September 28, 2019 at 3:08 am

Randall Carlson – Climate Change Compendium- BANNED BY YOUTUBE


Thank you to the Information Warfare for making these! These videos have been scrubbedy from YouTube

Via Information Warfare

Stop blaming humanity! Climate change is NOT man-made! This is the REAL Inconvenient Truth.

Graham Hancock talks about the massive comet impact that caused this massive climate change that happened 12,800 years ago.

Randall Carlson walks us through the evidence of climate change found in oxygen isotopes in Greenland. Randall also replies the climate critics.

Click here to watch PART 1:

Watch the entire interview here:

Graham Hancocks website:
Randall Carlsons website:

Click the 1/7 icon in the upper right corner of the video player to choose from the videos in the playlist.

Enjoy a series of clips from Randall Carlson’s Joe Rogan appearances where the focus is his perspective on climate and earth change.

Thank you to everyone who edited these videos together.


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  1. Randall, you are (by far) the person that I respect the most, intellectually speaking. Your voice is an oasis of wisdom in this hard and ignorant world.

  2. looking forward to Kosmographia Episode 2. i had to listen to all your podcasts online multiple times but i am starting to understand the information. thank you for synthesizing and sharing this info. I would like to see you and neil degrasse tyson together on JRE to discuss mining asteroids and protecting earth from impacts. that would be an epic podcast!

  3. Fantastic thought provoking interviews with Randall Carlson.

    • His thoughts are important, but secondary. His main strength resides in the verifiable data he provides us with. That is not “provoking”, that is PURE FACT!

  4. This is great! Any idea on when you’re going back on Joe’s show? This would be a great time to discuss the climate crisis hoax!

  5. November 5, 2019

    Source: The Bioscience Journal of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE of BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES.
    A new report by 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines warns that the planet “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency,” and provides six broad policy goals that must be met to address it.
    Who are you going to believe 11,000 scientists or a POT SMOKING FREEMASON?

  6. November 5, 2019 Source: The Bioscience Journal of the AMERICAN
    INSTITUTE of BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. A new report by 11,258 scientists in 153 countries from a broad range of disciplines warns that the planet “clearly and unequivocally faces a climate emergency,” and provides six broad policy goals that must be met to address it.
    Who are you going to believe 11,000 scientists or Randall Carlson?

    • So you got 11,258 v Randall Carlson,well why dont you bring one of them,to face Randall one on one.Bring it!

    • If you actually bothered to listen to any of Randall’s talks or any of the literature he cites you would see that he is not denying climate change. He simply is stating that we are over emphasizing the human impact of climate change and that there are also fluctuations in the climate that are out of our control. I have seen and heard him say that what we are doing to the planet is not right and we need to change. People always try to paint Randall as a climate change denier. That is not what he is saying at all but most people never take the time to listen to him formulate his arguments in full, but instead listen to click-bait articles with snippets taken out of context.

  7. Nov 25, 2019 (Reuters) – Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a new record in 2018, exceeding the average yearly increase of the last decade and reinforcing increasingly damaging weather patterns, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Monday.