Tag: qabalah

The Qabalah part 1 - The Occult Rejects

The Qabalah part 1 – The Occult Rejects

A Ex-member of the OTO and a Ex-member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn who are fed up and disgusted how the human race is being manipulated by Magick and secret societies. In this episode they explain some of the esoteric symbolism behind the mystical Tree of Life diagram the core symbol of the Qabalah.

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Language of the Gods - ROBERT SEPEHR

Language of the Gods – ROBERT SEPEHR

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, traditionally by analyzing the interplay between sound and meaning. But how did language begin? What was the first alphabet, how and why were the first letters chosen? What was the role of religion, if any, and what is the power behind the spoken word? Atlantis, Inner Earth, Ancient Occult Mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythcq… The Great […]

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