September 1, 2016 at 1:01 am

Earth just had a ‘close shave’ with a 180ft asteroid – and no one saw it coming



By RYAN O’HARE FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 07:34 EST, 31 August 2016 | UPDATED: 07:36 EST, 31 August 2016

[Editors note: for comparison, the asteroid that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Siberia on 2/15/13, was ~17m or ~56 ft in diameter, it exploded with the force of 30 Hiroshima bombs.]

    • Earth just had a ‘close shave’ with a 180ft asteroid – and no one saw it coming
    • Astronomers in Brazil discovered asteroid 2016 QA2 on Saturday
    • Asteroid thought to be between 80 and 180ft wide (25 and 55m)
    • The rock passed to within 50,000 miles of Earth just a day later
      That’s less than a quarter of the distance between Earth and the moon

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That’s less than a quarter of the distance between Earth and the moon.[pullquote]HOW CLOSE DID IT PASS?
Astronomers in Brazil believe asteroid 2016 QA2 passed within 50,000 miles (80,000 km)
of Earth.
For comparison, the average distance to the moon is 239,000 miles (384,000 km).[/pullquote]
Astronomers at the Sonear observatory in Brazil discovered the rock on Saturday 27th August, and estimate its size to be between 80 and 180 feet wide (25 and 55 metres).
The upper end of the range would make it far larger than the object which exploded over Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013, smashing windows and injuring more than 1,000 people.
The team at Sonear believes the asteroid has been travelling in an elliptical orbit around the sun, completing a lap of the star approximately once every 350 days.
But its orbit is more elliptical than Earth’s, sending it slightly further out from the sun – around 1.2 times the distance from the Earth to the sun.

Scientists at the Sonear observatory believe the asteroid has been travelling in an elliptical orbit around the sun, completing a lap of the star approximately once every 350 days, and bringing it so close to Earth. Still of orbit animation pictured
Scientists at the Sonear observatory believe the asteroid has been travelling in an elliptical orbit around the sun, completing a lap of the star approximately once every 350 days, and bringing it so close to Earth. Still of orbit animation pictured
moon, earth, photo
The space rock passed within 50,000 miles (80,000 km) of Earth. For comparison, the average distance to the moon is 239,000 miles (384,000 km)

A network of telescopes is trained on the skies to watch for asteroids coming within striking distance of Earth.
While the majority of these near Earth objects (NEOs) pose little real threat to us, but astronomers are closely monitoring a number which are potentially hazardous.

An object the size of 2016 QA2 – as named by the Minor Planet Center – would certainly do significant damage at the local scale, it wouldn’t be enough to wipe out civilisation.
For comparison, the rock which caused the Chicxulub crater – believed to be responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs – was about 6.2 miles (10km) across.

But the rock which hit Tunguska in Siberia in 1908, scorching forest and flattening trees across thousands of square miles, is believed to have been between 200 and 620 feet wide (60 and 190 metres).
According to, an asteroid would need to be of larger than 0.6 miles wide (1 km) to have the force to wipe out humanity.

A video released by Nasa this year revealed all of the near Earth objects being tracked. It was created using data by Neowise mission, which launched in 2009. Green circles represent NEOs. The orbits of Mercury, Venus and Mars are in blue and Earth’s orbit is in teal.

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  1. This object would cause a blast of 126,000,000 megatons.


    The largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated was the Tsar Bomba at 50 megatons.

    On the positive side, such an impact would help wash away the nonsense idea that living like Jerry Seinfeld in an 10 story loft in a metropolis completely disconnected from the food supply chain is a viable lifestyle.

    Tsar Bomba, 1961, Arctic island in northern Russia: