A massive dotwork mandala I drew with traditional techniques (compass and straightedge). It took five 6-8 hour sessions. I thought when it was over I’d be excited but I couldn’t look at it anymore. I was over it. The next day I got to take it all in and I was really pleased with what I’d created.
Tools I use → https://zkorvin.com/tools
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#zkorvin #mandala #dotwork
Editors note:
Greetings all,
I wanted to share with you all this incredible mandalic mural from artist Zak Korvin. It is something to behold proportional beauty, and these harmonic patterns can help us focus our energy and consciousness on the majesty of creation more easily. Hopefully connecting us to a higher-order of being, one where peace, reason, intuition, emotion and all other stimuli could be integrated, helping produce aesthetic arrest and positive states of consciousness in the observers. Clearly the order and beauty present in this design is something we could use in our daily lives, reminding us to disconnect from archontic control schemes that are based on chaos and disharmony.
I know we have a slew of talented artists in our groups and international community. If you would like to see your work featured please email me through the contact form on the site and send me examples of your art.
Also, let us know what Sacred Geometry means to you.
Personally, I see it as the unifying factor which underlies all experience. Everything is dependent on the mathematics of the universe informing all aspects of life, from implicate to explicate order and round again, faster than a hummingbird’s wings, reality continuously hums and pulses, re-presenting star dust into the infinite patterns we perceive, light reflecting through infinity. That being said, it is beyond politics and simultaneously encompasses them, therefore if we are honestly seeking to create harmony, we have to allow for divergent opinions in order to understand the great Mystery we inhabit.
On that note, I am all for the great awakening surpassing the attempted great reset of the globalist cabal, the new world order. Sovereignty must be preserved through diligent effort and I hope we could all share the best techniques for extricating ourselves as much as possible from the tyrannical overreach of ponerized statists and ‘elite’ secret society minions. Another SGI member, Benjamin Dunfee has launched a patreon documenting his own plight to achieve independence from the system.
Check him out here: Navigating Stormy Waters. We must learn to work together to declare and maintain our God given sovereign rights from those who purport to dominate and control all aspects of our existence.
About Navigating Stormy Waters
I think we are living in some serious times. They are times of big change and upheaval. Many of our cherished institutions we grew up with seem to be falling apart and losing their way. This is a cause of anxiety for most. I have been researching psychology, consciousness, permaculture, organic gardening, health, business, investing and deep politics for about 20 years. I think I have some insights and good ideas to share with people who understand that we have entered stormy waters. If you have the proper tools at hand you can captain your ship of life through the storm and back to the stable, calm shore. But to be a good captain of your ship you need the tools, knowledge and skills to guide it properly, especially if the storm is already here. We all can do this with the proper knowledge. This is what this Patreon page is about. https://www.patreon.com/navigatingstormywaters?fbclid=IwAR1tMZPHxyBgTs8rgn5m36TCuO6Sy367JeaeyDUrtigyt6rQEh54DFMaVPM
Give him a shout and see if you can collaborate in creating a better world with like minded and spirited individuals in our community. Also, check out our free speech zone, our consciousness dug-out where you are allowed to express the verboten thought crimes that make big brother shit a brick. >> Over 26k members, come get you some GNOSIS and share your own non-conformist yearnings with us at the Sacred Geometry International facebook group page. Just answer a few questions and promise not to be a concern troll. This group is for people capable of navigating reality without need for censorship ,safe spaces or other diabolical drama queen theatrics. If you can’t manage to have adult conversations, don’t bother us and don’t waste our time.
Synchronistically, resonating with the theme of navigating stormy waters, another Gnostic seeker and philosopher Adrian Charles Smith recently penned this gem of determination and grace in the face of overwhelming odds. If you are looking for inspiration and the spirit of perseverance in spite of tremendous hardship, then you will want to hear the story of this sailor who found the will to live while lost at sea. See his latest post entitled: For Those To Whom Adversity Has Dealt The Final Blow.
That’s all for now, I look forward to hearing from you and beautifying mind, body and spirit in accord with the principles of Sacred Geometry this year and forever more with you all.
Godspeed and party on.
The Astromonk
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