Tag: Magic

The Black Magician - Hyperborean Wisdom

The Black Magician – Hyperborean Wisdom

The black magician leading the charge of the horsemen of the Apocalypse is the Jew and behind him are his minions, the Freemasons. Following their leader the witless minions and corrupt masses who carry on with their drudgery, serving the War Machine of Zion as it races across the globe, harvesting souls along its bloody trek.

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Searching For Osiris & The Tree of Life w/ RN Vooght

Searching For Osiris & The Tree of Life w/ RN Vooght

Old School SGI Alumni RN Vooght sits down with the Occult Rejects and Spiritual Gangsters to discuss Magic, Sacred Geometry and their connection to altered states of consciousness and the Myths at the heart of the Egyptian Mystery school traditions.

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What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? - Robert Frederick

What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? – Robert Frederick

What is Gnosticism? Why does it lead to Scientism? – Robert Frederick

The entire series can be heard on TheHiddenLifeIsBest.com website. I highly recommend you listen to all 8 current episodes and hopefully many times, as it’s a decent chunk of material to enjoy, looking at around 9 hours give or take, but well worth it if you want to really grok and come to grips with the octupus leviathan that is global freemasonry and secret-snobriety.

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Knights of the Lion - Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Secret Societies and Hidden History – Robert Sepehr reveals the ancient lineage of Mystery Sun Cults throughout history and
provides insight into the actual author(s) of the Bible and Shakespeare in featuring Rosicrucian Francis Bacon as the most likely candidate.

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The Enochian Language - History and Analysis of the Magic Angelic Alphabet revealed to Dr John Dee

The Enochian Language – History and Analysis of the Magic Angelic Alphabet revealed to Dr John Dee

The Enochian Language as revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley is perhaps one of the most enduringly fascinating events in the history of western esotericism. In this episode I explore the origins of the Angelic or Enochian Alphabet along with historical context in which it emerged including a paleographic analysis of the nature and possible origins of the script!

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Chris Knowles | Lucifer’s Technologies & The Mk Ultra-terrestrials

Chris Knowles | Lucifer’s Technologies & The Mk Ultra-terrestrials

The great synchromystic sage of the Secret Sun blog, Chris Knowles, joins THC for his 9th time.

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Language of the Gods - ROBERT SEPEHR

Language of the Gods – ROBERT SEPEHR

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, traditionally by analyzing the interplay between sound and meaning. But how did language begin? What was the first alphabet, how and why were the first letters chosen? What was the role of religion, if any, and what is the power behind the spoken word? Atlantis, Inner Earth, Ancient Occult Mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythcq… The Great […]

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The Middle Chamber with Frater X interviews Randall Carlson

The Middle Chamber with Frater X interviews Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson spent time with Masonic radio host Frater X as part of his radio program “The Middle Chamber with Frater X” Topics discussed include: Freemasonry, occult and esoteric systems of initiation and their ultimate purpose. Authoritarianism and the state throghout the ages. The gothic cathedral building area and the connection to ancient climate change. https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/wp-content/SGI_Radio_2/WDTRG-3-6-2013-Randall-Carlson.mp3 Case Erp a Fiumicino, […]

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Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

http://youtu.be/wCfiXyzQaX8 Scott Onstott is an unexpected alchemist.  A soft spoken architect and autocad teacher by trade, Onstott has found himself called to continue in the footsteps of modern alternative historians such as Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, in pursuit of a greater Mystery, encoded in myth and mystical architecture, hidden in plain sight throughout the ages.  The revelations provided are […]

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Archaic Wisdom and Symbolism

Archaic Wisdom and Symbolism

Archaic Wisdom and Symbolism A study of the Arcanum, the profound knowledge at the core of the Western Mystery Tradition.  This program includes an examination of the Tarot and Alchemy as well as Hermetic Tradition.  This program includes an examination of the Tarot and Alchemy as well as Hermetic, Kabalistic, Gnostic, Masonic and Occult symbolism in the light of modern […]

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