Category: Space Migration

Randall Carlson: The Future of Mankind | The Cosmic Civilization

Randall Carlson: The Future of Mankind | The Cosmic Civilization

Via The Angry Hippie Excellent video here, thank you Angry Hippie for your contribution to The Great Work. Randall Carlson is a Freemason, master builder, geological theorist, and anthropological theorist. His work on Ancient Cosmology sheds new light on all mythological, religious and spiritual traditions. I believe that his name will go down in history as one of the main […]

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Russia and the US will work together to build a moon base

Russia and the US will work together to build a moon base – Yahoo Finance

Via Yahoo Finance There have been rumors that the US and Russia would be teaming up to build a lunar base. Sources within the country told Popular Mechanics that the head of their space organization, Roscosmos, was set to announce a partnership agreement with NASA this week. Now, Roscosmos and NASA have both released statements saying stating the two countries’ […]

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