August 24, 2019 at 12:28 am

Greta is just a human shield for the real agenda of the people who pull her strings.


Greta is just a human shield for the real agenda of the people who pull her strings.

Neo-feudalism disguised as environmentalism. The raw lust for power and control disguised as right-on hipster activism.

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One Comment

  1. How can you post this B.S. Attention grabbing drivel full of misleading analogies, invalid associations and deceptive straw man arguments? Very disappointing for sacred geometry!!
    I believed that the beginnings of the “Greta movement” to be valid, but certainly relegated to the domain of poster paper protest without promotion from her parents and organizations that have the cash to elevate her to the world stage. To affiliate her with NBC news and GEis blasphemous self promoting web hype from this j.o. with the phony British accent, Paul J.O. what’s his name…please do better S.G.!