So you’d all better wake up, you’ve been taught baloney and bullshit all your life, and you put a little mayonnaise on it and you eat it and you go to town and you think you’re full of food. But you’re not, you are spiritually desolate. You know nothing.” – William Cooper
“If he would be deceived let him be deceived.” – Roman Cult Maxim
“The love of liberty is interwoven in the soul of man and can never be totally extinguished. There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame. “ ~ Samuel Adams
On March 3rd, 2024, just eight days shy of its fifteenth year in existence, the official Sacred Geometry International YouTube Channel was terminated by YouTube.
This takedown came with ZERO warning from YouTube. In fact, the video below performed unexpectedly well, reaching over 60k views and over 300 comments within just 3 days. I also gained over 1,000 followers in short order in the wake of its success. I was unaccustomed to being allowed to receive this much viewership since I first began posting videos to the channel again in 2022 during the height of the Scamdemic. The channel has been shadow banned and despite getting Randall on the world’s biggest podcast, (with no budget) once you criticize the deep state policies of genocide, enabling of the theft of the 2020 election or just the generalized hatred and digital ostracism one can expect for daring to have pro American or conservative values, you’re on their shit list forever.
Or so it seemed until I uploaded this most recent Bill Cooper below with a different simplified title of “William Cooper on Aleister Crowley” which as I stated before took off and garnered immense positive support and respect for William Cooper amidst a smattering of pro thelemite cheerleaders chiming in with their cliched occultism in the comments.
I didn’t monetize the video and as such it should have fallen under fair use given that the intention was to educate, to criticize and comment and report on the material. Notice that this channel carries other William Cooper related videos which I subsequently uploaded and yet it is still available on YOUTUBE… So YouTube has not told me which video was responsible for the takedown and my appeals have so far garnered no response.
The video I uploaded and renamed William Cooper on Aleister Crowley is still available on Youtube as you can see below and has over 87,000 views and has been on YouTube for over 5 years, so how is it possible if I’m somehow spreading “dangerous” conspiracy theories that this channel is still available and yet mine has been terminated? Nothing makes sense when you are exposing the deep state satanists and this parallels my own lived experience with masons who wear white gloves as a symbol of their “purity”, while purportedly seeking to promote liberty, equality and fraternity in this world. Nothing could be further from the truth for their inverted understanding of each of these symbols is their true aim, to create a libertine, DEI and noahide friendly “equality” and the fraternity they seek is just the spreading of their own networks towards the goal of a new satanic kingdom or New World Order.
Here is the original video description which was published along with the video in question.
Via: Milton Bill Cooper channel
Credit (1984veritas):
• The Occult Theocracy – Mystery Babylo…
This channel is for educational purposes only. [Fair Use]: Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. (Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing):…
(All original credit rights go to Bill Cooper & The Hour Of The Time)
I’ve transcribed the video so that you can see what ideas are so verboten and taboo as to elicit this response from YouTube. Decide for yourself what this information is allowed on one YouTube channel but somehow by being uploaded to my channel it is suddenly taken down.
To emphasize how dire and vital it is to understand the nature of the deep state we collectively face I am presenting this recent video from Tyler Durden aka Chris Hedges of speaking in support of political prisoner Julian Assange and pointing out the connection between Wikileaks
and the ongoing struggle to unmask the NWO/masonic/deepstate matrix and its genocidal billionaire class who he appropriately compares to “Pharaonic” Egypt….
If you are struggling to understand why we are watching the operation that is playing out before out eyes, look no further than this statement right here.
"We cannot fight for Julian, unless it is clear who we are fighting against."
"The United States has gone through a…
— Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) April 1, 2024
Keep that in mind when you read Brother Bill Cooper’s stern warnings and admonitions to WAKE UP! We must expose these clowns before they can kill us all with another manufactured crisis.
Transcription begins:
Boom! Oh, my God! is hidden in mystery, or Eastern mysticism is agreed to by William Goetz in Apocalypse Next. Goetz states that modern Mystery Babylon will not be a church of watered-down Christianity, but rather must be a secret organization which practices what he calls witchcraft.
A close look at the Greek of the scripture text above confirms this interpretation of Mystery Babylon. You see, the Greek word for mystery means, quote, to shut the mouth. a secret through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites, end quote. This definition concurs with the meaning of the Hebrew word for carpenters in Zechariah’s vision at the beginning of the chapter, quote, “to devise, in a bad sense, hints from the idea of secrecy to be silent, to let alone, conceal, practice secretly, keep silence, be silent, Speak not a word, be still, hold tongue.
The initiation into religious rites in all Babylonian mystery religion includes taking blood oaths of silence. For those who take the oaths, if one is to believe their veracity, a cruel death is administered if silence is not maintained. For illustration, we shall consider the consequences of taking the Masonic oaths in each of the first three degrees of Freemasonry. At the end of the initiation, the candidate swears to keep all Masonic secrets, binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, tongue torn out by its roots, breast torn open, heart plucked out, body severed in twain, bowels taken from thence, should I ever knowingly violate this my solemn obligation.
Insert images from the ritual of the penal signs related here
After the oath is taken, the worshipful master of the lodge says to the senior deacon, He is bound to us by an obligation, a tie stronger than human hands can impose. Who imposes this inhuman tie but Satan, the master deceiver?
James 5.12 warns Christians against taking such secret oaths because they are deception. But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath, but let your yea be yea and your nay, nay, lest ye fall into condemnation. The Greek word for the type of condemnation of which James speaks means deceit, lies, deception, manipulation, what I have warned you against all this time, and I have identified them without the use of the Bible over and over and over again, and now I nail it down, and it is used in this sense only once in all the New Testament.
Deceit is at the heart of Freemasonry, according to the greatest Freemason of all time, Albert Pike. In fact, in Morals and Dogma, Pike writes that in the blue degrees, the initiate is intentionally misled. Something more than deception binds the initiate when he takes the blood oaths. Oswald Wirth, a well-known 33rd degree French Grand Lodge Mason, confirms in his book, The Ideal Initiate, 1927, that the act of taking the Masonic oath is in fact selling one’s soul to the devil. And I quote, “It is a serious matter to ask for initiation, for one has to sign a pact which demands that the man’s soul be truly committed in the act. It is not, then, like driving a bargain with the devil in which the evil one allows himself to be tricked. It is an agreement entered into seriously on both The devil and the initiate sides, and there is no escape from its clauses. The initiate himself is by that very fact indissolubly bound to his masters. It would all be nothing if you could ask to be initiated free of all obligation without paying with your very soul.”
Deceit is at the heart of Freemasonry, according to the greatest Freemason of all time, Albert Pike. In fact, in Morals and Dogma, Pike writes that in the blue degrees, the initiate is intentionally misled. Something more than deception binds the initiate when he takes the blood oaths. Oswald Wirth, a well-known 33rd degree French Grand Lodge Mason, confirms in his book, The Ideal Initiate, 1927, that the act of taking the Masonic oath is in fact selling one’s soul to the devil. And I quote, “It is a serious matter to ask for initiation, for one has to sign a pact which demands that the man’s soul be truly committed in the act. It is not, then, like driving a bargain with the devil in which the evil one allows himself to be tricked. It is an agreement entered into seriously on both The devil and the initiate sides, and there is no escape from its clauses. The initiate himself is by that very fact indissolubly bound to his masters. It would all be nothing if you could ask to be initiated free of all obligation without paying with your very soul.”
Revelation 18, verse 11 and 13 confirms that Mystery Babylon buyeth the souls of men. This purchase is made by Satan through the initiate’s own blood when he takes the Masonic oath. Anyone who is listening, who is bound by their oath in Freemasonry, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6, verse 20, that already your souls, quote, are bought with a price, end quote. And that price is the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1, verses 18-19 You have committed a grievous sin when you took the Masonic oath. God, however, is merciful. He will forgive you if you ask Him. And He will renew you to the joy of your salvation if you repent. That is, if you turn away wholeheartedly, body and soul, from Freemasonry.
In Isaiah chapter 28, verses 15 through 18, I quote, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement. When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us, for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves. Isaiah also says, and I quote, judgment also will I lay to the measuring line and righteousness to the plummet and the hull shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the water shall overflow the hiding place and your covenant with death shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell shall not stand. End quote.
George Bush was a member of of what is known as the Brotherhood of Death, also known as the Russell Trust. Hell in the Bible literally means grave or crypt. He took his initiation in the crypt at Yale University. The symbol of the Knights Templars is the skull in bones, which is also the symbol of the Brotherhood of Death. It is also a prominent symbol in Freemasonry, also in the Rosy Cross, the Knights of Pythias, and many others. Many, many others. It is time. It is time, ladies and gentlemen, to mature.
You now know the identity of Mystery Babylon. How many of you have a Freemason in your family? 30 on up know exactly what’s happening and they’re part of it. They’ll tell you that they don’t. They’ll tell you that I’m a liar. Okay? They can’t tell you the truth because what? They’ve taken 30 different oaths that they will never disclose the secrets of the order. Blood oaths on penalty of death.
And you say, hey, what about these oaths on penalty of death? All those don’t mean nothing. They’re just, you know, ceremony. How many of you believe that grown men put on robes And walk around in secret rituals in temples without windows and take blood oaths and don’t mean it. How many of you believe that? And if they’ll take those oaths and don’t mean it, will they mean the one where they have their hand on the Bible? Of course not. They’re lying to you. They are liars. Chronic liars.
Ceremonies and oaths give them permission to lie if it protects the secrets of the order and tells them it’s okay. Now, how clear does it have to be before somebody wakes up? How many days do we have left? See, I told you yesterday, I’m not nice to people anymore. There’s no time to be nice. No time to stroke you and make you feel good. I gotta wake you up quick. And I gotta get you ready to fight for your freedom. Or you’re gonna make me a slave because you won’t fight with me. Or you’ll make me dead because I’m the only one fighting. I don’t like those odds. But whether you’re with me or not, I’m gonna fight.
The same code of silence that exists in every fraternal lodge in this nation.
They take an oath of silence and an oath of loyalty to their fellow brothers. They cannot talk without violating their oaths, and many of these oaths are blood-curdling. If a candidate actually agrees to his own murder, should he betray the secret?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go on. I’m sure they are. I don’t know. I haven’t seen the record. Number 322. You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale. What does that tell us? Not much, because it’s a secret. Is there a secret handshake? Is there a secret code? I wish there were something secret I could manifest. 322, a secret number? There are all kinds of secrets. So you’d all better wake up. You’ve been taught baloney and bullshit all your life.
And you put a little mayonnaise on it and you eat it and you go to town and you think you’re full of food. But you’re not. You’re spiritually desolate. You know nothing. I am a messenger and you had better heed my message for you have no time left. The earliest of secret societies were obsessed with the legend of Atlantis. (emphasis mine)
It’s always been their goal to get even for the destruction of their golden age. Who destroyed them? The church, the state, and the mob. It’s represented in the initiation by the murder of Hiram Abiff. And they have sworn revenge. They will destroy all existing nation states, all existing religions, save theirs, secular humanism, wherein man will become God, and they will shackle, enslave the mob forever, so that the mob can never harm them again.
You get no helpings of baloney on the hour of the time. You get the truth and it’s force-fed and you walk away full. And if you get down on your knees tonight and say a prayer, you will be spiritually awakened. William Still, in his book, The New World Order, informs us that, according to Masonic sources, the most important mystery of secret societies is an ancient plan passed down for thousands of years by oral tradition for the establishment of a world government, a universal democracy, a new Atlantis. It is called the great work. It is called the plan. It is called the enterprise. community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the nation doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding.
We will work on this in the White House, in the cabinet agencies. I will go to the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light, and I’ll ask every member of my government to become involved. The old ideas are new again because they’re not old. They are timeless. Listen very carefully, ladies and gentlemen. There is an ancient text, Egyptian, called the Ritual. And the rubric to chapter 129 of the Ritual says of the manas, And he shall be established as a star face to face with Sephet, Sirius, Sothis, the dog star. And his corruptible body shall be as a god forever. To deify the human is to make a star of him. The man is himself praised. Chapter 102. Let me be among the stars that never rest.
It is promised in chapter 164 that he shall become a star of heaven.
The Osiris New pleads in chapter 188. May I enter into the house of his body which beholds hath become one of the starry gods, one of the thousand points of light. Thou seest the hands of the imperishable stars, for behold, thou art one of the gods. There have been many forms of Freemasonry in the past because men of other days did not have Bibles on their authors or conduct their ceremonies in precisely the same manner. as Freemasons of today, and it’s no reason for repudiating them and claiming that their observance is related to something else, because the Brotherhood has always been the same. It has existed under many different names and many different occupations, and that’s why it is difficult for those who are easily deflected from their goal in research
away from the path.
And they say, well, it ends here. So it could not have stemmed from ancient times. It was started in this lodge in England. Because they can’t find anything before that that was known as Freemason. The thread that we have followed has not been the name, ladies and gentlemen, nor the occupation of masonry But the principles and ideals and beliefs and the hidden secret religion and the scientific bent of this group. And when you learn to conduct your research along those lines, the path stands out like a neon tube on the darkest night. And it is easy to follow. all the way back to the very beginning of human history, the brotherhood has existed. hold a terrible power over us within our own government and in governments around the world.
And it is this duplication of the misuse of the power and the ability to hold knowledge and technology and secrecy over the ignorant herds of sheeple, if you will, who are so trusting and so believing and so magnificently faithful that they willingly follow the Judas goat to the shearing pens and then ultimately to the slaughterhouse. so I advise you to pay close attention to these lessons and don’t be stupid and don’t be foolish and don’t think that you know all the answers because there are very few of you in this listening audience who have ever, ever bothered to study anything beyond the end of your own nose. Nor have you ever listened to any other than the liar who stands behind the pulpit of your church and preaches to you the doctrines that cause you to follow these Judas goats.
There’s many more than one, believe me. Everything in this world that is happening today is happening because of four things. Ladies and gentlemen, race, religion, power, and greed. Race, religion, power, and greed. If you do not understand the history of religion and how it manipulates and controls vast numbers of people on this earth, then you are one of those being manipulated and controlled. Tonight’s broadcast was taken in part from W. Wynwood Reed’s long-lost classic entitled The Veil of Isis or Mysteries of the Druids and from my own personal research. Good night, folks. God bless each and every single one of you. Good night, Annie Poon Allison. I love you.
Folks if you appreciate this media, please help me continue to promote and expose the truth about secret societies, freemasonry and satanism. They are wholly incompatible with our American values of inalienable rights to freedom of speech and due process. They exploit these rights for themselves while removing them for those they seek to conquer, and they must be called out and held accountable. They are attempting to reinstate their dark lord as the God of this realm and while this reads like something like a horror novel I assure you this plot is real and in effect. Case in point, ust today on X the term “Baphomet” is trending again and we see Joe Bid(a)n or whoever is playing him signaling to make this a day of transgender visibility.
If you want to see even more confirmatory evidence backing up my assertion above please visit the SGI Blog page where I’ve kept an archive of every post I’ve ever made on this site going back to its founding in 2009.
This makes sense given that these satanic scum bags worship Ishtar in the form of Baphomet and want to mock Christians who they see as their absolute enemies in this realm. As you will see described above in the Bill Cooper transcription, the masonic initiation ritual featuring the death of Hiram Abiff is itself a motif of vengeance against free society and as always with narcissistic psychopaths, they manage to blame others and portray themselves as somehow victims to avoid detection. This is a technique of narcissistic abuse known as DARVO, which stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse, Victim and Offender.
Please consider making a purchase in the online store, becoming an ongoing subscriber or making a one time donation. I’m fighting for all of our rights and my own personal path of Gnosis sadly has led me to realize that I was being duped and conned by my former masonic business partner. He now has launched and maintained a smear campaign against me and this website for daring to hold him accountable to his professed promises and intentions which he summarily abandoned. He will not dare answer to me in public for he is truly a pathetic and exploitative coward enabled by a harem of yes men, flying monkeys and other interlopers who seek to profit from my work to first popularize him and help share the research he had compiled from others but relays as though he is somehow an ‘inspired’ prophet to anyone paying attention. Don’t be fooled by this man’s deflective games and intrigues, he is as crooked as they come and will face judgement from the almighty for his sins against man in this world and the next.
Randall, you needn’t hide in your safe space dungeon, you can always man up and keep your word but of course knowing what I do now about the true nature of masons like you, hell is more likely to freeze over than you develop a conscience to be responsible for your deliberate lies of omission. You know what they say Randy, a half truth is a whole lie and you’ve certainly emitted nothing but cowardly lies against me and this platform which originally provided for you the fame you currently enjoy from your new home based podcast studio for years now. This is years after I had invested what little money I had to create the home based studio for Gnosis. Truly a pathetic sight to see.
I am the joint copyright owner as the creator, producer, editor, animator, designer, web master, marketer, agent and even more to everything you see on this website and have been since its creation. Randall has never published an article here on his own, he has never booked any of the 10 years of podcasts which I archived, maintained and promoted for him enabling him to eventually get on the Joe Rogan podcast which effectively launched him into the public eye. Randall is LYING completely when he states repeatedly on his sycophantic network of podcasts that I’m stealing from him or that he has not been paid. He conveniently omits key details that paint a VERY different picture of the scenario and then uses the aforementioned network to harass me and spread his lies for him.
His lies are TOTAL RUBBISH and easily debunked hokum from someone who has shown himself not to be the man he pretends to be but is in fact a two faced manipulator with his own agenda to self-aggrandize and profit by hook and by crook. Graham Hancock was correct to disconnect from him and his cesspool of complicit accomplices at the Cosmic Summit, many of which have helped him attack this site, the very site which first brought him to prominence and who now profit from MY work over a decade plus, work I undertook with no financial safety net, no guaranteed pay and ZERO dollars paid from Randall Carlson EVER. Randall produce one receipt where you directly paid me for anything if I’m lying. I devoted my life to ensuring these ideas could make it to the people so that they might wake up and begin to put the pieces together regarding our lost understanding of our true history. Little did I know that I would be running into cultic abuse for my sacrifice and that I now am forced to expose the perpetrators in order to preserve my own reputation and honor here. Again, NONE of these clowns has ever allowed me on to defend myself on ANY of their channels.
I wish it hadn’t come to this but a man can only take so much.
I ask that you share this material far and wide and I will continue to pursue the truth and justice for all of us until my last breath so help me God.
The Truth does not fear investigation. Randall Carlson knows he is lying. Brad Young knows he is lying when he portrays that I somehow threatened him via email as part of his initial smearing of me. BRAD YOUNG, where is that email?? IT DOESN’T EXIST, You’re a LIAR Brad. The rest will go unnamed for now but they have NEVER produced any evidence for their claims against SGI and myself other than to repeat Randall’s assertions as facts. Many have admitted as much to me in private correspondence.
I ask that you request evidence for Randall et al’s claims against me and Sacred Geometry International and report back their response. I imagine you will receive nothing but the same tired repetition of lies that Randall first projected in the first place. Demand evidence and watch the gesticulating clown show begin again from these scandalous reprobates.
As you can see in the facebook link to Brad Young’s GeoCosmic Rex Page anyone who actually knows me has come to my defense and pointed out the absurdity of this bullshit smear campaign. I ask that you all demand evidence for their claims against me and SGI in the comments and anywhere else you find them perpetuating them online.
Thank you to everyone who has stood by me over the least four plus years and helped me stay alive and sane in spite of the numerous terrible impacts this smear campaign has caused to my life and to my family.
You have my deepest gratitude and I will never forget your honorable support and sacrifice on my behalf.
Camron Wiltshire aka Astromonk
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