October 8, 2016 at 3:24 pm

The Cosmic Origins of Halloween – Preview


Happy Halloween everyone!

Just wanted to share some related articles and videos featuring Randall Carlson explaining how the global phenomenon of the Day of the Dead came to be.

The evidence that I am going to present in this and several subsequent articles reveals what I believe to be the greatest underappreciated and unrecognized driving force in human history – the impact of the cosmic domain on the world here below. – Randall Carlson

Halloween's Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year. Photo: Ian Rutherford
Halloween’s Celtic origins mark the beginning of the Celtic New Year. Photo: Ian Rutherford

Please see also his series on The Day of the Dead here

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on the respective Day of the Dead article pages, and your questions for Randall for our upcoming Gnosis podcasts. Finally, if you could please share this material and help us bring attention this work, it is of course greatly appreciated.

Thank you and Happy Holy-daze 🙂
– Astromonk

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