September 2, 2022 at 12:59 pm

Gnosis 05: William Ramsey – Exposing the Global Death Cult


This is BOMBSHELL info apparently! Both YouTube and Vimeo are globalist lackeys actively working to curtail your rights to freedom of speech and prevent the Great Awakening. Please help SGI continue to fight the good fight exposing the clown show of secret society who work on behalf of satanic forces to end the American dream and force the masses into neo-feudal peasantry dependent on social credit scores and food rations to survive. I am calling out a lot of demons, including unfortunately, some of those we thought we could trust and this has left me in financial straits for sometime. All proceeds from sales of the materials on this site will go to continuing the plight to educate, inform and expose those who seek to dominate you and your families under the guise of perfecting humanity.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
― J. Edgar Hoover

Do the numbers and dates of the events of September 11th, 2001 terror attacks have a secret meaning? Why are the numbers 11, 77, 93 and 175 extremely significant in understanding the most important event in the New Millenium? Who was Aleister Crowley and why is he important in understanding the ritualized event of 9/11?Find the answers to these questions in the riveting book Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley, 9/11 and the New World Order.

Author and researcher William Ramsey reveals the occult connections to the September 11th event, explaining in detail how the writings and ideas of Aleister Crowley influenced the earth shattering 9/11 terror attacks. This book is for the reader interested in the occult influence upon September 11th, 2001, or who wants a deeper understanding of the Western occult tradition. This book traces the life and work of Aleister Crowley and clearly indentifies the relationship of the self-styled “Prophet of the New Age” to the terror event of 9/11.

You can support William’s work here:

Music featured in this episode
Descend into Madness – Instrumental VersionSong by Lance Conrad

Related links:

September 11th: The Occult Connection – William Ramsey

CryptoBeast #25 – The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley

The Liminalist # 108: The Crowley Assignation (with William Ramsey)

Related Video:

If you would like to help this truth seeker continue to promote and produce media that can change the world for the better, please consider becoming a subscriber, making a purchase in our online store or giving us a like, a share or a kind email. Everyone who has already done so, you have my utmost gratitude. I promise to continue to fight the good fight, and share with you the information those opposed to human liberation would rather you remain ignorant of.

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