March 24, 2017 at 6:14 am

Randall Carlson on Coast to Coast Am! 4 Hours of Game Changing Info!



Live Nightly 1am – 5am EST / 10pm – 2am PST

Master builder and architectural designer, geological explorer and renegade scholar, Randall Carlson has four decades of research and exploration into the interface between ancient mysteries and modern science. Joining Jimmy Church (email), they’ll discuss his research into Earth changes and catastrophic events as well as ancient mythology, astronomy, paleontology, symbolism, sacred geometry and architecture. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half.

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One Comment

  1. Here’s your grail right here, just look at the cover of the Heretic’s Guide to Reality; it’s literally a holy grail that says H Greal. This is the “high science” you mentioned in hour three, and you can also hear a ninety-minute interview I did on The Grimerica Show #211, and there’s the facebook page . But as far as the Actual Grail, the “high science,” I’m begging you, look at this!