Tag: gaia

Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Randall Carlson Brilliantly Explains How Huge Ancient Events and Cosmic Cycles Are Connected

Via: Zohar Stargate Ancient Discoveries We have all been told that geological activity occurs slowly over long periods of time, punctuated by moments of upheaval. What we must understand, is that cosmic order is realized through patterns found in nature as well as the cyclical timing of major geological events. To learn more about these Cycles of Catastrophe – The […]

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Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Randall Carlson: Geometrician, Geomythologist (and All Around Mind-Blower) via The Daily Grail

Repost from DailyGrail.com While Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch & John Anthony West are undoubtedly ‘house-hold names’ in the Alt-history movement, the same might not be said of Randall Carlson. Which is a bloody, unforgivable shame. I first learned of Randall fairly recently, thanks in large part to the Podfather himself, Joe Rogan, who had him on his show The Joe Rogan Experiencelast May, and if […]

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