Category: Research

SGI Research

SGI Research

Under Construction! A brief introduction and overview of several aspects of Randall Carlson’s research into the interface of archaic myth and modern science. Catalogued and available for purchase soon for any aspring students of the Mysteries.   Mussen Sie dringend die mannliche Energie zuruckgeben? Mit Viagra generika ist es einfach – Wirksame Mittel fur Potenz-Viagra! Kontakt – Viagra […]

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Esoteric History

Esoteric History

Esoteric History

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Climate Change:  A Catastrophist’s Perspective

Climate Change: A Catastrophist’s Perspective

An in depth examination of the science and politics behind a modern day controversy.

Is the issue settled, as mainstream media would have us believe?
Is there truly a consensus to which all climate scientists agree? What exactly does consensus mean in science?
What does the peer reviewed literature actually tell us?

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Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

Cycles of Global Change / Fractal Geology

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