Tag: neil degrasse tyson

#askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

#askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis

Via CosmicTusk.com #askneilnow Tusk challenges Rogan to question Tyson regarding the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis The Tusk recently appeared as a guest on the UnchartedX YouTube series. It was fun and I have a lot of respect for Ben’s work to publicize the YDIH and the Comet Research Group. But if had to do the podcast over again, I would […]

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Bow to the sciencey priesthood!

Oops! Climate Cultist Destroys Own Position

Leaving all that aside, Tyson’s best argument for bowing before the god of scientific consensus – his only argument based on reasoning rather than intimidation – is in fact the “oops” moment to end all “oops” moments for a global warming apologist. For this argument actually undermines his whole case, by justifying the core position of climate change skeptics.

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