Category: Comets and Asteroids

Medium-Sized Asteroid Hit Could Unleash Ice Age

Medium-Sized Asteroid Hit Could Unleash Ice Age

Via More on the Chelyabinsk meteor. A strike by a medium-size asteroid could change Earth’s climate dramatically for a few years, making life difficult for people around the world, a new study suggests. Such an impact on land (as opposed to at sea) could cause average global temperatures to plunge to ice age levels and lead to steep drops […]

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Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Planetary defense: NASA creates office to oversee asteroid detection

Via With heightened concern over potential ‘Armageddon’-like asteroids causing a ‘Deep Impact’ on Earth, NASA has created a new office tasked with coordinating detection of potential crashes and “planning for planetary defense.” Part of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will supervise all NASA efforts that track near-Earth objects (NEOs), such as asteroids and comets. […]

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Rosetta detects molecular oxygen on Comet 67P for first time

Rosetta detects molecular oxygen on Comet 67P for first time

Via ABC Science: The Rosetta spacecraft has detected significant levels of molecular oxygen coming from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in a discovery that has taken astronomers by surprise. [pullquote]”This is the first comet that we’ve found which has molecular oxygen.”  -Dr André Bieler[/pullquote] The discovery, reported in the journal Nature, may provide new clues about the conditions and environment where the Earth, […]

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The Tsar Bombas fireball, about 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) in diameter.  Exploded with a force of 50 MT TNT.

Its test on October 30, 1961, remains the most powerful man-made explosion in human history.

Halloween Asteroid – City busting Earth Grazer imminent near miss

*Editors note:  Yet another eerily prescient reminder is discovered shortly after posting related media on this site.  Please read the Tunguska: The Great Siberian Thunderbolt series for evidence of this fact.  Also please see another example of this type of synchronicity occurring previously with Randall’s article on DA-14, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and the subsequent Chelyabinsk meteor strike as […]

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A Cataclysmic Event of a Certain Age – Evidence for a Catastrophic Episode 13,000 Years Ago

A Cataclysmic Event of a Certain Age – Evidence for a Catastrophic Episode 13,000 Years Ago

Via July 27, 2015 At the end of the Pleistocene period,approximately 12,800 years ago—give or take a few centuries—a cosmic impact triggered an abrupt cooling episode that earth scientists refer to as the Younger Dryas. New research by UC Santa Barbara geologist James Kennett and an international group of investigators has narrowed the date to a 100-year range, sometime […]

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Illustration by Patrick Kyle

The Sluggish Race to Guard the Earth Against Meteors –

Via May 22, 2015 By Rory Tolan The sky god slept like a rock. In a yawning crater cut into the side of Manhattan’s Central Park, a stone as old as the Earth had amassed a crowd. I found it in a huddle of selfie sticks, flapping brochures, and children slapping it with sweaty palms. But Tomanowos, a divine […]

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Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Philae comet could be home to alien life, say scientists

Via The Guardian: The comet landed on by the spacecraft Philae could well be home to an abundance of alien microbial life, according to leading astronomers. Features of the comet, named 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, such as its organic-rich black crust, are most likely explained by the presence of living organisms beneath an icy surface, the scientists have said. Rosetta, the European spacecraft […]

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