Tag: november

The 2015 Taurid shower produced many fireballs, or exceptionally bright meteors. Here’s another one, captured in 2015 by Jeff Dai in Tibet.

Are asteroids hiding among the Taurids?

By Eddie Irizarry in ASTRONOMY ESSENTIALS | SPACE | October 15, 2018 Via EarthSky.Org And, more to the point, are any asteroids that might be hidden in the Taurid meteor stream potentially hazardous to Earth? It’s the time of year for the long-lasting Taurid meteor shower. If you glimpse any, think about this. Last year, a team of researchers from […]

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The comet has a human skull face and has been dubbed the Halloween asteroid (illustration)

Eerie ‘death comet’ with a SKULL face will zip past Earth just after Halloween

Via: DailyMail.co.uk Eerie ‘death comet’ with a SKULL face will zip past Earth just after Halloween (but don’t worry, it will be 25 MILLION miles away) A ‘death comet’ will pass earth November 11 about 24million miles away It last showed itself on Halloween 2015 about 302,000 miles away from earth The comet has a human skull face and has […]

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