Tag: jfk

JFK Assassination – A Freemasonic/CIA Ritual Sacrifice – 60 years later

JFK Assassination – A Freemasonic/CIA Ritual Sacrifice – 60 years later

From the documentary: The JFK Assassination, A Masonic Ritual: Killing of the King “Concerning the Masonic involvement in the Kennedy assassination, James Shelby Downard states, ‘mason Lyndon Johnson appointed mason Earl Warren to investigate the death of Catholic Kennedy. Mason and member of the 33rd degree Gerald Ford was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached […]

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Freemasonry Unveiled – Greg Reese

Freemasonry Unveiled – Greg Reese

“Freemasonry is hiding the one world religion – Satanism.” – Julian Childs

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The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

The Satanic Temple of Solomon and the Lucifer Spirit of Freemasonry

“The Temple of Solomon was supposedly built by demons that Solomon had summoned because the God that Solomon worshipped was the satanic god of Egypt Set which is a god of darkness and chaos and a lot of this is incorporated into Freemasonry. The Freemasons believe they are the children of Cain and Cain believe dhe was the child of teh Serpetn in the garden of Edeen of Eve and Samael or Lucifer. They refer to themeslves as Widows son, meaning that their father is the serpent in the garden of eden, their father is Samael.”

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American Moon – Did We Really Go?  Inquiring Minds Want to (G)know.

American Moon – Did We Really Go? Inquiring Minds Want to (G)know.

Has man really been to the moon? It’s been 50 years, and the debate rages on. For the firs time, a film compiles in a single piece of work, all the best evidence in favor of the moon landings and the evidence contrary to them. For the first time we can also analyze the Apollo pictures in detail, with the aid of some among the top photographers in the world. What was the Apollo project really? The biggest achievement in the history of mankind, or the biggest fakery of all times, watched on live television by more than half a billion people?

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