Tag: 12800

A world map that shows where similary platinum spikes have been discovered in the world. The latest discovery is at the Wonderkrater site in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Credit: Francis Thackeray/Wits University

New research supports hypothesis that asteroid contributed to mass extinction

Via Phys.org Wits University A team of scientists from South Africa has discovered evidence partially supporting a hypothesis that Earth was struck by a meteorite or asteroid 12 800 years ago, leading to global consequences including climate change, and contributing to the extinction of many species of large animals at the time of an episode called the Younger Dryas. The […]

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12,800 years ago, Earth was struck by a disintegrating comet, setting off global firestorms

12,800 years ago, Earth was struck by a disintegrating comet, setting off global firestorms

Via Knowridge.com March 17, 2018 According to modern theories of geological evolution, the last major ice age (known as the Pliocene-Quaternary glaciation) began about 2.58 million years ago during the late Pliocene Epoch. Since then, the world has experienced several glacial and interglacial periods, and has been in an inter-glacial period (where the ice sheets have been retreating) ever since […]

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Burn Paper via The Cosmic Tusk

Burn Paper via The Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com Papers #1 and #2 and Supplementary Materials Quick take at skeptic site NeuroLogica Tallboy – Widespread Panic (1997) The Tusk inaugurates our new look here by posting the most important paper in the peer-reviewed canon of the Comet Research Group since the original PNAS publication in 2007. It is truly a new day at the Tusk. The Two […]

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