Via The HigherSide Chats and DavidWMathisen
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks West Point paranormal and star myths with returning guest, David Mathisen.
When we examine the small sliver of the human story we call “recorded history”‘ and squint to make out what little we can past that, it is impossible to deny that cultures on every continent had a serious infatuation with the stars. And despite the many unknowns- the mountain of mythological stories and mysterious structures that are built upon the patterns and movements of little flickering dots of light in the night sky, prove just how serious this ancient astrological alignment obsession was to our ancestors.
From Serpent Mound in Adam’s County, Ohio to the great Giza Plateau; from Chinese mythology to the so-called “Holy Bible”, there is nearly nothing left that doesn’t tie into this persistent preoccupation with the heavens. It’s safe to say this shouldn’t be ignored and today we are going to do all we can to wrap our heads around the reasons for this celestial emphasis in everything.
After spending over two decades as a man of faith being taught by his religious authorities to take the Bible as the isolated and literal truth of the ancient world, David Mathisen has come to discover the deep star based symbolism contained within, and the Bible’s real place among a plethora of similar ancient stories and symbolic myths that had been hidden from him all those years by a system set on control rather than spiritual enlightenment.
So with a vengeance and the fiery passion of a billion suns, David has quickly become one of the most profound proponents of turning back this tide with works such as “The Undying Stars: The Truth That Unites the World’s Ancient Wisdom and Conspiracy to Keep It From You”, and his 3 volume set “Star Myths of the World and How to Interpret Them”.
Extended show notes available via The Higher Side Chats.
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