Who Are The Illuminati – Joe Atwill

Who Are The Illuminati – Joe Atwill

Who owns history? Are we looking at Illuminati symbolism or Freemason symbolism. When we say “Illuminati”, are we actually referring to Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Ordo Templi Orientus, or maybe, ourselves? We know that there is a shadow power that guides humanity and writes history to forever forget their heinous acts of genocide but, we must come together on who are the Illuminati. Is it the Council on Foreign Relations or the Royal Institute of International Affairs? How much do you know about The Round Table Group? Did Freemasonry create Zionism?

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Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Rewriting History, Avoiding Catastrophe and Bridging the Gap Between Science and Religion. Epic Brain Melting Podcast with Randall Carlson and Michael Nelson.

Via Midwestreal.net http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/049_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/050_Randall_Carlson_SGI_Midwest_Real.mp3 Every night we go to bed taking it for granted that tomorrow will come. Worst case scenario, our heart will give out and we won’t wake up. But, what if that wasn’t the worst case scenario? As we speak, massive chunks of instant extinction are flying by the vessel we inhabit at preposterous speeds. If one […]

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