Tag: event

Book Review: Prehistory Decoded By Dr. Martin Sweatman – Cosmic Tusk

Book Review: Prehistory Decoded By Dr. Martin Sweatman – Cosmic Tusk

‘Tour de Force of the Scientific Method’ Dr. Sweatman’s blog Any follower of Catastrophism the last few years has seen extraordinary confirmations of ancient cataclysm and novel contributions to our way of thinking. To the Tusk, three revelations have characterized the period: The discovery of an extraordinarily youthful late Pleistocene crater in Greenland; a series of popular, comprehensive and unrefuted […]

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New Podcast!  Randall Speaks w/ the Brothers of the Serpent

New Podcast! Randall Speaks w/ the Brothers of the Serpent

Episode #090: Randall Carlson Via: Brothers of The Serpent Visit the Brothers of the Serprent website for dozens of photos w/ descriptions from Randall. We have a fantastic discussion with the one and only Randall Carlson about vulcanism, ancient mysteries, extinction events, the Younger Dryas, the Missoula Flood, Drumlins, Carolina Bays, the Great Chicago Fire, and much more! We also […]

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Randall Returns to the Conspiracy Farm!

Randall Returns to the Conspiracy Farm!

The Conspiracy Farm Ep. 86 Randall Carlson     *Right click save as* Master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar, Randall Carlson RETURNS to talk Ancient Mysteries, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Civilizations AND MORE!! https://sacredgeometryinternational.c… Contact at The Cabin with Randall Carlson – May 17-27 go to Badcomet.com for details https://stofmahub.com/collections/the… https://twitter.com/ConspiracyFarm1 Vernal Equinox/Super Moon […]

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Randall Carlson Live on Saturday June 16th, 8-9 pm.

Randall Carlson Presenting Live – Cypher – a Visionary Art Bazarre

ASOVA ( Atlanta School of Visionary Art ) we are a school of fish. Our story began in 2010. asova.org We have a show coming up, June 16th at: Healium Center INVITATIONS AVAILABLE NOW> https://www.freshtix.com/events/cypher PRE-ORDER and receive a $20 Artist Print of your choosing from one of the artists. See selection at: asova.org CYPHER – a visionary art bazarre. […]

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Robert Schoch visits The Joe Rogan Experience  Thursday 5/31/2018 (Video)

Robert Schoch visits The Joe Rogan Experience Thursday 5/31/2018 (Video)

Reposted from GeoCosmicRex.com Randall Carlson was interviewed for this article, and the author made multiple errors in her processing of the topics he was introducing. In the same issue was an article authored by regular contributor, geologist Robert Schoch, that seemed to refute Randall’s ideas without giving him an opportunity to counter. Randall has written a response so that it […]

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An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

An Astronomical Hypothesis for the Younger Dryas Impact Event Ignored by Boslough – Cosmic Tusk

Via CosmicTusk.com Paleolithic Extinctions and the Taurid Complex (2010) Centaurs as a Hazard to Civilization (2015) Excerpted from Wolbach et. al (2018) Astronomical Hypothesis for the YDB Impact Event Regarding the probability of a swarm of cometary fragments hitting the Earth, Boslough et al. (2013) claimed that the YDB event is “statistically and physically impossible,” whereas Napier et al. (2013) […]

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Randall Carlson visits the Conspiracy Farm with MMA Legend Pat Militech (Podcast)

Randall Carlson visits the Conspiracy Farm with MMA Legend Pat Militech (Podcast)

  Architect, Master Builder, Teacher Geological Explorer & Independent Scholar, Randall Carlson comes buys to break down his research on some of the MAJOR cataclysms that have impacted this planet and the INCREDIBLE evidence he has the supports and describes these events!! And MUCH MORE!! #RandallCarlson #YoungerDryas #Scablands #GrandCoulee #BlackMat #MegaFloods Support The Farm!! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… Save 33.3% off of Cosmic […]

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The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

Every culture on the planet has an oral history of the flooding of the planet; some catastrophic event that changed human existence and generated legends such as Noah’s Ark. Conventional thinking suggests that a series of glacial dams broke at times during the ice age, causing massive releases of water. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson have developed a more radical theory; that strikes from pieces of a comet or asteroids crashed into the North American ice sheet, blowing it apart and causing huge, mega-events that happened far faster than geologists will admit.

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In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

In 1883, Did Earth Narrowly Miss Comet That Would Have Destroyed All Life?

“If they had collided with Earth we would have had 3275 Tunguska events in two days, probably an extinction event.”

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