Category: Space Colonization

Randall Carlson: The Future of Mankind | The Cosmic Civilization

Randall Carlson: The Future of Mankind | The Cosmic Civilization

Via The Angry Hippie Excellent video here, thank you Angry Hippie for your contribution to The Great Work. Randall Carlson is a Freemason, master builder, geological theorist, and anthropological theorist. His work on Ancient Cosmology sheds new light on all mythological, religious and spiritual traditions. I believe that his name will go down in history as one of the main […]

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It might seem like an idea taken straight out of science fiction, but a nation of people living in space could soon become a reality. This is if plans developed by an international group scientists, which have been announced today, go ahead. Artist's impression pictured

The first SPACE NATION is revealed: ‘Asgardia’

[Editor’s note:  If you would like to join me in nominating former Minnesota Governor Jesse The Body Ventura along with Randall Carlson to be the first Space Viking Presidents of Asgardia, please retweet the following call to do so.  @sacredgeoint is our twitter handle. I nominate @GovJVentura & Randall Carlson @SacredGeoInt for leaders of the free Republic of Asgardia w […]

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