sun. So it’s no wonder Crowley’s satanic heart jumped for Joy when he was able to blaspheme the god of the Bible by uniting the true God of the Bible with the Pagan God Baal, to whom human children were sacrificed. The Bible tells us quote: “They have also built the high places of Baal to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal which I did not command or speak nor did it come into my mind.” The meaning ladies and gentlemen of the secret word in the Royal Arch degree is confirmed by an excellent Authority. Can’t get any better than this, it’s the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey.

In 1756, at the rabbinical court convened in Sataniv, Ukraine, the Sabbateans were accused of transgressing fundamental Jewish laws on morality and modesty. This triggered collective opposition from Eastern European Jews against the Frankists amid a prevailing climate of skepticism towards Jews by Christians, compounded by their recent expulsion from Kamianets-Podilskyi, Lithuania. Jacob Frank and his associates found themselves under scrutiny from both Jewish and Christian communities. Faced with the need to safeguard their well-being, they devised a strategic plan. Notably, Mikolaj Dembowski, the Catholic Bishop of Częstochowa, harbored resentment towards the Jews, largely stemming from their association with the Talmud. In light of this, Jacob Frank sought an audience with him, informing the bishop that the Sabbatean Frankists rejected the Talmud and recognized only the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar, which they claimed that his beliefs did not contradict the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Seeking to align himself with Bishop Mikolaj Dembowski, who was already at odds with Jews observing Talmudic practices, Frank’s subversive actions led to the bishop guaranteeing the safety of the seemingly persecuted Sabbatean Frankists. Dembowski ordered the burning of all copies of the Talmud in Poland, resulting in the destruction of around 10,000 volumes.

talmud, burned, mikolaj dembowki, plague

With some favor among various Christian churches, who now saw the Sabbateans as less subversive than Talmudic Jews, many attempts were made to convert the Sabbateans, guaranteeing them rights above other Jews. Many Sabbateans made false conversions for political expediency, but in secret, they continued their profane traditions and observances of the Kabbalah.

According to Robert Sepehr in his book “1666,” Frank totally rejected traditional interpretations of the Torah. He converted to both Islam and Catholicism, often slept with his followers as well as his own daughter, and preached a doctrine that the best way to imitate God was to cross every boundary, transgress every taboo, and mix the sacred with the profane.

Robert Sepehr, Jacob Frank, Sacred and Profane, Mix, Incest, Judaism, Talmud, Apostasy, Gnosis, Gnostic, Incest, Epstein Island,

Jacob Frank’s false conversion to Christianity provided him the opportunity to rub shoulders with nobility and Central Europe’s elite. The baptism of the Frankists took place at the churches of Lwów, celebrated by the Polish nobility. Jacob Frank himself was baptized in Lwów on September 17, 1759, and again in Warsaw the very next day, with King Augustus II as his godfather.

In Frank’s own writings, he saw it necessary to act in secrecy, stating: “Indeed this is the principle of the true way itself. Just as a man who wishes to conquer a fortress does not do it by making a speech but must go there himself with all his forces, so we too must go our way in silence. It is better to see than to speak, for the heart must not reveal what it knows to the mouth. We are under the burden of silence here. We must be quiet and bear what is needful, and that is why it is a burden. When a man goes from one place to another, he should hold his tongue. It is the same as a man with a drawing bow—the longer he holds his breath, the further the arrow will fly.”

Oaths of silence and mutual imprecations are the means to create and maintain secrecy in cultic societies, ritual and raw intimidation through hazing and initiation, the truth is they will enact retribution if you do reveal the secrets of the craft.

However, the infamy and suspicion surrounding the Frankists soon became a problem in Poland. Frank was arrested in Warsaw on February 6, 1760, and delivered to the church’s tribunal on charges of heresy. He was convicted and imprisoned in the monastery of Czestochowa in southern Poland. Frank’s imprisonment lasted 13 years, yet it only increased his influence by surrounding him with an aura of martyrdom. By 1788, Frank’s influence had grown significantly. He and his daughter, along with many followers, moved to Offenbach in Germany, where he assumed the title of Baron of Offenbach and lived as a wealthy nobleman. He received financial support from his Polish and Moravian followers, who made frequent pilgrimages to Offenbach.

Frankfurt, Illuminati, Offenbach, Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, Jesutism, Freemasonry, Rothschild, Jacob Frank

During his later years in Germany and Poland, Frank became acquainted with Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfurt. According to Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman in his book “To Eliminate the Opiate, Volume 2,” Frankfurt at the time was the headquarters of the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, and the Rothschild brothers’ financial empire. The alliance between Weishaupt and the Rothschilds provided the conspirators with resources from the Jesuit order and money from the Rothschilds. What was missing was a means to spread the agenda of the Illuminati, which the Frankists added with their network of agents throughout the Christian and Islamic worlds. Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy due to a substantial handout from Mayer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfurt.
adam weishaupt, bavarian, illuminati, jacob frank, sabbatean frankism, rothschild, central bankers, funding

Upon Jacob Frank’s death in 1791, his daughter Eva Frank became the holy mistress and leader of the sect. By this stage, Sabbatean Frankists and those belonging to the secret fraternal orders derived from the Donmeh Jews had spread their influence deep into Masonic lodges, the nobility of various nations, and various trade corporations operating throughout Turkey, the Balkans, and Western Europe.

Upon Jacob Frank’s death in 1791, his daughter Eva Frank became the holy mistress and leader of the sect. By this stage, Sabbatean Frankists and those belonging to the secret fraternal orders derived from the Donmeh Jews had spread their influence deep into Masonic lodges, the nobility of various nations, and various trade corporations operating throughout Turkey, the Balkans, and Western Europe.

One of the most tragic events in history, spearheaded by Sabbatean and Donmeh Jews, was the influential political movement at the turn of the 20th century known as the Young Turks, who were irrefutably responsible for the Armenian Genocide. The Young Turks were a revolutionary political force operating under the guidance of a Judeo-Masonic sect, much like the Bolshevik Revolution that would take place a decade later in Russia, seeking a coup d’état.

An article by the Department of History at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, highlights reports from the British Embassy in Istanbul during the Young Turks Revolution and shortly thereafter, detailing how Freemasonry and Judaism were inextricably connected to the Young Turks movement. Paul Dumont, cited in the same article, revealed the activities of Freemasonic lodges in Salonica, arguing that the role and relationship of Freemasons, Jews, Ottomans, and Young Turks were more interconnected than previously thought.

The Sabbateans, led by Donmeh Jews, spearheaded the influential Young Turks movement originating from a desire for constitutional governance in the late Ottoman Empire. The movement successfully opposed Sultan Abdul Hamid’s absolute rule in the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. Their objectives included removing Christianity from the Balkans, establishing a segregated Jewish state in Palestine, and replacing Islamic power in Turkey with a manipulable democratic leadership they could control by proxy.

An article by the Department of History at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, highlights reports from the British Embassy in Istanbul during the Young Turks Revolution and shortly thereafter, detailing how Freemasonry and Judaism were inextricably connected to the Young Turks movement. Paul Dumont, cited in the same article, revealed the activities of Freemasonic lodges in Salonica, arguing that the role and relationship of Freemasons, Jews, Ottomans, and Young Turks were more interconnected than previously thought.

The Ottoman Sultan took notice of Sabbatai Zevi and gave him the choice to convert to Islam or die, and Sabbatai chose to convert to Islam, thus ending his mass movement as a Jewish Messiah. However, the movement did not totally disappear. For the next hundred years, some of his followers also converted to Islam and became outwardly Muslim but secretly maintained their Messianic Jewish beliefs. These followers were known as the Donmeh, or turncoats—a term not used complimentary. This movement lasted through to the 20th century, with the group of Muslims being an open secret.

The Young Turks adopted the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” also used by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of France during the French Revolution. According to an article in the London Times on July 11, 1911, page 5, “It is a well-known fact that the Salonica Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews of the Donmeh or Crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonica and whose organization took even under Abdul Hamid a Masonic form. Jews like Emanuel Carasso, Salem Sassoon, Ferhat Saad, and Donmeh like David Bey and the Baljo family took an influential part both in the organization of the committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonica. These facts, which are known to every government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans, where there is an increasing tendency to settle the Jews and Donmeh with responsibility for the sanguinary blunders which the committee has made.”

The Young Turks adopted the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” also used by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of France during the French Revolution. According to an article in the London Times on July 11, 1911, page 5, “It is a well-known fact that the Salonica Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews of the Donmeh or Crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonica and whose organization took even under Abdul Hamid a Masonic form.

The Young Turks, Bolsheviks, Hidden Hand, Master of the Second Veil, Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall, Zionism, Genocide, Armenian Genocide, Christian Genocide
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and The Young Turks
bolshevik freemasons, hidden hand, chosen-ness, peculiar, master of the second veil, karl marx, joseph stalin, vladimir lenin, freemasonic, freemasonry, ww2, world war 2, zionism, symbolism will be their downfall
“Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall.” – Q

Learn more about the “Hidden Hand of Freemasonry” and the Freemasonic creation of WW2 and Zionism here: Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

The Young Turk Revolution, beginning in 1908, was a constitutionalist revolution in the Ottoman Empire that forced Sultan Abdul Hamid to restore the Constitution under the threat of war. At a time when ethnic clashes were already causing much instability in the region, rebellion erupted in Albania, accompanied by assaults from Kurds and bands targeting the German-constructed Hejaz Railway in Arabia. Concurrently, challenges emerged in Yemen from the Hashemite Sharif of Mecca disputing the Sultan’s authority and his control over income derived from the Muslim sacred sites. The year 1909 witnessed the complete abdication of Abdul Hamid, paving the way for his brother, Mehmed V, to assume the throne. However, rather than abating, the decline of the Empire only gained momentum during this time. The Young Turks movement thrived, taking up positions of power within the government and military.

In 1909, a purge in the army demoted many of the old Turks while elevating Young Turk officers. After a successful coup in Turkey driven by Donmeh Jewish revolutionaries comprised of Sabbatean Frankists, the Young Turks celebrated their victory by committing a seven-year-long spree of massacres and persecutions against Christians. Although some Armenian resistance occurred, it was quickly and brutally suppressed, leading to a deafening roar of anti-Christian sentiment.

The Armenian Genocide remains a deeply contentious historical event, with the Turkish government continuing to deny its occurrence despite overwhelming evidence. Between 1915 and 1917, up to 1.2 million Christian Armenians were forcibly marched to the Syrian desert, accompanied by paramilitary escorts of the Ottoman Empire. The goal was to reshape the demographics of Anatolia by deporting Armenians and resettling Muslims in their lands, under the direction of the Young Turks—a political movement that included figures like Talat Pasha, Enver Pasha, and Jemal Pasha, many of whom were reportedly connected to the Donmeh Jews, a sect of converts who secretly maintained Jewish beliefs.

Turkish historian Mevlan Zadeh Rifat claimed in his 1929 book “In the Folds of Ottoman Revolution” that the Armenian Genocide was planned by a committee of Young Turks, composed of displaced Balkan Jews posing as Muslims, in a Masonic lodge in Salonica. The Young Turks, including Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky as an editor for their newspaper, used their media influence to deny and cover up the genocide. This denial continues today, with organizations like B’nai B’rith International and the Anti-Defamation League reportedly attempting to block U.S. congressional resolutions recognizing the genocide.

The brutality of the genocide was unparalleled, with agricultural destruction, sexual slavery, and mass executions leading to widespread disease and death. The genocide profoundly impacted Armenia, one of the oldest Christian countries, with a significant portion of its population now living outside its borders.

In 1917, the same year the U.S. entered World War I, the Balfour Declaration was issued, expressing British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This was seen as a step towards the establishment of Israel, intertwined with the broader geopolitical ambitions of Zionists and bankers like the Rothschilds. The ultimate goal, according to some interpretations, involves the construction of the Third Temple, a significant element in Jewish messianism and Kabbalah, which some Christians believe will coincide with the arrival of the Antichrist.

The influence of the Sabbatean movement, particularly through figures like Jacob Frank, extended into various spheres of power, including the Saudi royal family. Both Abdul Wahhab, the founder of Wahhabism, and his sponsor Ibn Saud were allegedly of Jewish origin. Wahhabism, with its significant impact on the Middle East’s cultural and religious landscape, has been associated with Western interests aiming to undermine traditional Islam.

The influence of Sabbatean Frankists is suggested to persist through descendants integrated into political, religious, and financial structures worldwide, operating under the cover of various affiliations. Whether these ancient ambitions continue to shape current events is a matter of speculation, but the historical connections between these movements and significant geopolitical changes are evident.

This concludes the exploration of Sabbatean Frankism’s impact on history, leaving room for further research and consideration of its ongoing influence.

The Young Turks celebrated their victory by committing a seven-year-long spree of complete Christian massacres and persecutions. These events did meet some Armenian resistance, but they were put down fairly quickly and brutally. These events would ultimately lead to a deafening roar of anti-Christian hatred, which would set the stage for what would become known as the Armenian Genocide, an event which the Turkish government still denies to this very day despite the abundance of evidence. As many as 1.2 million Christian Armenians were sent on death marches to the Syrian desert between the years 1915 and 1917, driven forward by paramilitary escorts of the Ottoman Empire.

The deportation of Armenians and the resettlement of Muslims in their land was part of a broader project intended to permanently restructure the demographics of Anatolia and allow for a change in Turkish leadership. At the time, the Ottoman Empire controlled Palestine, which was a big obstacle to overcome for the ambitions of the Zionists and bankers who would seed the grounds for two world wars to make Israeli statehood possible. According to Turkish historian Mevin Zadar Rafat in 1929 in his book “In the Folds of Ottoman Revolution,” he claims the following: “The Armenian Genocide was decided between August 1910 and October 1911 by a young Turkish committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews in the form of a Syrus Jewish Muslim sect which included Talat, Enver, Beadin, Shaki, Jamal, and Nisan posing as Muslims. It met in the Rild-funded Grand Orian Lodge Hotel of Salonica.” Syncretism refers to a combination of different forms of beliefs or practice; Freemasonry fits that description.

Young Turks, Freemasonry, Armenian Genocide,

While in power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers, including “The Young Turk,” whose editor was none other than Russian Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinski. Because of their influence in the media and their position in alliance with the Zionist movement, the Armenian Genocide was denied, and the covering up or whitewash plays out to this very day with suspicious focus on blocking any mention of Jewish involvement. This is evident by the fact that four large Jewish organizations, B’nai B’rith International, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, attempted to block the passage of two resolutions that were pending in US Congress that called for official recognition of World War I era killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide.

The unprecedented brutality of the Armenian Genocide marked a horrifying chapter in recent history. The systematic destruction of agricultural crops owned by Christian Armenians intensified their suffering. Women were forced into sexual slavery, and organized executions resulted in mountains of bodies disrupting riverbeds and fostering disease. Overcrowded refugee centers and orphanages frequently turned away children, leading to malnutrition, abandonment, and tragically, death. It left a scar so large on Armenia, one of the oldest Christian countries in the world, that less than a third of Armenians in the world actually live in Armenia today.

By the year 1917, the United States had entered the First World War in support of the struggling United Kingdom. That same year, the Balfour Declaration was revealed to the public, which brought attention to the already well-documented Zionist ambitions of the Rothschild banking dynasty. The Balfour Declaration was a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed the British government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

One of the final steps expressed by proponents of the Yod Yon plan, which has been echoed by Zionists for centuries prior, is the building of the Third Temple, which holds great significance in the realization of Messianism and the Kabbalah. Many believe this will mark the revelation of the Jewish Messiah, which some claim will be a reincarnation of Shabati Zevi, although many Christians claim it will be marked by the arrival of the Antichrist as prophesied in the Book of Revelations.

One more noteworthy pathway taken by the Sabbatean Jews, which I will mention briefly in this video, which helps shine a light on the situation in the Middle East, especially in regards to Zionism and the persecution of Houthis in Yemen, is that of the Saudi royal family. Both Abdul Wahab and his sponsor Ibn Saud, who founded the Saudi dynasty, were of Jewish origin. In fact, on the Jewish Virtual Library website, you can read a brief history of Ibn Saud, the first monarch of Saudi Arabia, which details how the British armed and financed his capture of the Arabian lands now known as Saudi Arabia. The establishment of Wahhabism and the Saudi Arabian dynasty would reshape the cultural and religious fabric of the Middle East forever.

The US Department of Defense has released translations of a number of Iraqi intelligence documents dating from Saddam’s rule. One, a General Military Intelligence Directorate report from September 2002 entitled “The Emergence of Wahhabism and Its Historical Roots,” shows the Iraqi government was aware of the nefarious purposes of the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, often known as Salafis, in serving Western interests to undermine Islam. Whether or not this is its purpose is unknown, but the influence Saudi Arabia has over the Islamic world, the oil trade, as well as the never-ending feuds in the Middle East, is undeniable.

With these historical facts in mind, we should once again be reminded of Jacob Frank’s self-admitted goals of remaining undercover and seeking out to control and destroy the religions of the world. By remaining under the cover of Islam or Christianity, they could further seek out the political expediency of their Kabbalistic intentions. It is mostly believed that the Sabbatean movement is at a standstill today, with very few sects operating openly in the world. Perhaps the descendants of the Sabbatean Jews, which are situated all throughout the power structure of Islam, Catholicism, Freemasonry, and Zionism today, have long forgotten the ambitions of their ancestors. Or perhaps their agenda is still very real and playing out to this very day, hidden in plain sight. I’ll leave that speculation up to you. Do the research for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

This concludes my videos on Sabbatean Frankism for now. While I understand there is a lot more that could have been mentioned, it was really my intention to merely introduce this subject. Perhaps we’ll revisit this topic again in the future in more detail. With that being said, be sure to keep your eyes out for the next video I do in the occult mystery series. If you have any requests or suggestions about topics that I should discuss next in the occult series, let me know in the comments section below. Be sure to like the video, subscribe if you haven’t, and share this video around on social media. Until next time guys, thanks for watching.

Related media:

William Cooper on Aleister Crowley, The O.T.O and Freemasonry

Gnosis 02: Joseph Atwill – The British Freemasonic Creation of Zionism, Theosophy and WW2

Gnosis, 9/11 Truth and Cycles of Catastrophe

Are you noticing what I’m noticing? The world is waking up.


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