Tag: cosmic tusk

Book Review: Prehistory Decoded By Dr. Martin Sweatman – Cosmic Tusk

Book Review: Prehistory Decoded By Dr. Martin Sweatman – Cosmic Tusk

‘Tour de Force of the Scientific Method’ Dr. Sweatman’s blog Any follower of Catastrophism the last few years has seen extraordinary confirmations of ancient cataclysm and novel contributions to our way of thinking. To the Tusk, three revelations have characterized the period: The discovery of an extraordinarily youthful late Pleistocene crater in Greenland; a series of popular, comprehensive and unrefuted […]

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Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Science News Questions Science (RE: Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis)

Via CosmicTusk.com I was about ten when my mom bought a Science News subscription for the Tusk. Week after week the thin, frequent, small format publication filled my desk, and ultimately the floor of my room. The rush of science coverage came so quickly I sometimes felt guilty as a little guy for not reading every article. So, to an […]

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Chandra Wickramasinghe on the NASA Mars Announcement – Cosmic Tusk

Chandra Wickramasinghe on the NASA Mars Announcement – Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com Chandra Wickramasinghe on the NASA Mars Announcement – Cosmic Tusk Panspermia increasingly vindicated. The Tusk is honored to maintain a digital acquaintance with distinguished Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, who in the 1970’s with Sir Fred Hoyle established — and to my mind proved empirically — the theory of Panspermia. We had been corresponding concerning the jaw dropping recent genetic […]

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An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com Paleolithic Extinctions and the Taurid Complex (2010) Centaurs as a Hazard to Civilization (2015) Excerpted from Wolbach et. al (2018) Astronomical Hypothesis for the YDB Impact Event Regarding the probability of a swarm of cometary fragments hitting the Earth, Boslough et al. (2013) claimed that the YDB event is “statistically and physically impossible,” whereas Napier et al. (2013) […]

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The banner image above is Comet 73/P Schwassman-Wachmann fragmenting in orbit

Napier: Not So Fast Bos…. – The Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com ABSTRACT “Intersection with the debris of a large (50-100 km) short-period comet during the Upper Palaeolithic provides a satisfactory explanation for the catastrophe of celestial origin which has been postulated to have occurred around 12900 BP, and which pre-saged a return to ice age conditions of duration 1300 years. The Taurid Complex appears to be the debris of […]

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