September 12, 2022 at 10:15 pm

Gnosis 07: Alex Rivera – The Sun Lady Unveiled, Baphomet and Gnostic Revelation



Alexander Rivera is the author of several books including: The Sun Lady Unveiled and co-author of Baphomet – The Temple Mystery Unveiled w/ the late great Tracy Twyman.

In this episode we discuss all things Gnosis, questions raised include:

Who were the Ophite Gnostics? Who were the Orphite Gnostics? Is YHVH good or evil and what of the Demiurge? Does it just depend on who you ask?

Are we capable of overcoming the chains of fate and the overseeing archons?

Were the Templars engaged in pederast rituals involving beastiality, blood sacrifice and cannibalism or is it all a rumor concocted by ‘unhinged’ conspiracy theorists?

These and more questions are considered and hopefully our discourse will provide a little insight into the beliefs and rituals of the ancient Gnostics for you.

You can check out his website, which spans different topics regarding comparative mythology, the Holy Grail, Esoterica, the Apocrypha, and the Bible.

He is a self-trained scholar, gathering primary sources and piecing them all together on his own or with the help of friends.

If you enjoy this presentation, please like, share and subscribe and be sure to hit the little bell so you can get our latest episodes post haste.

Gnosis – Not for the faint of heart nor weak of stomach, we put the AK back in your chAKrah points.

Godspeed and party on truth seekers.
#Gnosis #GnosisPodcast #TheAeonEye #TheSunLadyRevealed #Baphomet #KnightsTemplar

Alex’s online channels.

The Aeon Eye YouTube

Alex’s Instagram

The Sun Lady Unveiled Book on Amazon – Support Alex here!

Related Links

Breaking the Shells: An Apocalyptic Ritual Drama Analysis of Mother!

Breaking the Shells: An Apocalyptic Ritual Drama Analysis of Mother! Part II

The Gnostic Origins of Christianity

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