March 2, 2012 at 6:42 pm

Lunar Mysteries


Lunar Mysteries

The Moon in ancient lore, modern science and occult wisdom.  This is one of Randall’s most remarkable presentations.  We will say no more about it here.



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  1. How do I get ahold of a the presentation? It’s not on you-tube and I can’t find it anywhere

  2. And when will it be available?

  3. When will the moon mysteries book be available?

  4. This is one Im anxiously waiting for! Any estimate when more will be available ?

  5. Hay, get it together guys. You have a corner on the market where this information is concerned. You have enough on the site to not need these teasers that lead to nothing but a flier to a gig long past. Either put up what you have or don’t show it at all. This is a tease with no substance.

  6. when is this going to be available to watch?

  7. So is there any content here? Am i missing something?

  8. I would still love to see some substance and direction on this page.

  9. Is it still coming soon?

  10. Still awaiting content?