Tag: jasun horsley

Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge - Jasun Horsley joins AeonByte Radio

Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge – Jasun Horsley joins AeonByte Radio

Stanley Kubrick and the AI Demiurge. Stanley Kubrick is widely considered one of the greatest filmmakers. Some elevate him to a cult-leader status and consider him an exposer of authoritarianism through coded messaging. But what if Kubrick’s role is the opposite of these views? The greatest trick this devil ever pulled was convincing us he was a talented artist. Instead, Kubrick was more of a social engineer that used his films to modify our consciousness and feed an AI demiurge meant to rule over a new, technocratic age. We explore his life and movies, from 2001: A Space Odyssey to Eyes Wide Shut, to find the man behind the archon curtain.

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CryptoBeast #25 - The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley

CryptoBeast #25 – The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley

In today’s post-truth world, we are becoming inundated with fantasy fiction, alternate truth, fake news, and grossly-oversimplified, wildly-exaggerated conspiracy theories in which cryptocratic power structures and shadowy elites rule our fates. But suppose the truth is both stranger than any fiction and more nuanced and disturbing than any theory? Suppose it is not conspiracy but complicity that creates our world? […]

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Advanced Disinfo Dissemination: How "Occult" Truth Can Be Used to Dis-Empower

Advanced Disinfo Dissemination: How “Occult” Truth Can Be Used to Dis-Empower

Selected highlights from a recent conversation with Greg Moffet for Legalize Freedom: http://legalise-freedom.com/radio/jas… and: http://legalise-freedom.com/radio/jas… Related media: Support Jasun’s work via: https://auticulture.com/ SGI Fall Equinox Sale! Save 40% on our Online Classes and other Media! Save up to 40%!! 9/19 – 9/27

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Jasun Horsley, How Culture Shapers Spin Aleister Crowley |457| Skeptiko

Jasun Horsley, How Culture Shapers Spin Aleister Crowley |457| Skeptiko

Via Skeptiko.com Jasun Horsey has a razor sharp critique of how the occult has become part of our pedocracy culture. Read the entire transcript at Skeptiko.com Alex Tsakiris: [00:02:10] Welcome to Skeptiko where we explore controversial science and spirituality with leading researchers, thinkers, and their critics. I’m your host, Alex Tsakiris, and today we welcome Jasun Horsley back to Skeptiko. […]

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