Tag: michael shermer

The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

The Great Debate; Ancient Earth Catastrophes And The “Atlantis” Legend

Every culture on the planet has an oral history of the flooding of the planet; some catastrophic event that changed human existence and generated legends such as Noah’s Ark. Conventional thinking suggests that a series of glacial dams broke at times during the ice age, causing massive releases of water. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson have developed a more radical theory; that strikes from pieces of a comet or asteroids crashed into the North American ice sheet, blowing it apart and causing huge, mega-events that happened far faster than geologists will admit.

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Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Open Letter: Napier on Defant and the Joe Rogan podcast

Via: CosmicTusk.com Bill Napier sent the Tusk a note regarding Joe Rogan’s unforgettable debate-style podcast on the Young Dryas Boundary Hypothesis. His informed correction of Marc Defant’s self-styled skeptical authority on comets is priceless and instructive. A cultural genre of all-purpose professional “skeptics,” like Defant and Shermer, have emerged since James Randi kicked off their gig forty years ago. Like […]

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5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson

And if you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole… Cosmic Patterns and Cycles of Catastrophe Hours 1-2 from Sacred Geometry International on Vimeo. (Here you can see the first 2 of 4 hours of this incredible presentation) Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog post. 5 Questions About Gobekli Tepe Answered by Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson Via […]

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A history redefining conversation between Graham Hancock, Michael Shermer, Randall Carlson and Joe Rogan

Randall Carlson & Graham Hancock Return to the Joe Rogan Podcast on 5/16/17 to Debate Michael Shermer on Lost Civilizations!

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, you heard me correctly! History rewriting scholars Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson will be presenting their evidence for the cause of the Younger Dryas boundary event ~ 13k years ago. Graham Hancock summarizes the controversy brilliantly here with this excerpt from his latest article, “Why Science Should Cherish Its Rebels.” There is fierce disagreement amongst […]

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