Tag: D.M.T

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

DMT & The Myth of Osiris – RN Vooght

Osiris is synonymous with the Lifeblood or Sap of the Acacia.Osiris is also synonymous with the constellation of Orion.A simple 2D rendition of the molecular structure of DMT shares an almost unbelieveable wealth of commonalities with the constellation of Orion.As Above So Below.Could the Myth of Osiris be an ancient axiom for DMT and where in our world we find it?

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Spirit Molecules: Significance of Numbers 6 & 5 – Bard Code

Spirit Molecules: Significance of Numbers 6 & 5 – Bard Code

Learn how the connection of pentagonal and hexagonal geometry lays the foundation for spirit molecules, gateways and other transformational chemical catalysts.
From D.M.T to D.N.A the sacred geometrical patterns linking heaven and earth are dependent on this geometric connection.

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P.D. Newman – Angels in Vermillion – D.M.T Freemasonry and John Dee

P.D. Newman – Angels in Vermillion – D.M.T Freemasonry and John Dee

  Natural Born Alchemist presents – Episode 290: Angels in Vermilion https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/natural-born-alchemist-pd-newman-episode-290″/> In this episode we are going to discuss psychedelics and alchemy with author, researcher and freemason P.D. Newman. His latest book is Angels in Vermilion – The Philosophers Stone: from Dee to DMT. P.D. Newman is an internationally recognized author and lecturer specializing in the use of entheogenic […]

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