Michael Schneider – Constructing The Universe. Red Ice Radio, interview by Henrik Palmgren (July 2010) – theduderinok’s archive – – We look into numbers, structure, patterns, geometry, math and how the universe is constructed using the most simple yet energy efficient means. We’ll discovering the geometric code of nature with Michael S Schneider, author of “A Beginner’s Guide to Construction the Universe – the Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science – A Voyage from 1 to 10”. Michael S. Schneider is an educator and writer who encourage a “love of learning” through an appreciation of mathematics, nature, art and science. He holds workshops for teachers, artists, architects, and children on natures numerical language. He has a bachelors of science degree in mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and a Master’s Degree in Math Education from the University of Florida. He was a Fulbright-Hayes Scholar in India and taught in public schools for eleven years. Topics Discussed: The Mathematics of Nature, Energy Conserving Construction, Nature, Art, Human, Archetypal Patterns, Circle, triangle, Trinity, Math, Geometry, Art, Architecture, Proportions, Ancient Egypt, Why are we attracted to certain shapes and patters, harmonious proportions, modern architecture, 11 the Daath in Kabala, Digital Root, 1 and 2 Giving Birth to Numbers, 3,6 & 12, 4, 5 and 10 Life Numbers, 7,9,11 Numbers of Mystery, Wisdom, Matter, Pattern, Platonic Solids, The Heart of Every Atom, Pentagram, Golden Ration, Spiral, Fibonacci Numbers, Holographic, Fractal, Proportions, Fractal Plants, Romanesco Broccoli, Energy, Photosynthesis, Circle, Sacred Architecture, Religion, Seven, Islamic Art, Cathedrals, Corporate Logos, Manipulation, Church, Attraction to Sacred Shapes and more.
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