Tag: new york times

NASA and FEMA Rehearse for the Unthinkable: An Asteroid Strike on Los Angeles

NASA and FEMA Rehearse for the Unthinkable: An Asteroid Strike on Los Angeles

Via The New York Times Imagine if scientists discovered that an asteroid was hurtling toward Los Angeles. The possibility has existed on the pages of Hollywood scripts. But in what may be a case of life imitating art, NASA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other government agencies engaged last month in a planetary protection exercise to consider the potentially […]

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This is how big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City

This is how big an asteroid would need to be to wipe out New York City

An asteroid doesn’t need to be massive to cause serious damage. The Chicxulub asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs is estimated to have been about 6 miles in diameter. That may sound like a pretty big space rock, but relative to Earth it’s pretty tiny. But what’s the likelihood of an asteroid of that size coming into contact with Earth […]

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