Tag: robert sepehr

Redemption Through Sin, Part 1 – Occult Mysteries 02

Redemption Through Sin, Part 1 – Occult Mysteries 02

If you are new to this type of study I recommend going back and watching the first video I did in this series on Freemasonry which is really a primer an introduction into everything this series will be focusing on. With that being said some of you might be familiar with the term Sabbatean Frankism, this type of mysticism which is shared even today by various Gnostic and Satanic sects really came into popularization by the Sabbateans of various Donmeh Jewish groups situated around the Balkans. This is a story of mysticism Revolution secrecy and blood sacrifice which would eventually spill over into something called The Armenian Genocide and the establishment of Israel. In order to make sense of this practice of redemption through sin it’s important to go to the beginning and what better place to start than the story of Sabbatai Zevi, the false Messiah of 1666, read in Baamidber Rabba c21 and Jalkut 772 of the Babylonian Talmud, he claims: “Every Jew who spills the blood of the Godless is doing the same thing as is making a sacrifice onto God.” – Sabbatai Zevi

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Subversive Origins of Communism – ROBERT SEPEHR

Subversive Origins of Communism – ROBERT SEPEHR

In 1798 the Reverend G W Snider sent Robison’s book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in a letter quote: “I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminati but never saw the book until you were pleased to send it to me it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati and principles of Jacobism had not spread in the United States on the contrary no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.” – George Washington

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Forgotten Dreams of Atlantis

Forgotten Dreams of Atlantis

According to the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a sea-faring empire situated on an island with colonies on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. About 9,000 years before the time of Plato, Atlantis allegedly attempted to conquer the whole of the Mediterranean world but was defeated by the Athenians and their allies before falling victim to cataclysms that ended the […]

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Secrets of Esoteric Christianity – ROBERT SEPEHR

Secrets of Esoteric Christianity – ROBERT SEPEHR

Esoteric Christianity is an approach to Christianity which features “secret traditions” that require an initiation to learn or understand. The term esoteric derives from a Greek word meaning “inner”, closely related to Gnosticism, and survives in a few modern churches and occult organizations.

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Alchemical Secrets of the Knights Templar – ROBERT SEPEHR

Alchemical Secrets of the Knights Templar – ROBERT SEPEHR

The Knights Templar was a religious military order of knighthood established at the time of the Crusades that took vows of poverty and chastity, but also set up a prosperous network of banks and gained enormous financial influence.

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Mystery Religion of Atlantis

Mystery Religion of Atlantis

Atlantis, when I was a boy it was still a myth. Little did I know I would be spending much of my 30’s helping popularize the gathering evidence of it having not only existed, but that it was shaping all aspects of human society today including the current global psyop of Fauxvid-1984: The Great Reset. , “You will own nothing and be happy”, says the guy who looks like he is cosplaying as a phaggy Darth Vader.

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Knights of the Lion – Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Robert Sepehr

Knights of the Lion – Secret Societies and Hidden History – Robert Sepehr reveals the ancient lineage of Mystery Sun Cults throughout history and
provides insight into the actual author(s) of the Bible and Shakespeare in featuring Rosicrucian Francis Bacon as the most likely candidate.

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Enigma of the Human Soul – ROBERT SEPEHR

Enigma of the Human Soul – ROBERT SEPEHR

“Despite the darkness, I’m still moving along the right path.” Amen Brother Robert Sepehr. I Have enjoyed sharing his work and seeing his notoriety grow. I’m happy to see anyone who is willing to take a brave stance in defense of cognitive liberty and free speech succeed. Please enjoy the above video and give Robert a comment, thumbs up and […]

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Occult Forces – Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled – ROBERT SEPEHR

Occult Forces – Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled – ROBERT SEPEHR

Forces Occultes (Occult Forces – subtitled The mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled for the first time on the screen) is a French film of 1943, notable as the last film to be directed by ex-Freemason Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy). The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch […]

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Assassins and the Lord of the Mountain – ROBERT SEPEHR

Assassins and the Lord of the Mountain – ROBERT SEPEHR

The ‘Old Man’ Hassan Sabbah, also known as ‘Lord of the Mountain’, formed an elite secret society called the School of the Hashishi (“Assassins”). Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author http://amazon.com/Robert-Sepehr/e/B00…​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atlanteangar…​ https://www.facebook.com/robertsepehr/​ https://www.facebook.com/groups/rober…​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/robertsepehr​ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMqG…​ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gk…​ Thank you for supporting Atlantean Gardens! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5703352 Save 33% on our Online Classes and Film Cosmic Patterns and Cycles […]

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When the Atlantean Empire Attacked – ROBERT SEPEHR

When the Atlantean Empire Attacked – ROBERT SEPEHR

In Greek mythology the Titanomachy, or War of the Titans, was the ten-year series of battles which were fought in between the two camps of deities long before the existence of modern mankind: the Titans of Atlantis versus the Olympian Gods and their allies.

Reclaiming Atlantean History and more w/ Robert Sepehr

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Jeffrey Epstein Sabbatean-Frankist Exposed – ROBERT SEPEHR

Jeffrey Epstein Sabbatean-Frankist Exposed – ROBERT SEPEHR

Robert Sepehr 211K subscribers Jeffrey Epstein was a billionaire and convicted s*x offender, that was involved in human trafficking for the elite on his private island, which allegedly involved ritualistic activities. 1666 Revisited – ROBERT SEPEHR https://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com… Clip used: Jeffery Epstein Murdered Suicide or Bigger Frankism Cover-up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwPg4… Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author. Please Read: 1666 Redemption Through […]

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Ancient Mystery Religion Archeology (Bill Cooper) – ROBERT SEPEHR

Ancient Mystery Religion Archeology (Bill Cooper) – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Robert Sepehr Sacred mysteries are religious beliefs, rituals or practices which are kept secret from the general public. It refers to esoteric knowledge which usually requires a formal initiation and a gradient of higher levels of belief before the concealed knowledge is revealed. Although the term “mystery” is not often used in anthropology, access by initiation or rite of […]

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Sacred Geometry of Sound, Frequency and Vibration – ROBERT SEPEHR

Sacred Geometry of Sound, Frequency and Vibration – ROBERT SEPEHR

Via Robert Sepehr Pythagorean philosophers believed that there was a close divine relationship between numbers and geometrical forms. The study of visible sound is called cymatics, and sounds actually have a distinct geometry, much like crystals, flowers and shells. Holistic Healing with Sound, Color, and Light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YO3n… A Sound Bath is defined as a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally […]

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The Search for Odin – ROBERT SEPEHR

The Search for Odin – ROBERT SEPEHR

In the pre-Christian pagan religion of the Scandinavian and Northern Germanic people, Odin is the ruler of the Aesir, the principal race of gods and goddesses in Norse mythology. Archeologist and historian Thor Heyerdahl speculated that Odin, commonly thought of today as a mythical Norse god, was a historical person who founded the Norwegian-Swedish royal dynasty. European Pre-History and the […]

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Language of the Gods – ROBERT SEPEHR

Language of the Gods – ROBERT SEPEHR

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, traditionally by analyzing the interplay between sound and meaning. But how did language begin? What was the first alphabet, how and why were the first letters chosen? What was the role of religion, if any, and what is the power behind the spoken word? Atlantis, Inner Earth, Ancient Occult Mysteries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythcq… The Great […]

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Ancient Alchemy of the Moon God – ROBERT SEPEHR

Ancient Alchemy of the Moon God – ROBERT SEPEHR

Astrotheology is a term which refers to the influence the stars and celestial bodies have on religion. The original word for Alchemy comes from Kemet, the ancient name for Egypt and from where we get our word for chemistry. While most people associate it with the transmutation of base metals into gold, its occult context has to do with a […]

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Covert Deep State Operations – ROBERT SEPEHR

Covert Deep State Operations – ROBERT SEPEHR

James Forrestal was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense. Born in New York, he was the youngest son of Irish immigrants, an amateur boxer in his youth, and later nominated to be Undersecretary of the Navy by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940, where he led the national effort […]

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Atlantean Invasions and Modern Racial Origins – ROBERT SEPEHR

Atlantean Invasions and Modern Racial Origins – ROBERT SEPEHR

An anthropological fact usually ignored is that there are notable differences in the various types of paleolithic man. The terms Cro-Magnon and “Modern Man” are used as if they were synonymous, whereas strictly speaking, they are not. All Cro-Magnons are Modern, but all Moderns are not Cro-Magnon. Western Europe was populated starting about 35,000 years ago with four Cro-Magnon invasions […]

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