Tag: rituals

Freemasonry Unveiled – Greg Reese

Freemasonry Unveiled – Greg Reese

“Freemasonry is hiding the one world religion – Satanism.” – Julian Childs

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Baphomet, Knights Templar, and the Aeon Sophia: Interview with Tracy Twyman – Aeon Byte

Baphomet, Knights Templar, and the Aeon Sophia: Interview with Tracy Twyman – Aeon Byte

Tracy R. Twyman is a prominent author and researcher on the occult. In Baphomet: The Temple Mystery Unveiled (coauthored with Alex Rivera), she reveals the primordial identity and origins of Baphomet, as well as the hidden truth about the Knights Templar. In the interview, Twyman ties these revelations with ancient Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Kabbalistic demons, and another arcane deity, Abraxas — pointing to the possibility of an ancient, secret ritual that brings about the end of the universe for the release of humanity’s divine spark.

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Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Secrets in Plain Sight. An Interview with Scott Onstott.

Scott Onstott is an unexpected alchemist.  A soft spoken architect and autocad teacher by trade, Onstott has found himself called to continue in the footsteps of modern alternative historians such as Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval, in pursuit of a greater Mystery, encoded in myth and mystical architecture, hidden in plain sight throughout the ages.  The revelations provided are truly […]

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